Researcher Profile Statistics: Lakić, Iva

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Geo Map
Region #
NA - North America 449
EU - Europe 212
AS - Asia, other 180
OC - Oceania 22
AF - Africa 8
Unknown 36
Total 907
Country #
US - United States of America 447
SG - Singapore 158
RS - Serbia 128
IE - Ireland 30
AU - Australia 21
DE - Germany 21
RU - Russian Federation 15
CN - China 14
NL - Netherlands 7
DZ - Algeria 3
other - Other Country 63
Total 907
City #
Boardman 127
Belgrade 118
Chandler 73
Singapore 49
Dublin 30
Tappahannock 14
Hanover 12
Brisbane 10
Melbourne 10
Mission Viejo 8
other 456
Total 907
Most viewed items #
ID: 360 - The effect of fasting on the neuronal Fto expression and intracellular localisation in rat brain 51
ID: 276 - Fructose-rich diet and walnuts supplementation differentially regulates hypothalamic and hippocampal glucose transporters expression 44
ID: 7416 - High-fat diet-induced obesity does not affect hypothalamic insulin expression in Wistar rats 39
ID: 6327 - Chronic intake of dietary palm oil induces obesity without disrupting hypothalamic insulin sensitivity 35
ID: 7542 - The Effects of Long-Term Palm Oil Intake on Inflammatory and Oxidative Status in the Rat Hypothalamus 29
ID: 7571 - Effects of meldonium on thioacetamide-induced hepatotoxicity in Wistar rats 28
ID: 5458 - The effects of a meldonium pre-treatment on the sepsis-induced rat heart injury 25
ID: 6323 - The Effects of a Meldonium Pre-Treatment on the Course of the LPS-Induced Sepsis in Rats 24
ID: 7561 - Molekularne osnove metaboličkih promena u benignim i malignim oboljenjima prostate 24
ID: 5647 - Biologija za 5. razred 21
ID: 7134 - The Expression of Insulin in the Central Nervous System: What Have We Learned So Far? 21
ID: 8231 - Rat brown adipose tissue thermogenic markers are modulated by estrous cycle phases and short-term fasting 20
ID: 281 - Uticaj kratkotrajnog gladovanja na glukoznu homeostazu u hipotalamusu pacova 19
ID: 4258 - Biologija 8, udžbenik za osmi razred osnovne škole 17
ID: 5194 - Rat brown adipose tissue thermogenic markers are modulated by estrus cycle phases and short term fasting 17
ID: 5672 - Hypothalamic insulin expression remains unaltered after short-term fasting in female rats 17
ID: 7568 - Uticaj biološki aktivnih supstanci dostupnih u prirodi u sprečavanju i lečenju uroloških bolesti 17
ID: 4975 - Effect of short-term fasting on distribution of activated insulin receptor in somatotrophs during diestrus and proestrus 14
ID: 290 - The Effect of Long-Term High-Dose Coconut Oil Supplementation on Rat Liver and Serum Lipids 13
ID: 4255 - Biologija 7, udžbenik za sedmi razred osnovne škole 13
ID: 5436 - The Effects of a Meldonium Pre-Treatment on the Course of the Faecal-Induced Sepsis in Rats 13
ID: 6328 - Uticaj dugoročne ishrane obogaćene fruktozom i suplementacije orasima na energetsku homeostazu mrkog masnog tkiva 13
ID: 282 - Uticaj akutne i ponavljane agregacije na sadržaj hormona rasta, prolaktina, TSH, leptina i adiponektina u hipofizi pacova 12
ID: 39 - Short-term fasting promotes insulin expression in rat hypothalamus 12
ID: 4608 - Insulin signaling in the hypothalamus of 5XFAD mice as an animal model of Alzheimer’s disease 12
ID: 443 - The combined effect of physiological and physical stressors on uncoupling protein activity and monoamine oxidase A activity in rat brown adipose tissue 11
ID: 5441 - Fructose‐rich diet and walnut supplementation differently regulate rat hypothalamic and hippocampal glucose transporters expression 11
ID: 6325 - Combination of chronic stress with fructose diet increases AMP-activated protein kinase phosphorylation and affects agouti-related protein and proopiomelanocortin expression in the hypothalamus of male Wistar rats 11
ID: 26 - The effect of ascorbate supplementation on the activity of antioxidative enzymes in the rat hypothalamus and adrenals 10
ID: 286 - Short-term fasting increases the levels of glucose transporters in the male rat hypothalamus 10
ID: 41 - Morphofunctional parameters of rat somatotrophes after acute and repeated immobilization or restraint stress 10
ID: 5440 - The influence of oral vitamin C intake on its tissue distribution 10
ID: 5461 - Short-term fasting does not affect hypothalamic insulin expression in female rats 10
ID: 288 - The effect of prenatal mild unpredictable stress on the expression of monoaminoxidase А, beta 1 and 2 adrenergic receptors in the heart of adult female rat 9
ID: 291 - The Effect of Long-Term High-Dose Coconut Oil Supplementation on Rat Glucose Homeostasis 9
ID: 364 - Fasting induced cytoplasmic Fto expression in some neurons of rat hypothalamus 9
ID: 365 - Vasopressin turnover in the hypothalamus of rats exposed to low and high ambient temperature 9
ID: 447 - Effect of short term fasting on hypothalamic insulin expression and signaling 9
ID: 73 - The effect of vasopressin 1b receptor (V1bR) blockade on HPA axis activity in rats exposed to acute heat stress 9
ID: 74 - Fasting Induced Cytoplasmic Fto expression in Some Neurons of Rat Hypothalamus 9
ID: 17 - Sex–related effects of prenatal stress on region-specific expression of monoamine oxidase A and β adrenergic receptors in rat hearts 8
ID: 366 - Specific regulation of ACTH secretion under the influence of low and high ambient temperature applied acutely or intermittently 8
ID: 378 - Effects of various fasting periods on serum, pituitary and hypothalamic leptin levels in rats 8
ID: 5459 - Lipidomics as a Novel Tool in Cardiovascular Research 8
ID: 63 - The effect of acute heat exposure on rat pituitary corticotroph activation: The role of vasopressin 8
ID: 70 - Distinct and combined effects of acute immobilization and chronic isolation stress on MAO activity and antioxidative protection in the heart of normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats 8
ID: 289 - Hypothalamic insulin expression increases after the short-term fasting 7
ID: 293 - Effects of Chronic Unpredictable Mild Stress and Fructose Diet on Glucose Transporters and Insulin Receptor Expression in the Rat Hypothalamus 7
ID: 294 - The effect of physical and psychological stressors on galanin content in the rat heart 7
ID: 34 - Stress-specific changes of galanin and PACAP expression in the rat hypothalamus and adrenal gland 7
ID: 377 - The role of hypothalamic catecholamines in stress hormone release in rats exposed to acute cold 7
ID: 442 - The effect of acute and chronic stress on UCP-1 concentration and MAO-A activity in brown adipose tissue in spontaneously hypertensive Wistar Kyoto rats 7
ID: 57 - The effect of fasting on the diurnal rhythm of rat acth and corticosterone secretion 7
ID: 61 - The influence of vitamin E supplementation on the oxidative status of rat liver 7
ID: 69 - Time-dependent effects of starvation on serum, pituitary and hypothalamic leptin levels in rats 7
ID: 72 - Specific regulation of ACTH secretion under the influence of low and high ambient temperature-The role of catecholamines and vasopressin 7
ID: 131 - Single and combined effects of acute and chronic non-thermal stressors on rat interscapular brown adipose tissue metabolic activity 6
ID: 136 - Distinct vasopressin content in the hypothalamic supraoptic and paraventricular nucleus of rats exposed to low and high ambient temperature 6
ID: 358 - The role of vasopressin in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activation during thermal stress 6
ID: 162 - Time-dependent effects of starvation on pituitary, hypothalamic and serum prolactin levels in rats: Comparison to the galanin expression pattern 5
ID: 292 - Short-term fasting differentially regulates hypothalamic and hippocampal insulin levels 5
ID: 37 - Food For Thought: Short-Term Fasting Upregulates Glucose Transporters in Neurons and Endothelial Cells, But Not in Astrocytes 5
ID: 444 - The effects of various fasting periods on the ACTH and corticosterone secretion in Wistar rats 5
ID: 4609 - Short-term fasting increases insulin and phosphorylated ERK1/2 content in rat hypothalamus 5
ID: 62 - The influence of vitamin E supplementation on the oxidative status of rat interscapular brown adipose tissue 5
ID: 67 - Novel acute stressor effects on interscapular brown adipose tissue sympathetic inervation and UCP-1 Content In Chronically Isolated And Spontaneously hypertensive rats 5
ID: 68 - Vasopressin modulates hypothalamo-pituitary activity by paracrine action during acute and chronic immobilization stress in rats 5
Total 907
Most type viewed #
ID: all - 0
ID: other - 0
ID: journal - 263
ID: conference - 577
ID: patent - 0
ID: book - 67
ID: dataset - 0
ID: selected - 0
Total 907

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2023 04 1705955 31488439 55134 580
2024 10039 3215600 0000 00 327
Ever 907