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Title: Histological changes of the skin during postembryonic development of the crested newt Triturus ivanbureschi (Urodela, Salamandridae)
Authors: Ajduković, Maja
Ukropina, Mirela 
Cvijanović, Milena
Vučić, Tijana 
Ivanović, Ana 
Keywords: Amphibia;;Balkan crested newt;;Dermal glands;;Histology;;Integument;;Light microscopy
Issue Date: 2023
Rank: M21
Publisher: Elsevier
Journal: Annals of Anatomy = Anatomischer Anzeiger
Volume: 249
Start page: 152097
Amphibian skin has been studied for many decades, especially the metamorphic changes in the skin of frogs. Less attention has been paid to salamander skin. Here, we describe changes in the skin structure during postembryonic development in a salamandrid species, the Balkan crested newt Triturus ivanbureschi.
Using traditional histological techniques we examined the skin in the trunk region of three premetamorphic larval stages (hatchling, mid larval and late larval) and two postmetamorphic stages (juvenile, just after metamorphosis, and adult).
In larval stages, skin consists only of the epidermis, which gradually develops from the single epithelial cell layer in hatchlings, to a stratified epidermis with gland nests and characteristic Leydig cells at the late larval stage. During metamorphosis, Leydig cells disappear, and the dermal layer develops. In postmetamorphic stages, skin is differentiated on stratified epidermis and the dermis with well-developed glands. Three types of glands were observed in the skin of the postmetamorphic stages: mucous, granular and mixed. Gland composition appears to be stage- and sex-specific, with juveniles and adult female being more similar to each other. In juveniles and adult female, there are a similar proportion of glands in both dorsal and ventral skin, whereas in adult male granular glands dominated the dorsal skin, while mixed glands dominated the ventral skin.
Our results provide a baseline for future comparative research of skin anatomy in salamanders.
DOI: 10.1016/j.aanat.2023.152097
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