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Title: Phlomis fruticosa L. exerts in vitro antineurodegenerative and antioxidant activities and induces prooxidant effect in glioblastoma cell line
Authors: Stojković, Dejan
Drakulić, Danijela
Dias, Maria Injes
Zengin, Gokhan
Barros, Lillian
Ivanov, Marija
Rajčević, Nemanja 
Stevanović, Milena 
Ferreira, Isabel C. F. R.
Soković, Marina
Keywords: Phlomis fruticosa;antioxidant;antineurodegenerative;glioblastoma;prooxidant;phenolic compounds
Issue Date: 14-Feb-2022
Publisher: Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors.
Citation: Stojković, D., Drakulić, D., Dias, M. I., Zengin, G., Barros, L., Ivanov, M., Gašić, U., Rajčević, N., Stevanović, M., Ferreira, I. C. F. R., & Soković, M. (2022). Phlomis fruticosa L. exerts in vitro antineurodegenerative and antioxidant activities and induces prooxidant effect in glioblastoma cell line. EXCLI Journal, 21, 387-399.
Journal: EXCLI Journal
Despite the significant advances in drug development we are witnessing the inability of health systems to combat both neurodegenerative diseases and cancers, especially glioblastoma. Hence, natural products are comprehensively studied in order to provide novel therapeutic options. This study aimed to explore anti-neurodegenerative and anti-glioblastoma potential of extract of Phlomis fruticosa L. ...
DOI: 10.17179/EXCLI2021-4487
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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