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Title: Effect of enriched environment on serotonin and RNA editing of serotonin 2C receptor is specific for brain regions and mouse strains
Authors: Karanović, Jelena 
Bratkovič Tomaž
Stamenković Vera
Jasnić, Nebojša 
Milošević, Milena 
Đorđević Ana
Anđus, Pavle 
Jovanović Vladimir
Savić-Pavićević, Dušanka 
Issue Date: 2023
Rank: M62
Publisher: Serbian Neuroscience Society
Project: 451-03-39/2016-09/15/01
Start page: 46
End page: 46
Conference: 8th Congress of Serbian Neuroscience Society with international participation
Serotonin neurotransmission is sensitive to environmental stimuli. Serotonin receptor
2C (HTR2C) undergoes dynamic A-to-I editing that fine-tunes cell response to
serotonin and is altered in depressed suicide victims and by pharmacological
treatments. We aimed to explore a mediating role of Htr2c mRNA editing in response
to enriched environment and factors involved in this response...
Appears in Collections:Conference abstract

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