Radović, Svetlana

Full Name
Radović, Svetlana
Radović, Svetlana R.
Main Affiliation

Results 1-25 of 49 (Search time: 0.012 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Rank | |
1 | 2024 | Insights into the response of Miscanthus x giganteus to rhizobacteria: Enhancement of metal tolerance and root development under heavy metal stress | Pesic, Mila; Radović, Svetlana ; Rakić, Tamara ; Dzeletovic, Zeljko; Stanković, Slaviša ; Lozo, Jelena | M23 |
2 | 21-Jul-2023 | Rhizosphere microbiomes of resurrection plants Ramonda serbica and R. nathaliae: comparative analysis and search for bacteria mitigating drought stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) | Lozo, Jelena ; Ristović, Nemanja; Kungulovski, Goran; Jovanović, Živko ; Rakić, Tamara ; Stanković, Slaviša ; Radović, Svetlana | M22 |
3 | 9-Jan-2023 | Influence of growth conditions on an antioxidative system in two bell pepper genotypes differing in susceptibility to phytopathogen bacteria Xanthomonas euvesicatoria | Mesaroš, Aleksandra ; Nedeljković, Marija ; Danojević, Dario; Medić-Pap, Sladjana; Stanković, Slaviša ; Radović, Svetlana ; Lozo, Jelena | M21 |
4 | 9-Mar-2022 | Genotype-Dependent Antioxidative Response of Four Sweet Pepper Cultivars to Water Deficiency as Affected by Drought-Tolerant Bacillus safensis SS-2.7 and Bacillus thuringiensis SS-29.2 Strains | Lozo, Jelena ; Danojević, Dario; Jovanović, Živko ; Nenadović, Željka; Fira, Djordje; Stanković, Slaviša ; Radović, Svetlana | M21 |
5 | 2-Jul-2021 | Future of sustainable agriculture in saline environment | Jovanović, Živko ; Radović, Svetlana | M14 |
6 | 2-Jul-2021 | Future of sustainable agriculture in saline environment | Jovanović, Živko ; Radović, Svetlana | M14 |
7 | 1-Nov-2018 | Physiological and cell ultrastructure disturbances in wheat seedlings generated by Chenopodium murale hairy root exudate | Mitić, Nevena; Stanišić, Mariana; Savić, Jelena; Ćosić, Tatjana; Stanisavljević, Nemanja; Miljuš-Đukić, Jovanka; Marin, Marija ; Radović, Svetlana ; Ninković, Slavica | M21 |
8 | 1-Oct-2018 | Patterns of herbivore damage, developmental stability, morphological and biochemical traits in female and male Mercurialis perennis in contrasting light habitats | Miljković, Danijela; Selaković, Sara ; Vujić, Vukica ; Stanisavljević, Nemanja; Radović, Svetlana ; Cvetković, Dragana | M21 |
9 | 1-Jun-2018 | Fingerprinting of the antioxidant status in Alyssum markgrafii shoots during nickel hyperaccumulation in vitro | Stanisavljević, Nemanja; Savić, Jelena; Jovanović, Živko ; Miljuš-Đukić, Jovanka; Senćanski, Jelena; Simonović, Mladen; Radović, Svetlana ; Vinterhalter, Dragan; Vinterhalter, Branka | M22 |
10 | 1-Jan-2018 | Light and sex interplay: Differential herbivore damage in sun and shade in dioecious Mercurialis perennis | Selaković, Sara D. ; Stanisavljević, Nemanja S.; Vujić, Vukica D. ; Rubinjoni, Luka Z.; Jovanović, Živko S. ; Radović, Svetlana R. ; Cvetković, Dragana D. | M23 |
11 | 1-Nov-2017 | Ontogenetic stage, plant vigor and sex mediate herbivory loads in a dioecious understory herb | Selaković, Sara ; Vujić, Vukica ; Stanisavljević, Nemanja; Jovanović, Živko ; Radović, Svetlana ; Cvetković, Dragana | M22 |
12 | 20-Aug-2017 | Light, sex and time: patterns of differential herbivory on a dioecious forest perennial | Cvetković, Dragana; Selaković, Sara; Stanisavjević, Nemanja; Vujić, Vukica ; Rubinjoni, Luka; Jovanović, Živko ; Radović, Svetlana | M34 |
13 | 19-Oct-2016 | Intraspecific variation in defense against herbivores in an understorey forb: exploring spatial and temporal patterns | Selaković, Sara ; Stanisavljević, Nemanja; Vujić, Vukica ; Jovanović, Živko ; Radović, Svetlana ; Cvetković, Dragana | M34 |
14 | 19-Oct-2016 | Differential herbivory on dioecious forest perennial: light-biased, sex-biased or both? | Cvetković, Dragana ; Selaković, Sara ; Stanisavjević, Nemanja; Vujić, Vukica ; Rubinjoni, Luka; Jovanović, Živko ; Radović, Svetlana | M34 |
15 | 25-Sep-2015 | Chenopodium murale L. hairy root exudates induce ultrastructural changes in wheat (Triticum aestivum L) seedlings | Marin, Marija; Korać, Aleksandra ; Radović, Svetlana ; Stanišić, Mariana; Mitić, Nevena; Ninković, Slavica | M34 |
16 | 1-Jan-2015 | Antioxidant activity of pea protein hydrolysates produced by batch fermentation with lactic acid bacteria | Stanisavljević, Nemanja S.; Vukotić, Goran N. ; Pastor, Ferenc T.; Sužnjević, Desanka; Jovanović, Živko S. ; Strahinić, Ivana D.; Fira, Dorde A. ; Radović, Svetlana S. | |
17 | 1-Jan-2015 | Identification of seed coat phenolic compounds from differently colored pea varieties and characterization of their antioxidant activity | Stanisavljević, Nemanja S.; Ilić, Marija; Jovanović, Živko ; Čupić, Tihomir; Dabić, Dragana C.; Natić, Maja M.; Tešić, Živoslav Lj; Radović, Svetlana | |
18 | 10-Jan-2014 | Resurrection plants of the genus Ramonda: Prospective survival strategies - Unlock further capacity of adaptation, or embark on the path of evolution? | Rakić, Tamara ; Lazarević, Maja ; Jovanović, Živko ; Radović, Svetlana ; Siljak-Yakovlev, Sonja; Stevanović, Branka; Stevanović, Vladimir | M21a |
19 | 1-Jan-2014 | Water deficit down-regulates miR398 and miR408 in pea (Pisum sativum L.) | Jovanović, Živko ; Stanisavljević, Nemanja; Mikić, Aleksandar; Radović, Svetlana ; Maksimović, Vesna | |
20 | 2014 | A simple and efficient DNA isolation for Ornithogalum L. species (Hyacinthaceae, Asparagales) | Rat, M.; Jovanović, Živko ; Stanisavljević, N.; Radak, B.; Bokić, B.; Radović, Svetlana ; Anačkov, G. | |
21 | 2014 | The effect of cooking and enzymatic digestion on phenoli ccontent of grass pea seeds flour extracts | Stanisavljević, N.; Jovanović, Ž. ; Čupić, T.; Lukić, J.; Miljuš-Đukić, J.; Radović, S. ; Mikić, A. | |
22 | 1-Oct-2013 | Extractability of antioxidants from legume seed flour after cooking and in vitro gastrointestinal digestion in comparison with methanolic extraction of the unprocessed flour | Stanisavljević, Nemanja; Jovanović, Živko ; Čupić, Tihomir; Lukić, Jovanka; Miljuš Dukić, Jovanka; Radović, Svetlana ; Mikić, Aleksandar | |
23 | 2013 | Differential response of three contrasting pea (Pisum arvense, P. sativum and P. fulvum) species to salt stress: Assessment of variation in antioxidative defence and miRNA expression | Miljus-Djukic, J.; Stanisavljevic, N.; Radović, Svetlana ; Jovanović, Živko ; Mikic, A.; Maksimovic, V. | |
24 | 2013 | The expression of drought responsive element binding protein (DREB2A) related gene from pea (Pisum sativum L.) as affected by water stress. | Jovanović, Živko ; Stanisavljević, N.; Mikić, A.; Radović, Svetlana ; Maksimović, V. | |
25 | 2013 | Differential response of three contrasting pea (Pisum arvense, P. sativum and P. fulvum) species to salt stress: Assessment of variation in antioxidative defence and miRNA expression. | Miljus-Djukic, J.; Stanisavljevic, N.; Radović, S. ; Jovanovic, Z.; Mikic, A.; Maksimovic, V. |