Organization Unit Statistics: Chair of Cell and Tissue Biology

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Geo Map
Region #
NA - North America 3670
EU - Europe 2144
AS - Asia, other 1562
OC - Oceania 156
AF - Africa 26
SA - South America 3
Unknown 533
Total 8094
Country #
US - United States of America 3662
RS - Serbia 1050
SG - Singapore 988
DE - Germany 618
CN - China 536
GB - United Kingdom 305
AU - Australia 153
RU - Russian Federation 43
FR - France 22
NL - Netherlands 16
other - Other Country 701
Total 8094
City #
Boardman 1367
Belgrade 820
Chandler 546
Singapore 354
Shanghai 125
Mladenovac 100
Brisbane 69
Beijing 55
Melbourne 50
Kragujevac 49
other 4434
Total 7969
Most viewed items #
ID: 7487 - Histological changes of the skin during postembryonic development of the crested newt Triturus ivanbureschi (Urodela, Salamandridae) 969
ID: 8664 - Probiotic administration modulates alpha-SMA expression in the small intestine muscularis externa of cadmium intoxicated rats 309
ID: 8554 - Sulforaphane prevents diabetes-induced hepatic ferroptosis by activating Nrf2 signaling axis 89
ID: 6298 - Developing reversible immuno-affinity capture for extracellular vesicles purification 50
ID: 7524 - Mitochondrial metabolism in breast cancer and cancer-associated adipose tissue 40
ID: 8549 - Metabolic remodeling of visceral and subcutaneous white adipose tissue during reacclimation of rats after cold 38
ID: 1108 - The effects of long-term sucrose overfeeding on rat brown adipose tissue 37
ID: 7222 - The effect of the Satureja montana ethanol extract on the morphological changes of erythrocytes 36
ID: 5600 - Methimazole-induced hypothyroidism has no impact on pancreatic β-cell nuclear diameter. 35
ID: 5647 - Biologija za 5. razred 35
ID: 7527 - Redox and metabolic reprogramming in breast cancer and cancer-associated adipose tissue 35
ID: 7544 - Gastrin-producing G cells of gastric mucosa in dexamethasone-treated rats 35
ID: 7526 - Mitochondrial alterations in sirtuin1 heterozygous mice fed high fat diet and melatonin 34
ID: 4987 - Effects of prolonged oral intake of cadmium on goblet cells in the rat small intestine and possible protection by probiotic bacteria 33
ID: 4986 - Histological organization of the endocrine pancreas in adult Balkan crested newt Triturus ivanbureschi (Amphibia, Caudata, Salamandridae) 32
ID: 7543 - Histological, ultrastructural and stereological analyses of pancreatic islets in glucocorticoid-treated rats 32
ID: 7587 - Cytotoxic activity of extract of Helichrysum plicatum DC. on human cancer cells in vitro 31
ID: 8381 - Obim struka, sagitalni abdominalni dijametar i dimenzije adipocita abdominalnih masnih depoa 31
ID: 1930 - The bioaccumulation and translocation potential of some aquatic plant 30
ID: 6452 - MiR-375 and miR-21 as Potential Biomarkers of Prostate Cancer: Comparison of Matching Samples of Plasma and Exosomes 30
ID: 7713 - Glutamine deficiency suppresses adipogenic differentiation in vitro 30
ID: 4929 - Proinflammatory effects of environmental cadmium boost resistance to opportunistic pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus: Implications for sustained low-level pulmonary inflammation? 29
ID: 4985 - Autophagy in pancreatic acinar cells of rats fed by sucrose-rich diet 29
ID: 5598 - Stereološka i imunohistohemijska analiza somatostatinskih (D) ćelija gastrointestinalne sluzokože pacova tretiranih deksametazonom 29
ID: 5801 - Histološke analize ovarijuma i ultrastrukturne karakteristike ćelija folikularnog kanala vrste Lepidurus couesii Packard, 1875 (Crustacea, Notostraca) iz Srbije 29
ID: 1039 - Extra-insular insulin expression in rat pancreas induced by sucrose rich diet 28
ID: 1087 - Immunohistochemical study of enteric nervous system in dexamethasone-treated rats 28
ID: 4284 - Study of the defensive glands of Pachyiulus hungaricus (Karsch, 1881) (Diplopoda, Julida): morphology and ultrastructure 28
ID: 5193 - Possible protective role of probiotic bacteria on intestinal epithelium after chronic CdCl2 intake 28
ID: 5571 - Affinity-based isolation of extracellular vesicles by means of single-domain antibodies bound to macroporous methacrylate-based copolymer 28
ID: 5599 - Sucrose-rich diet does not promote fibrosis in rat pancreas 28
ID: 8430 - Makrofite u fitoremedijaciji – potencijalna primena 28
ID: 1037 - Immunohistochemical detection of leptin in interscapular brown adipose tissue of hypothyroid rats 27
ID: 1124 - Subchronic oral cadmium exposure exerts both stimulatory and suppressive effects on pulmonary inflammation/immune reactivity in rats 27
ID: 5471 - Pulmonarna imunotoksičnost kadmijuma nakon produžene oralne primene - implikacije za inflamatorne bolesti pluća 27
ID: 7589 - Fitoremedijacija-mogućnost primene na jalovištu Rudnika 27
ID: 8122 - Alterations of Antioxidant Defence in the Rat Liver in Methimazole-Induced Hypothyroidism, FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 27
ID: 892 - Effects of long-term sucrose overfeeding on rat brown adipose tissue: A structural and immunohistochemical study 27
ID: 905 - Histological and ultrastructural alterations of rat thyroid gland after short-term treatment with high doses of thyroid hormones 27
ID: 1061 - Цитолошке промене интерскапуларног мрког масног ткива пацова у условима хипотиреоидизма индукованог метимазолом 26
ID: 248 - Wild Thymus capitatus Hoff. Et Link. Chemical Composition, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of the Essential Oil 26
ID: 5201 - Effect of the Thymus lykae Degen et Jav. methanol extract on the erythrocyte membrane 26
ID: 7586 - The effects of orally administered arsenic on the number of mice cubs 25
ID: 7714 - Sulforaphane prevents diabetes-induced liver ferroptosis through activation of Nrf2 signaling axis 25
ID: 8123 - NRF2 Coordinates Redox-Metabolic Homeostasis Required for Lipid Deposition in Rat Visceral Adipose Tissue During the Re-Acclimation of Rats After Cold, FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 25
ID: 8124 - The Discrepancy Between Morphological and Functional Activation of Brown Adipose Tissue in the Absence of Functional NRF2, FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 25
ID: 8380 - Veličina adipocita visceralnog masnog tkiva abdomena i antropometrijski pokazatelji mase i distribucije masnog tkiva 25
ID: 8537 - Breast Cancer: Mitochondria-Centered Metabolic Alterations in Tumor and Associated Adipose Tissue 25
ID: 1056 - Langerhansova ostrvca u eksperimentalnom hroničnom alkoholizmu 24
ID: 1110 - The simultaneous effect of methimazole and sucrose on granules of β-cells 24
ID: 1114 - Утицај исхране обогаћене угљеним хидратима на морфолошке и ултраструктурне одлике панкреаса пацова у условима експериментално индукованог хипотиреоидизма 24
ID: 7541 - Defining the ferroptotic phenotype of beta cells in type 1 diabetes and its inhibition as a potential antidiabetic strategy 24
ID: 7799 - ACOX-driven peroxisomal heterogeneity and functional compartmentalization in brown adipocytes of hypothyroid rats 24
ID: 8231 - Rat brown adipose tissue thermogenic markers are modulated by estrous cycle phases and short-term fasting 24
ID: 8274 - Deposition of arsenic in the organs of an experimental model of male mice exposed to the maximum concentration equivalent to the water supply network of Banat 24
ID: 8278 - Fitoakumulacioni i translokacioni potencijal za metale nekih zeljastih biljnih vrsta na jalovištu flotacijue rudnik DOO “ Rudnik” (Republika Srbija) 24
ID: 8443 - Antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of wild-growing Micromeria thymifolia (Scop.) Fritisch. 24
ID: 1115 - Цитолошке промене ретроперитонеалног и гонадалног белог масног ткива пацова у хипер- и хипотиреоидизму 23
ID: 38 - The Protective Effects of Probiotic Bacteria on Cadmium Toxicity in Rats 23
ID: 5205 - Immunocytochemical localization of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) in DuchenneBecker patients’ erythrocytes 23
ID: 8233 - Epigenetic Aspects of a New Probiotic Concept-A Pilot Study 23
ID: 8289 - Metal bioaccumulation and translocation potential of species Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud on mine tailings rudnik DOO “Rudnik” (Republic of Serbia) 23
ID: 8294 - Potential changes in the estrous cycle of female mice exposed to arsenic(III)-oxide during three consecutive generations 23
ID: 8465 - Cardiometabolic Changes in Sirtuin1-Heterozygous Mice on High-Fat Diet and Melatonin Supplementation 23
ID: 1040 - Immunohistochemical localization of TNFα in interscapular brown adipose tissue of hyperthyroid rats 22
ID: 1427 - Ultrastructural features of adipocytes in the parietal fat body of Apfelbeckia insculpta (L. Koch, 1867) (Diplopoda: Callipodida: Schizopetalidae) 22
ID: 2265 - Antioxidant and antifungal activities of ethanol extracts of Libyan Salvia lanigera 22
ID: 247 - Physiological and cell ultrastructure disturbances in wheat seedlings generated by Chenopodium murale hairy root exudate 22
ID: 250 - Metal accumulation and tolerance of selected plants of asbestos tailings (Stragari) 22
ID: 253 - Trichomes of Satureja horvatii Šilić (Lamiaceae) - micromorphology and histochemistry 22
ID: 4256 - Osnovi biologije ćelija i tkiva: praktikum sa radnom sveskom 22
ID: 8227 - Novel probiotic approach affetcs circulating leptin, ghrelin and interleukin-6 concentrations in obese women 22
ID: 8291 - Bioakumulacioni i translokacioni potencijal vrste Holicus lanatus L. na jalovištu Rudnik doo "Rudnik" 22
ID: 8466 - Redox and metabolic reprogramming in breast cancer and cancer-associated adipose tissue 22
ID: 906 - Immunohistochemical evidence for the presence of a vasoactive intestinal peptide, neuropeptide Y, and substance P, in rat adrenal cortex after acute heat stress 22
ID: 1079 - Основи биологије ћелија и ткива – практикум са радном свеском 21
ID: 1112 - Possible role of brown adipose tissue in thyroid thermogenesis 21
ID: 1133 - Transkripciona regulacija razvoja i hiperplazije mrkog masnog tkiva 21
ID: 1389 - Molekulski mehanizmi strukturnog remodeliranja mrkog masnog tkiva pacova indukovanog insulinom 21
ID: 245 - Comparision of the compositions, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of essential oils from the endemic species thymus malyi ronninger and thymus lykae degen et jav 21
ID: 2505 - Bioakumulacioni potencijal nekih biljaka Brđanske klisure (Srbija) 21
ID: 5354 - Nitric oxide and hydrogen sulfide producing enzymes in the skin of hibernating ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) 21
ID: 6507 - Orally administrated Lactiplantibacillus plantarum BGAN8-derived EPS-AN8 ameliorates Cd hazards in rats 21
ID: 6857 - Integrated Redox-Metabolic Orchestration Sustains Life in Hibernating Ground Squirrels 21
ID: 7712 - Proferroptotic response to nutrient deprivation in hepatocellular carcinoma cells is related to p53 status 21
ID: 7789 - 3D in vitro model of a functional epidermal permeability barrier from hESC and iPSC 21
ID: 7795 - “Comparison of human isogeneic Wharton's jelly MSCs and iPSC-derived MSCs reveals differentiation-dependent metabolic responses to IFNG stimulation.” 21
ID: 8275 - Effect of arsenic(III) oxide on reproductive organs of female mices 21
ID: 8344 - Antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of wild-growing Micromeria thymifolia (Scop.) Fritsch 21
ID: 8379 - Subcutaneous and visceral adipocytes in normal weight subjects 21
ID: 8431 - Bioakumulacija metala u biljci Matricaria inodora L. 21
ID: 8457 - Mikromorfoloska analiza Notholaena Marantae Outgrowths 21
ID: 900 - Ossification and development of vertebrae in the Balkan crested newt Triturus ivanbureschi (Salamandridae, Caudata) 21
ID: 1038 - PDX1 expression in rat pancreas induced by sucrose-rich diet 20
ID: 1062 - Морфолошке промене митохондрија мрког масног ткива пацова под деловањем кортикостерона и сахарозе 20
ID: 4258 - Biologija 8, udžbenik za osmi razred osnovne škole 20
ID: 5194 - Rat brown adipose tissue thermogenic markers are modulated by estrus cycle phases and short term fasting 20
ID: 5667 - Feroptoza u dijabetesu i dijabetičnim komplikacijama 20
ID: 7588 - Antioxidant potential of the methanol extract of Lavandula multifida L. Serbian Biochemical Society 20
Total 3866

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2023 03 4196138179 260111240126 11151399 3771
2024 688462 1741683124472 0000 00 4323
Ever 8094