Chair of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Organization name
Chair of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)
Date issued
- 307 2020 - 2025
- 450 2010 - 2019
- 159 2000 - 2009
- 45 1990 - 1999
- 14 1980 - 1989
- 1 1970 - 1979
- 621 Article
- 24 Journal Article
- 13 Book Chapter
- 7 Book Chapter
- 5 Other
- 1 Book
- 1 Doctoral Thesis
- 358 With Fulltext
- 314 No Fulltext
Results 1-50 of 976 (Search time: 0.02 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Rank | |
1 | 4-Mar-2025 | Beneficial microbes in biotechnology for sustainable agriculture | Dimkić, Ivica | M32 |
2 | 20-Jan-2025 | Integrating Forensic Autopsies with Proteomic Profiling for Suicide Risk Assessment: A Comprehensive Review of Literature | Al-Habash, Ibrahim H; Alshaeb, Asma Mahmoud; Srpanova, Viktorija Belakaposka; Alempijevic, Djordje; Keckarević-Marković, Milica ; Concato, Monica; Radaelli, Davide; D'Errico, Stefano | M21 |
3 | 1-Jan-2025 | Phylogeography of Y-chromosome haplogroup I-P37.2 in Serbian population groups originating from distinct parts of the Balkan Peninsula | Srejic, Milica Mihajlovic; Tanasic, Vanja; Markovic, Milica Keckarevic; Kecmanović, Miljana ; Keckarević, Dušan | 21a |
4 | 2025 | Antimicrobial Effect of Boswellia serrata Resin’s Methanolic Extracts Against Skin Infection Pathogens | Todorović, Petar; Krstić Ristivojević, Maja; Jović, Marko; Ivković, Đurđa; Nestorović Živković, Jasmina; Gašić, Uroš; Dimkić, Ivica ; Stojiljković, Ivana; Ristivojević, Petar | M22 |
5 | 2-Dec-2024 | Genetika i iznenadna srčana smrt: postmortalne genetičke studije kao alat za identifikaciju rizika i prevenciju | Keckarević-Marković, Milica | M64 |
6 | 14-Nov-2024 | AdeABC, AdeFGH, and AdeIJK efflux pumps as key factors in tigecycline resistance of Acinetobacter baumannii: a study from Western Balkan hospitals | Novović, Katarina; Radovanović, Milica; Gajić, Ina; Vasiljević, Zorica; Malešević, Milka; Šapić, Katarina; Jovčić, Branko | M22 |
7 | 4-Nov-2024 | Fungal Deteriogens of plastic: The case of a famous red kiosk K67 from the former Yugoslavia | Stupar, Miloš ; Knežević, Aleksandar ; Savković, Željko ; Lević, Zoran; Đokić, Ivana; Ljaljević-Grbić, Milica ; Dimkić, Ivica ; Unković, Nikola | M34 |
8 | 11-Oct-2024 | Sudden cardiac death and epilepsy: is there a role for genetic evidence? | Keckarević-Marković, Milica | M35 |
9 | 8-Oct-2024 | 156P Phosphorylated neurofilament heavy chain in cerebrospinal fluid and plasma in clinically silent and childhood-onset SMA individuals from Serbia | Brkušanin, Miloš ; Kosac, A.; Brankovic-Sreckovic, V.; Jovanovic, K.; Karanović, Jelena ; Matijasevic Jokovic, S.; Garai, N.; Pesovic, J.; Radovanović, Nemanja ; Radenković, Lana ; Dobrijevic, Z.; Nikolic, D.; Stevic, Z.; Brajušković, Goran ; Milic-Rasic, V.; Savić-Pavićević, Dušanka | M34 |
10 | 8-Oct-2024 | 469P Modal allele change as a predictor of skeletal muscle symptoms progression in myotonic dystrophy type 1 | Radovanović, Nemanja ; Pesovic, J.; Peric, S.; Radenković, Lana ; Brkušanin, Miloš ; Brajušković, Goran ; Rakocevic Stojanovic, V.; Savić-Pavićević, Dušanka | M34 |
11 | 2-Oct-2024 | COMPARISON OF ADARB1 AND TPH2 VARIANTS BETWEEN SLOVENIAN AND SERBIAN CASES ON THE CONTINUUM OF SUICIDAL BEHAVIOR | Karanović, Jelena ; Katrašnik, M.; Pantović-Stefanović, M.; Brkušanin, Miloš ; Ivković, M.; Savić-Pavićević, Dušanka ; Zupanc, T.; Videtič Paska, A. | M64 |
12 | 2-Oct-2024 | Y- chromosomal landscape in Serbian population groups originating from historically and geographically significant distinct parts of the Balkan Peninsula | Mihajlović Srejić, M.; Tanasić, V.; Keckarević-Marković, Milica ; Kecmanović, Miljana ; Keckarević, Dušan | M64 |
13 | 2-Oct-2024 | METHYLATION OF CCG VARIANT REPEATS IS ASSOCIATED WITH HETEROGENEOUS METHYLATION OF CPG SITES SURROUNDING DMPK EXPANSION IN MYOTONIC DYSTROPHY TYPE 1 PATIENTS | Pešović, J.; Bashtrykov, P.; Perić, S.; Radenković, Lana ; Davidović, I.; Radovanović, N.; Brkušanin, Miloš ; Rakočević-Stojanović, V.; Savić-Pavićević, Dušanka | M64 |
14 | 2-Oct-2024 | The function of the type III secretion system in plant-beneficial bacteria | Atanasković, Iva ; Nedeljković, Marija ; Lozo, Jelena | M62 |
15 | 2-Oct-2024 | Cytotoxic and genotoxic activity of cinnamon essential oil and its emulsion | Ganić, Tea ; Tomić N.; Vuletić, Stefana ; Cvetković, Stefana ; Ignjatijević, Ana ; Anđić, Tamara ; Stevanović, Milena ; Nikolić, Biljana ; Mitić-Ćulafić, Dragana | M34 |
17 | 2-Oct-2024 | Evaluation of cytotoxic, genotoxic and ros-mediated oxidative stress caused by nanocomposite material based on resveratrol and selenium nanoparticles | Tomić N.; Stevanović, Milena ; Filipović N.; Ganić, Tea ; Kuzmanović M.; Cvetković, Stefana ; Nikolić, Biljana ; Lukač S.; Vuletić, Stefana ; Mitić-Ćulafić, Dragana | M34 |
18 | 2-Oct-2024 | The genetic variability of Roma population in Serbia | Keckarević-Marković, Milica ; Tanasićc, V.; Mihajlović Srejić, M.; Vuković, M.; Kecmanović, Miljana ; Keckarević, Dušan | M62 |
19 | 2-Oct-2024 | OUR JOURNEY FROM INDIVIDUAL EFFORTS TO NATIONWIDE SUPPORT: IMPLEMENTING NEWBORN SCREENING FOR SPINAL MUSCULAR ATROPHY IN SERBIA | Brkušanin, Miloš ; Garai, N.; Karanović, Jelena ; Nikolić, D.; Šljivančanin Jakovljević, T.; Dimitrijević, A.; Jovanovic, K.; Brajušković, Goran ; Savić-Pavićević, Dušanka | M64 |
20 | 2-Oct-2024 | CRISPR-Cas9 generated cell lines for myotonic dystrophy type 1 modeling | Ninković, Anastasija ; Panić, Marko ; Savić-Pavićević, Dušanka | M64 |
21 | 2-Oct-2024 | Comparison of length and sequence variation of 23 autosomal STR markers in Serbian population | Tanasić, V.; Mihajlović Srejić, M.; Radojičić, V.; Keckarević-Marković, Milica ; Kecmanović, Miljana ; Keckarević, Dušan | M64 |
22 | 2-Oct-2024 | Genetic analysis of X-chromosomal short tandem repeat (X-STR) allele and haplotype frequencies in Serbian male population | Vezmar, N.; Mihajlović Srejić, M.; Tanasić, V.; Vuković, M.; Keckarević-Marković, Milica ; Kecmanović, Miljana ; Keckarević, Dušan | M64 |
23 | 2-Oct-2024 | HSALR MODEL GENE CO-EXPRESSION NETWORK AND COMPARATIVE TRANSCRIPTOMICS REVEAL KEY PATHWAYS IN DM1 PATHOLOGY | Lazić, Dušan ; Jovanović, Vladimir M.; Karanović, Jelena ; Savić-Pavićević, Dušanka ; Jovanović, Bogdan | M64 |
24 | Oct-2024 | Diagnostic properties of miR-146a-5p from liquid biopsies in prostate cancer: A meta-analysis | Dobrijević, Zorana; Stevanović, Jovana; Šunderić, Miloš; Penezić, Ana; Miljuš, Goran; Danilović Luković, Jelena; Janjić, Filip; Matijašević Joković, Suzana; Brkušanin, Miloš ; Savić-Pavićević, Dušanka ; Nedić, Olgica; Brajušković, Goran | M22 |
25 | 25-Sep-2024 | Characterization of the microbial community of olive leaves affected by olive leaf spot disease | Hladnik, M.; Unković, Nikola ; Janakiev, Tamara ; Ljaljević-Grbić, Milica ; Baruca Arbeiter, A.; Dimkić, Ivica ; Bandelj, D. | M34 |
26 | 16-Sep-2024 | SMA – od dijagnostike do genetičke terapije (SMA – from diagnostics to gene therapy) | Brkušanin, Miloš | M62 |
27 | 13-Sep-2024 | Microbial and organomineral solutions as effective pillars in an agroecological practice | Janakiev, Tamara ; Kruščić, Katarina ; Dimkić, Ivica | M33 |
28 | 9-Sep-2024 | Development of DNA-methylation based age prediction model in blood samples using snapshot methodology | Andrejević, M.; Tanasić, V.; Kecmanović, Miljana ; Keckarević-Marković, Milica ; Keckarević, Dušan | M34 |
29 | 9-Sep-2024 | Haplogroup-specific differences in mutation rates and detected polymorphisms of 30 RM Y-STR loci in father-son pairs from Serbia | Vuković, M.; Matić, Z.; Keckarević-Marković, Milica ; Kecmanović, Miljana ; Keckarević, Dušan | M34 |
30 | 9-Sep-2024 | Genetic variability of Roma population in Serbia: The Perspective FromAutosomal STR Markers | Tanasić, V.; Vuković, M.; Mihajlović Srejić, M.; Kecmanović, Miljana ; Keckarević-Marković, Milica ; Keckarević, Dušan | M34 |
31 | 9-Sep-2024 | Phylogeography of Y-chromosome haplogroup I-P37.2 in Serbian population groups originating from the Balkan Peninsula | Mihajlović Srejić, M.; Tanasić, V.; Keckarević-Marković, Milica ; Kecmanović, Miljana ; Keckarević, Dušan | M34 |
32 | 18-Aug-2024 | Bacterial communities in poultry Terra-bedding formation: possible effects on soil health and plant nutrition | Dimkić, Ivica ; Kruščić, Katarina ; Antić, N.; Janakiev, Tamara | M34 |
33 | 15-Aug-2024 | Our Journey from Individual Efforts to Nationwide Support: Implementing Newborn Screening for Spinal Muscular Atrophy in Serbia | Brkušanin, Miloš ; Garai, Nemanja; Karanović, Jelena ; Šljivančanin Jakovljević, Tamara; Dimitrijević, Aleksandra; Jovanović, Kristina; Mitrović, Tanja Lazić; Miković, Željko; Brajušković, Goran ; Nikolić, Dimitrije Mihailo; Savić-Pavićević, Dušanka | M21 |
34 | 5-Aug-2024 | Differential responses of bell pepper genotypes to indigenous Pseudomonas putida A32 treatment: implications for drought resilience | Mesaroš, Aleksandra ; Atanasković, Iva ; Nedeljković, Marija ; Stanković, Slaviša ; Lozo, Jelena | M22 |
35 | 15-Jul-2024 | Use of growth-promoting plant traits and community-function landscape model for the efficient design of consortia | Petrović, M.; Bajić, Dj.; Janakiev, Tamara ; Kruščić, Katarina ; Vukićević, S.; Dimkić, Ivica | M34 |
36 | 13-Jul-2024 | Genetic variability of Roma population in Serbia: The perspective from autosomal STR markers | Tanasic, Vanja; Vukovic, Marija; Mihajlovic Srejic, Milica; Kecmanović, Miljana ; Keckarević-Marković, Milica ; Keckarević, Dušan | M21 |
37 | 28-Jun-2024 | Uncovering the Role of Autochthonous Deteriogenic Biofilm Community: Rožanec Mithraeum Monument (Slovenia) | Ljaljević-Grbić, Milica ; Dimkić, Ivica ; Janakiev, Tamara ; Kosel, Janez; Tavzes, Črtomir; Popović, Slađana ; Knežević, Aleksandar ; Legan, Lea; Retko, Klara; Ropret, Polonca; Unković, Nikola | M21a |
38 | 28-Jun-2024 | Optimization of protocols for selection of endophytic plant growth-promoting bacteria from tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) seeds | Nedeljković, Marija ; Mesaroš, Aleksandra ; Maslak, O.; Ristović, N.; Atanasković, Iva ; Lozo, Jelena | M64 |
39 | 17-Jun-2024 | A COMPARATIVE TRANSCRIPTOMIC ANALYSIS OF MOUSE DM1 MODELS’ SKELETAL MUSCLES | Lazić, Dušan ; Jovanović, Vladimir M.; Karanović, Jelena ; Savić-Pavićević, Dušanka ; Jovanović, Bogdan | M32 |
40 | 10-Jun-2024 | Genetic basis of antimicrobial resistance, virulence features and phylogenomics of carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii clinical isolates | Lukovic, Bojana; Kabic, Jovana; Dragicevic, Milan; Kuljanin, Sonja; Dimkić, Ivica ; Jovčić, Branko ; Gajic, Ina | M21 |
41 | 1-Jun-2024 | Diatom and Bacterial Communities in Saline Habitats (Vojvodina, Serbia) | Vidaković, Danijela; Dimkić, Ivica ; Krizmanić, Jelena ; Janakiev, Tamara ; Gavrilović, Bojan; Ćirić, Miloš | M22 |
42 | 22-May-2024 | Comparison of the ABC and ACMG systems for variant classification | Houge, Gunnar; Bratland, Eirik; Aukrust, Ingvild; Tveten, Kristian; Žukauskaitė, Gabrielė; Sansovic, Ivona; Brea-Fernández, Alejandro J; Mayer, Karin; Paakkola, Teija; McKenna, Caoimhe; Wright, William; Keckarević-Marković, Milica ; Lildballe, Dorte L; Konecny, Michal; Smol, Thomas; Alhopuro, Pia; Gouttenoire, Estelle Arnaud; Obeid, Katharina; Todorova, Albena; Jankovic, Milena; Lubieniecka, Joanna M; Stojiljkovic, Maja; Buisine, Marie-Pierre; Haukanes, Bjørn Ivar; Lorans, Marie; Roomere, Hanno; Petit, François M; Haanpää, Maria K; Beneteau, Claire; Pérez, Belén; Plaseska-Karanfilska, Dijana; Rath, Matthias; Fuhrmann, Nico; Ferreira, Bibiana I; Stephanou, Coralea; Sjursen, Wenche; Maver, Aleš; Rouzier, Cécile; Chirita-Emandi, Adela; Gonçalves, João; Kuek, Wei Cheng David; Broly, Martin; Haer-Wigman, Lonneke; Thong, Meow-Keong; Tae, Sok-Kun; Hyblova, Michaela; den Dunnen, Johan T; Laner, Andreas | M21 |
43 | 19-May-2024 | Effects of Torochick poultry manure and bacterial seed dressing on the soil bacteriobiota | Kruščić, Katarina ; Janakiev, Tamara ; Antić, N.; Predojević, S.; Sćepanović, V.; Dimkić, Ivica | M34 |
44 | 9-May-2024 | Characterization of Culturable Mycobiome of Newly Excavated Ancient Wooden Vessels from the Archeological Site of Viminacium, Serbia | Djokić, Ivana; Knežević, Aleksandar ; Savković, Željko ; Ljaljević-Grbić, Milica ; Dimkić, Ivica ; Bukvički, Danka ; Gavrilović, Dragana; Unković, Nikola | M21 |
45 | 9-May-2024 | Characterization of Culturable Mycobiome of Newly Excavated Ancient Wooden Vessels from the Archeological Site of Viminacium, Serbia | Djokić, Ivana; Knežević, Aleksandar ; Savković, Željko ; Ljaljević-Grbić, Milica ; Dimkić, Ivica ; Bukvički, Danka ; Gavrilović, Dragana; Unković, Nikola | M22 |
46 | 6-Apr-2024 | Exploring the dynamics of fungal communities in poultry Terra bedding: implications for soil health and plant nutrition | Kruščić, Katarina ; Antić, N.; Janakiev, Tamara ; Predojević, S.; Šćepanović, V.; Dimkić, Ivica | M34 |
47 | 6-Apr-2024 | Assessment of growth-promoting properties of Pseudomonas spp. on soybeans under field conditions | Jelušić, Aleksandra; Janakiev, Tamara ; Unković, Nikola ; Ljaljević-Grbić, Milica ; Degrassi, G.; Dimkić, Ivica | M34 |
48 | 6-Apr-2024 | Plant microbiomes: from diversity to healthy crops | Janakiev, Tamara ; Dimkić, Ivica | M32 |
49 | 4-Apr-2024 | Comparative analysis of phyllosphere microbiota in olive leaf spot disease | Hladnik, M.; Unković, Nikola ; Janakiev, Tamara ; Ljaljević-Grbić, Milica ; Baruca Arbeiter, A.; Janaćković, Peđa ; Gavrilović, Milan ; Bandelj, D.; Dimkić, Ivica | M34 |
50 | 4-Apr-2024 | Antimicrobial potential of resveratrol nanobelt-like particles. From Biotechnology to Human and Planetary Health | Tomić, N.; Stevanović, Milena ; Nikolić, Biljana ; Ganić, Tea ; Filipović, N.; Kornienko, E.; Osmolovskiy, A.; Mitić-Ćulafić, Dragana | M34 |