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Rakić, Tamara
Rakić, T.
Rakic, T.
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Results 1-25 of 53 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
13-Oct-2024Effects of lithium chloride on germination, growth, genotoxicity and antioxidant response in Brasicca oleracea var. capitata seedlingsKovačević, Milijana ; Andrejić, G.; Bojović, M.; Grdović ,Isidor ; Rakić, Tamara M34
23-Oct-2024Analysis of variations in anthocyanin concentration between blackberry speciesGrujić, Slavica ; Rakić, Tamara ; Veličković, Ivona M34
33-Oct-2024Do wild growing blackberries contain heavy metals?Grujić, Slavica ; Rakić, Tamara ; Veličković, Ivona M34
43-Oct-2024Estimation of physiological stress parameters after exposure of Miscanthus x giganteus plants to increasing Li concentrationsGrdović ,Isidor ; Kovačević, Milijana ; Andrejić, G.; Aleksić, U.; Rakić, Tamara M34
521-Jul-2024The effect of increasing Li concentrations on physiological stress parameters in Miscanthus × giganteus plantsGrdović ,Isidor ; Kovačević, Milijana ; Andrejić, G.; Aleksić, U.; Rakić, Tamara M34
621-Jul-2024Surviving mine tailings: antioxidative enzyme activities in selected plant speciesAleksić, U.; Grdović ,Isidor ; Kovačević, Milijana ; Rakić, Tamara ; Milanović, N.; Andrejić, G.M34
728-Jun-2024Rubus glandulosus – antioxidant activity of ethanol extractsGrujić, Slavica ; Rakić, Tamara ; Veličković, Ivona M34
82024Insights into the response of Miscanthus x giganteus to rhizobacteria: Enhancement of metal tolerance and root development under heavy metal stressPesic, Mila; Radović, Svetlana ; Rakić, Tamara ; Dzeletovic, Zeljko; Stanković, Slaviša ; Lozo, Jelena M23
915-Aug-2023Typha latifolia resilience to high metal stress: Antioxidant response in plants from mine and flotation tailing pondsGrdović ,Isidor ; Kovačević, Milijana ; Andrejić, Gordana; Dželetović, Željko; Rakić, Tamara M23
1021-Jul-2023Rhizosphere microbiomes of resurrection plants Ramonda serbica and R. nathaliae: comparative analysis and search for bacteria mitigating drought stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)Lozo, Jelena ; Ristović, Nemanja; Kungulovski, Goran; Jovanović, Živko ; Rakić, Tamara ; Stanković, Slaviša ; Radović, Svetlana M22
112023Potentially toxic element accumulation in two Equisetum species spontaneously grown in the flotation tailingsAndrejić, Gordana; Kovačević, Milijana ; Dželetović, Željko; Aleksić, Uroš; Grdović ,Isidor ; Rakić, Tamara M23
122023Concentration and mobility of trace elements (Li, Ba, Sr, Ag, Hg, B) and macronutrients (Ca, Mg, K) in soil-orchid system on different bedrock typesMikavica, Ivana; Ranđelović, Dragana; Đorđević, Vladan ; Rakić, Tamara ; Gajić, Gordana; Mutić, JelenaM21
136-Oct-2022Effects of high metal concentrations on antioxidant enzymes activities in Typha latifolia grown in mine and flotation tailings pondsGrdović ,Isidor ; Kovačević, M. ; Andrejić G.; Dželetović Ž.; Rakić, T. M34
146-Oct-2022Histochemical detection of Cu, Zn, and Pb in Phragmites australis growing in flotation tailings pondsKovačević, M. ; Grdović ,Isidor ; Andrejić, G.; Vukašinović, I.; Dželetović Ž.; Rakić, T. M34
15Oct-2022Orchid-soil System Relationship in the Serpentine, Silicate and Limestone bedrocksMikavica, Ivana; Ranđelović, Dragana; Đorđević, Vladan ; Rakić, Tamara ; Gajić, Gordana; Mutić, JelenaM34
16Sep-2022Efekti NPK đubriva na distribuciju Zn Miscanthus × giganteus gajenog na odlagalištu flotacione jalovineAndrejić, Gordana; Aleksić, Uroš; Kovačević, Milijana ; Dželetović, Željko; Rakić, Tamara M64
17Jul-2022Bioaccumulation of potentially toxic elements in Noccaea kovatsii and N. praecox (Brassicaceae) from different geological substrates and their physiological responses to NiMišljenović, Tomica ; Tomović, Gordana ; Rakić, Tamara ; Mišić, Danijela; Jakovljević, Ksenija M34
18Jun-2022Effects of NPK fertilization on absorption of Pb in Miscanthus × giganteus grown on flotation tailingsAndrejić, Gordana; Kovačević, Milijana ; Aleksić, Uroš; Dželetović, Željko; Rakić, Tamara M34
192022Metabolomics study of the desiccation and recovery process in the resurrection plants Ramonda serbica and R. nathaliaeGođevac, Dejan; Ivanović, Stefan; Simić, Katarina; Anđelković, Boban; Jovanović, Živko ; Rakić, Tamara M21
202022Fitostabilizacija obodnih površina jalovišta flotacione jalovine rudnika metala sa Phragmites australisDželetović, Željko; Kovačević, Milijana ; Rakić, Tamara ; Andrejić, GordanaM84
212022Uticaj bakterija rizosfere Miscanthus x giganteus na ekspresiju njegovih gena za metalošaperone i transmembranske transporterePešić, M.; Radović, S.; Rakić, Tamara ; Dželetović, Ž.; Stanković, Slaviša ; Lozo, Jelena M64
2213-Feb-2021Rhizobacteria associated with Miscanthus x giganteus improve metal accumulation and plant growth in the flotation tailingsRakić, Tamara ; Pešić, Mila; Kostić, Nikola; Andrejić, Gordana; Fira, Đorđe ; Dželetović, Željko; Stanković, Slaviša ; Lozo, Jelena M21
2322-Jan-2021Edraianthus tarae (Campanulaceae), an intriguing taxon from the Balkan Peninsula – Evidence from a morphometric and genome size studyLakušić, Dmitar ; Rakić, Tamara ; Stefanović, Saša; Siljak-Yakovlev, Sonia; Surina, BoštjanM22
2422-Jun-2020Effects of high metal concentrations on antioxidative system in Phragmites australis grown in mine and flotation tailings pondsKovačević, M. ; Jovanović, Ž.; Andrejić, G.; Dželetović, Ž.; Rakić, Tamara M21
252020Fitostabilizacija odlagališta flotacione jalovine rudnika metala zasnivanjem travnog biopokrivača sa miskantusom.Dželetović, Ž.; Andrejić, G.; Rakić, T. ; Simić, A.; Gajić, G.; Kovačević, M. M84