Atanasković, Iva

Full Name
Atanasković, Iva
Atanasković, I.

Results 1-17 of 17 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Rank | |
1 | 2-Oct-2024 | The function of the type III secretion system in plant-beneficial bacteria | Atanasković, Iva ; Nedeljković, Marija ; Lozo, Jelena | M62 |
2 | 5-Aug-2024 | Differential responses of bell pepper genotypes to indigenous Pseudomonas putida A32 treatment: implications for drought resilience | Mesaroš, Aleksandra ; Atanasković, Iva ; Nedeljković, Marija ; Stanković, Slaviša ; Lozo, Jelena | M22 |
3 | 28-Jun-2024 | Optimization of protocols for selection of endophytic plant growth-promoting bacteria from tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) seeds | Nedeljković, Marija ; Mesaroš, Aleksandra ; Maslak, O.; Ristović, N.; Atanasković, Iva ; Lozo, Jelena | M64 |
4 | 2024 | Exploring the biocontrol potential: Investigating HCN-producing Pseudomonas strains against plant pathogens | Mesaroš, Aleksandra ; Grujić, N.; Nedeljković, Marija ; Savković, Željko ; Atanasković, Iva ; Stanković, Slaviša ; Lozo, Jelena | M64 |
5 | 2024 | The involvement of T3SS positive sugar beet symbiont, Pseudomonas marginalis OL141, in plant growth stimulation and pathogen resistance | Nedeljković, Marija ; Mesaroš, Aleksandra ; Rašić, V.; Nikolić, Ivan ; Stanković, Slaviša ; Lozo, Jelena ; Atanasković, Iva | M64 |
6 | 23-Jul-2023 | Outer membrane translocation of pyocins via the copper regulated TonB-dependent transporter CrtA | Premsuriya, Jiraphan; Mosbahi, Khedidja; Atanasković, Iva ; Kleanthous, Colin; Walker, Daniel | M21 |
7 | 9-Jul-2023 | Isolation and characterizaton of plant growth-promoting bacteria from the microbiome of Beta vulgaris | Atanasković, Iva ; Krstić, T.; Joković, N.; Nikolić, I.; Skardić, I.; Stanković, Slaviša ; Lozo, Jelena | M34 |
8 | 9-Jun-2023 | Culture-Dependent and Metabarcoding Characterization of the Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) Microbiome for High-Yield Isolation of Bacteria with Plant Growth-Promoting Traits | Krstić Tomić, Tamara; Atanasković, Iva ; Nikolić, Ivan ; Joković, Nataša; Stević, Tatjana; Stanković, Slaviša ; Berić, Tanja ; Lozo, Jelena | M22 |
9 | 2023 | Detection of the Type 3 secretion system in plant beneficial Pseudomonas isolates from Sugar beet | Nedeljković, Marija ; Rašić, V.; Lozo, Jelena ; Atanasković, Iva | M64 |
10 | 26-Apr-2022 | Bacterial Competition Systems Share a Domain Required for Inner Membrane Transport of the Bacteriocin Pyocin G from Pseudomonas aeruginosa | Atanasković, Iva ; Sharp, Connor; Press, Cara; Kaminska, Renata; Kleanthous, Colin | M21 |
11 | 1-Aug-2020 | Growth phase-dependent nematocidal activity of Bacillus thuringiensis strains from natural samples | Atanasković, I. ; Marjanović, Dj.; Trailović, S.; Fira, Đorđe ; Stanković, Slaviša ; Lozo, Jelena | M23 |
12 | 12-Jun-2020 | Targeted Killing of Pseudomonas aeruginosa by Pyocin G Occurs via the Hemin Transporter Hur | Atanasković, Iva ; Mosbahi, Khedidja; Sharp, Connor; Housden, Nicholas G.; Kaminska, Renata; Walker, Daniel; Kleanthous, Colin | M21 |
13 | 28-Mar-2019 | Tools and Approaches for Dissecting Protein Bacteriocin Import in Gram-Negative Bacteria | Atanasković, Iva ; Kleanthous, Colin | M21 |
14 | 2016 | Stimulation of diesel degradation and biosurfactant production by aminoglycosides in a novel oil-degrading bacterium Pseudomonas luteola PRO23 | Atanasković, Iva ; Jovičić-Petrović, Jelena; Biočanin, Marjan; Karličić, Vera; Raičević, Vera; Lalević, Blažo | M23 |
15 | 19-Dec-2014 | Silencing of antibiotic resistance in E. coli with engineered phage bearing small regulatory RNAs | Libis, Vincent K.; Bernheim, Aude G.; Basier, Clovis; Jaramillo-Riveri, Sebastián; Deyell, Matthew; Aghoghogbe, Idonnya; Atanasković, Iva ; Bencherif, Amel Camélia; Benony, Marguerite; Koutsoubelis, Nicolas; Löchner, Anne C.; Marinković, Zoran S.; Zahra, Sarah; Zegman, Yonatan; Lindner, Ariel B.; Wintermute, Edwin H. | M21 |
16 | 19-Dec-2014 | In situ characterization of mycobacterial growth inhibition by lytic enzymes expressed in vectorized E. coli. | Atanasković, Iva ; Bencherif, Amel Camélia; Deyell, Matthew; Jaramillo-Riveri, Sebastián; Benony, Marguerite; Bernheim, Aude G.; Libis, Vincent K.; Koutsoubelis, Nicolas; Zegman, Yonatan; Löchner, Anne C.; Basier, Clovis; Aghoghogbe, Idonnya; Marinković, Zoran S.; Zahra, Sarah; Toulouze, Matthias; Lindner, Ariel B.; Wintermute, Edwin H. | M21 |
17 | 25-Jul-2014 | Biodegradation of Crude Oil by Kocuria sp. | Lalević, Blažo; Raičević, Vera; Atanasković, Iva ; Kiković, Dragan; Talaiekhozani, Amirreza; Hamidović, Saud; Gkorezis, Panagiotis |