Organization Unit Statistics: Chair of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

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Geo Map
Region #
NA - North America 6721
AS - Asia, other 3220
EU - Europe 2024
OC - Oceania 275
AF - Africa 31
SA - South America 13
Unknown Continent - Not applicable 1
Unknown 679
Total 12964
Country #
US - United States of America 6697
SG - Singapore 1748
CN - China 1346
RS - Serbia 1135
AU - Australia 271
DE - Germany 225
IE - Ireland 127
FR - France 89
RU - Russian Federation 86
NL - Netherlands 63
other - Other Country 1177
Total 12964
City #
Boardman 2408
Belgrade 962
Chandler 842
Singapore 735
Huangpu 234
New York 164
Shanghai 150
Lijiacun 135
Dublin 120
Brisbane 112
other 6675
Total 12537
Most viewed items #
ID: 3035 - A comparison of the properties of Sox-3 with Sry and two related genes, Sox-1 and Sox-2 643
ID: 3038 - Campomelic dysplasia and autosomal sex reversal caused by mutations in an SRY-related gene 456
ID: 1820 - Biological control of plant pathogens by Bacillus species 166
ID: 6276 - Od forenzičke genetike do forenzičke genomike: Iza kulisa tradicionalnog DNK profila 161
ID: 8623 - Longitudinal analysis of CTG repeat somatic instability in myotonic dystrophy type 1 patients 103
ID: 8558 - Characterization of plant growth-promoting seed-borne endophytes, associated with mustard, basil, and lettuce seeds 99
ID: 6275 - Distribution of Y-chromosome haplogroups in Serbian population groups originating from historically and geographically significant distinct parts of the Balkan Peninsula 94
ID: 8622 - evolutionizing Spinal Muscular Atrophy Prevention in Serbia: Implementing a Mandatory Statewide Newborn Screening 64
ID: 6192 - Clinical score for early diagnosis of myotonic dystrophy type 2 62
ID: 6290 - Identifikacija skeletnih ostataka iz 14. veka pronađenih u nekropoli na teritoriji Stare Hercegovine 58
ID: 7483 - Mutation rates of 22 autosomal STR loci in a European population from central Balkan, Republic of Serbia 57
ID: 7618 - Characterization of the rhizobiome’ bacteriobiota of different Artemisia species and analysis of the biocontrol potential of autochthonous endophytes and plant extracts 52
ID: 6288 - Uticaj protoka vremena na kvalitet DNK profila DNK izolovane sa različitih vrsta opušaka 50
ID: 6298 - Developing reversible immuno-affinity capture for extracellular vesicles purification 50
ID: 7485 - Genetic risk factors in patients with Myasthenia gravis 49
ID: 7486 - One year of newborn screening for spinal muscular atrophy – results of a Serbian pilot project 49
ID: 7637 - Secondary metabolites of Pseudomonas and Bacillus species in plant disease management 49
ID: 7023 - Neonatal screening (NBS) for spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) in Serbia – first results 48
ID: 7635 - Maize bacteriobiota and the use of bacterial formulations and smart compost systems in sustainable agriculture 48
ID: 6221 - Myotonic Dystrophy Type 2 and Autoimmune Diseases 47
ID: 7414 - Diatom and bacteria assemblages in saline habitats (Vojvodina, Serbia) 47
ID: 6010 - Biofilm constituents as deteriogens of ancient Roman monument Mitrej above Rožanec (Slovenia) 45
ID: 6279 - Differentiation of Cannabis subspecies by THCA synthase gene analysis – an overview and update 44
ID: 7089 - Rhizobacteria associated with Miscanthus x giganteus improve metal accumulation and plant growth in the flotation tailings 44
ID: 5549 - Bioactivities of Salvia nemorosa L. inflorescences are influenced by the extraction solvents 41
ID: 2589 - Identification of a broad spectrum of mammalian and avian species using the short fragment of the mitochondrially encoded cytochrome b gene 40
ID: 7415 - The chemical composition of the secretions, their antibacterial activity, and the pygidial gland morphology of selected European Carabini ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) 40
ID: 7484 - Effect of enriched environment on serotonin and RNA editing of serotonin 2C receptor is specific for brain regions and mouse strains 40
ID: 8439 - A genetic history of the Balkans from Roman frontier to Slavic migrations 40
ID: 5448 - Retinoic acid affects basic cellular processes and SOX2 and SOX18 expression in breast carcinoma cells 39
ID: 6486 - A treatise about reliability in dating events of evolutionary history of brown trout Salmo cf. trutta (Actinopterygii) at Western Balkans: Impassable barriers, isolation of populations and assistance of geological timeframe 39
ID: 7755 - Genetic predisposition of suicidal behavior: variants in GRIN2B, GABRG2, and ODC1 genes in suicide attempt and completed suicide in two Balkan populations 39
ID: 2882 - Integrating archaeobotany, paleogenetics and historical linguistics may cast more light onto crop domestication: The case of pea (Pisum sativum) 38
ID: 8019 - Pathobiome and Microbial Community Shifts Associated with Vegetable, Fruit, and Cereal Crops (Chapter 9) 38
ID: 8452 - Enhancement of propolis food preservation and functional ingredient characteristics by natural eutectic solvents extraction of phytochemicals 38
ID: 6289 - Genetička analiza 12 Х-STR lokusa u populaciji Roma sa teritorije Republike Srbije 37
ID: 7411 - Pseudomonas spp. in biocontrol of crown gall disease: new approaches 37
ID: 7757 - Neurofilament as a biomarker of response to genetically designed therapies for spinal muscular atrophy 36
ID: 6194 - CpG sites surrounding DMPK expansions are heterogeneously methylated in myotonic dystrophy type 1 patients with variant repeats 35
ID: 7632 - Microbiota of the ancient Roman limestone monument Mitrej 35
ID: 7636 - Biocta: Novel approach to biocontrol of recently described plant tumorogenic Rhizobium spp. using autochthonous microbial solutions 35
ID: 7756 - Identification of potentally causal variants for myasthenia gravis: a bioinformatics-driven fine-mapping approach combined with genetic association study 35
ID: 8450 - Insights into Endophytic and Rhizospheric Bacteria of Five Sugar Beet Hybrids in Terms of Their Diversity, Plant-Growth Promoting, and Biocontrol Properties 35
ID: 8635 - Plant microbiomes: from diversity to healthy crops 35
ID: 6218 - Analysis of circulating myomiRs as potential biomarkers of progression of muscular impairment in myotonic dystrophy type 1 patients 34
ID: 6282 - Marker porekla kao adut u forenzičkim analizama DNK u kompleksnim slučajevima iz perspektive Y hromozoma 34
ID: 6294 - Redesigned pMAL expression vector for easy and fast purification of active native antimicrobial peptides 34
ID: 6629 - - vB_AbaM_ISTD carries 5-HmdU and a novel “jumbo” nucleoside instead of thymidine 34
ID: 7482 - Association of PRMT6, PEX10 and SOX5 genetic variants with idiopathic male infertility: Evidence from North Macedonian population and an updated meta-analysis 34
ID: 7628 - The pygidial gland secretion of Laemostenus punctatus (Coleoptera, Carabidae): a source of natural agents with antimicrobial, anti-adhesive, and anti-invasive activities. 34
ID: 6127 - Chemical engineering methods in analyses of 3d cancer cell cultures: hydrodynamic and mass transport considerations 33
ID: 7629 - Biocorrosion, biofouling and health risk: biological activity reaction tests of selected brackish groundwater occurrences in Serbia 33
ID: 8142 - Biocontrol potential of bacteriobiota and extracts of some wild growing Centaurea species 33
ID: 6011 - Pseudomonas spp. vs. tumorigenic rhizobium sp. – biocontrol of crown gall disease 32
ID: 6018 - Biocontrol of black rot on autochthonous cabbage cultivar ‘Futoški’ 32
ID: 6079 - Lokus CTLA4 je asociran sa rizikom za razvoj rane forme miastenije gravis u populaciji Srbije 32
ID: 6122 -  LTBP4, SPP1, and CD40 Variants: Genetic Modifiers of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Analyzed in Serbian Patients 32
ID: 6153 - Repertoar gena sekretornih sistema Tip III i Tip VI u genomu Pseudomonas syringae P21 32
ID: 8374 - Potential application of green extracts rich in phenolics for innovative functional foods: Natural deep eutectic solvents as medium for isolation of biocompounds from berries 32
ID: 6076 - Predikcija pokušaja samoubistva pomoću algoritama nadgledanog mašinskog učenja 31
ID: 6080 - Uticaj obogaćene sredine na editovanje serotoninskog receptora 2C 31
ID: 6124 - Reactive and senescent astroglial phenotypes as hallmarks of brain pathologies 31
ID: 6219 - Analysis of Phenotypic Characteristics in patients with Myotonic dystrophy type 2 31
ID: 6452 - MiR-375 and miR-21 as Potential Biomarkers of Prostate Cancer: Comparison of Matching Samples of Plasma and Exosomes 31
ID: 6818 - CpG места у околини DMPK експанзија са варијантним мотивима су хетерогено метилована код болесника са миотоничном дистрофијом тип 1 31
ID: 7412 - Influence of microbial and organic fertilizers on bacterial communities composition during key growth phenophases of maize 31
ID: 8116 - Culture-Dependent and Metabarcoding Characterization of the Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) Microbiome for High-Yield Isolation of Bacteria with Plant Growth-Promoting Traits 31
ID: 12 - Microbiota associated with pollen, bee bread, larvae and adults of solitary bee Osmia cornuta (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) 30
ID: 4332 - Association study between single-nucleotide variants rs12097821, rs2477686, and rs10842262 and idiopathic male infertility risk in Serbian population with meta-analysis 30
ID: 4765 - Isolation of Klebsiella pneumoniae Producing NDM-1 Metallo-β-Lactamase from the Urine of an Outpatient Baby Boy Receiving Antibiotic Prophylaxis 30
ID: 6291 - Genetička analiza ekshumiranih ostataka u cilju identifikacije vojvode Dimitrija Begovića 30
ID: 6700 - Association studies of genetic variant 10842262 with idiopatic male infertility in Serbian and North Macedonian man 30
ID: 6825 - Predicting suicide: serotonin presynapse dynamic modelling and machine learning approach 30
ID: 6928 - Genome Analysis of Two Pseudomonas syringae pv. aptata Strains with Different Virulence Capacity Isolated from Sugar Beet: Features of Successful Pathogenicity in the Phyllosphere Microbiome 30
ID: 7481 - The effect of epistatic interactions between genetic variants located in MicroRNA and silencing complex genes on prostate cancer progression risk 30
ID: 7768 - Outcome of a Serbian pilot initiative: spinal muscular atrophy newborn screening over a 16-month period 30
ID: 7769 - A sequencing error or the presence of heteroplasmy? 30
ID: 5066 - The microbiome of bat guano: for what is this knowledge important? 29
ID: 5552 - Phlomis fruticosa L. exerts in vitro antineurodegenerative and antioxidant activities and induces prooxidant effect in glioblastoma cell line 29
ID: 6123 - SOX transcription factors and glioma stem cells: Choosing between stemness and differentiation 29
ID: 6140 - Metabarcoding-driven analysis of bacterial and fungal communities of sugar beet phyllosphere 29
ID: 6281 - Novi uvid u genetiku naslednih perifernih neuropatija 29
ID: 6713 - Department for electron microscopy,Institute for Pathology and Forensic Medicine, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia. Monography 50 years of electron microscopy in Serbia 29
ID: 5445 - SOX Transcription Factors as Important Regulators of Neuronal and Glial Differentiation During Nervous System Development and Adult Neurogenesis 28
ID: 5571 - Affinity-based isolation of extracellular vesicles by means of single-domain antibodies bound to macroporous methacrylate-based copolymer 28
ID: 6013 - Culturable seed, root and rhizospheric bacterial diversity of the various sugar beet hybrids 28
ID: 6817 - Кластер анализа фенотипских карактеристика пацијената који болују од миотоничне дистрофије типа 2 28
ID: 6824 - Predicting suicide: serotonin presynapse dynamic modelling and machine learning approach 28
ID: 7559 - Rhizosphere microbiomes of resurrection plants Ramonda serbica and R. nathaliae: comparative analysis and search for bacteria mitigating drought stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 28
ID: 7630 - Differential abundance analysis of "core" bacteriobiota during key growth stages of maize. 28
ID: 8199 - Isolation and characterizaton of plant growth-promoting bacteria from the microbiome of Beta vulgaris 28
ID: 2407 - Analysis of association of potentially functional genetic variants within genes encoding miR-34b/c, miR-378 and miR-143/145 with prostate cancer in Serbian population 27
ID: 4321 - Methanolic Extract of the Herb Ononis spinosa L. Is an Antifungal Agent with no Cytotoxicity to Primary Human Cells 27
ID: 5115 - Antibacterial activity of herbal extracts towards uropathogenic Enterococcus isolates as a natural approach in control of urinary tract infections 27
ID: 5442 - Chemical profiling, antimicrobial, anti-enzymatic, and cytotoxic properties of Phlomis fruticosa L 27
ID: 6129 - Blue luminescent amino-functionalized graphene quantum dots as a responsive material for potential detection of metal ions and malathion 27
ID: 6296 - Copy number variants within AZF region of Y chromosome and their association with idiopathic male infertility in Serbian population 27
Total 5059

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2023 030 24323368374 434209171281 7351946 4895
2024 1326636 32238051312668 0000 00 8069
Ever 12964