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Title: Culturable seed, root and rhizospheric bacterial diversity of the various sugar beet hybrids
Authors: Petrović Marija
Fira, Djordje 
Janakiev, Tamara 
Mitić Danijel
Vukićević Slavoljub
Dimkić, Ivica 
Keywords: Endophytic bacteria;Microbiome;Sugar beet;Hybrids
Issue Date: Jun-2022
Rank: M34
Citation: Petrović, M., Fira, Dj., Janakiev, T., Mitić, D., Vukićević, S., Dimkić, I., 2022. Culturable seed, root and rhizospheric bacterial diversity of the various sugar beet hybrids. FEMS Conference on Microbiology in association with Serbian Society of Microbiology, Belgrade, Serbia, Electronic Abstract Book, pp. 913-914 (745).
Start page: 913
End page: 914
Conference: FEMS Conference on Microbiology in association with Serbian Society of Microbiology, Belgrade, Serbia,
BACKGROUND The plant microbiome has been recognized for direct or indirect plant growth capacities, protection of host plants against phytopathogens and ability to increase plant’s tolerance to abiotic stresses. OBJECTIVES Determination of endophytic bacterial communities in the roots and seeds of various sugar beet hybrids, including their surrounding rhizosphere in order to better understand su...
Electronic Abstract Book, pp. 913-914 (745).
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