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Title: Effects of NPK fertilization on absorption of Pb in Miscanthus × giganteus grown on flotation tailings
Authors: Andrejić, Gordana
Kovačević, Milijana 
Aleksić, Uroš
Dželetović, Željko
Rakić, Tamara 
Issue Date: Jun-2022
Rank: M34
Citation: Andrejić G, Kovačević M, Aleksić U, Dželetović Ž, Rakić T. 2022. Effects of NPK fertilization on absorption of Pb in Miscanthus × giganteus grown on flotation tailings. in: 14th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions - book of abstracts (Eds. Ranđelović V., Stojanović-Radić Z., Nikolić D., Jenačković Gocić D.; 26-29 June Kladovo, Serbia) Department of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Niš and Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia. p 80
Conference: 14th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions
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