Marin, Marija

Full Name
Marin, Marija
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Results 1-25 of 95 (Search time: 0.01 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Rank | |
1 | 19-Sep-2024 | Phloretin inhibits the growth of Arabidopsis shoots by inducing chloroplast damage and programmed cell death | Smailagić, Dijana; Dragišić Maksimović, Jelena; Marin, Marija ; Stupar, Sofija; Ninković, Slavica; Banjac, Nevena; Stanišić, Mariana | M21 |
2 | 12-Apr-2024 | Cumulative effect of arsenic on the number of mouse offspring and the female reproductive hormones in mice | Birinji, Anita; Pogrmić-Majkić, Kristina; Mihaljev, Željko; Marin, Marija ; Lalošević, Dušan | M23 |
3 | 1-Jan-2024 | Metal bioaccumulation and translocation potential of three herbal plant species at mine tailings | Glišić, Radmila M.; Brković, Duško L.; Grbović, Filip J.; Mladenović, Jelena D.; Rajičić, Vera R.; Marin, Marija A. ; Branković, Snežana R. | M22 |
4 | 2024 | Phloretin – A Lesser-Known Allelochemical from the Apple Trees and Its Proposed Mode of Action | Smailagić, Dijana; Banjac, Nevena; Ninković, Slavica; Marin, Marija ; Maksimović, Vuk; Trajković, Milena; Stanišić, Mariana | M33 |
5 | 2024 | How apple root exudates affect the ultrastructure of Arabidopsis leaf mesophyll cells? | Stanišić, Mariana; Marin, Marija ; Trajković, Milena; Smailagić, Dijana; Đorđić, Milica; Ninković, Slavica; Banjac, Nevena | M33 |
6 | 2024 | Phytoaccumulation potential of Tussilago farfara L. from “Rudnik” mine tailings in Serbia | Grbović, Filip; Branković, Snežana; Glišić, Radmila; Brković, Duško; Markeljić, Kristina; Sarić, Ranko; Marin, Marija | M33 |
7 | 2024 | Potential biological activity of the aqueous extract of Fumana bonapartei Maire et Petitm. from the serpentine substrate of the Rogozna mountain | Marin, Marija ; Banković, Snežana; Glišić, Radmila; Grbović, Filip; Krivošej, Zoran | M32 |
8 | 2024 | Immunoexpression of estrogen receptor α in the ovary of mice after chronic exposure to arsenic(III)-oxide | Marin, Marija ; Birinji, Anita; Radovanović, Anita; Čakić-Milošević, Maja ; Lalošević, Dušan | M33 |
9 | 2-Oct-2023 | Cytotoxic activity of extract of Helichrysum plicatum DC. on human cancer cells in vitro | Marin, Marija ; Žižak, Željko; Ćujić-Nikolić, Nada; Bigović, Dubravka; Šavikin, Katarina; Pljevljakušić, Dejan | M34 |
10 | 21-Sep-2023 | Antioxidant potential of the methanol extract of Lavandula multifida L. Serbian Biochemical Society | Marin, Marija ; Glišić, Radmila; Branković, Snežana | M64 |
11 | 20-Sep-2023 | Fitoremedijacija-mogućnost primene na jalovištu Rudnika | Branković, Snežana; Glišić, Radmila; Đelić, Gorica; Brković, Duško; Grbović, Filip; Marin, Marija ; Bogosavljević, Jelena | M64 |
12 | 7-Jul-2023 | Gastrin-producing G cells of gastric mucosa in dexamethasone-treated rats | Glišić, Radmila; Čakić-Milošević, Maja ; Ukropina, Mirela ; Marković, Stefan; Marin, Marija ; Stanković, Vesna | M24 |
13 | 10-May-2023 | The effects of orally administered arsenic on the number of mice cubs | Birinji, Anita; Pogrmić –Majkić, Kristina; Mihaljev, Željko; Marin, Marija ; Lalošević, Dušan | M34 |
14 | 2023 | The effect of the Satureja montana ethanol extract on the morphological changes of erythrocytes | Marin, Marija ; Branković, Snežana | M23 |
15 | 26-Oct-2022 | Bioakumulacioni potencijal odabranih vrsta u bazenu drenžnih voda Rudnika i flotacije Rudnika (Rudnik, Srbija) | Branković, Snežana; Đelić, Gorica; Grbović, Filip; Brković, Duško; Rajičić, Vera; Jovanović, Milun; Marin, Marija ; Glišić, Radmila | М64 |
16 | 6-Oct-2022 | Morpho-physiological and ultrastructural changes of Arabidopsis seedlings treated with phloretin | Smailagić, Dijana; Marin, Marija ; Banjac, Nevena; Ninković, Slavica; Stanišić, Mariana | M34 |
17 | 22-Sep-2022 | Potential changes in the estrous cycle of female mice exposed to arsenic(III)-oxide during three consecutive generations | Birinji, Anita; Pogrmić-Majkić, Kristina; Marin, Marija ; Lalošević, Dušan | M34 |
18 | 21-Sep-2022 | Influence of exposure to arsenic in drinking water in liver of mices | Birinji, Anita; Lalošević, Dušan; Marin, Marija | M64 |
19 | 21-Sep-2022 | Fitoakumulacioni i translokacioni potencijal za metale nekih zeljastih biljnih vrsta na jalovištu flotacijue rudnik DOO “ Rudnik” (Republika Srbija) | Branković, Snežana; Glišić, Radmila; Brković, Duško; Topuzović, Marina; Đelić, Gorica; Grbović, Filip; Rajičić, Vera; Marin, Marija ; Vasić, Marijana; Bogosavljević, Jelena | M64 |
20 | 4-Sep-2022 | Effect of arsenic(III) oxide on reproductive organs of female mices | Birinji, Anita; Lalošević, Dušan; Marin, Marija | M34 |
21 | 26-Jun-2022 | Nickel (Ni) accumulation in the cells of Alyssum markgrafii - ultrastructural changes | Jovanović, Živko ; Marin, Marija ; Radović, Snežana | M64 |
22 | 26-Jun-2022 | Metal bioaccumulation and translocation potential of species Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud on mine tailings rudnik DOO “Rudnik” (Republic of Serbia) | Branković, Snežana; Glišić, Radmila; Đelić, Gorica; Grbović, Filip; Rajičić, Vera; Marin, Marija ; Vasić, Marijana; Bogosavljević, Jelena | М64 |
23 | 1-Jun-2022 | Deposition of arsenic in the organs of an experimental model of male mice exposed to the maximum concentration equivalent to the water supply network of Banat | Birinji, Anita; Mihaljev, Željko; Lalošević, Dušan; Marin, Marija | M52 |
24 | 25-Mar-2022 | Bioakumulacioni i translokacioni potencijal vrste Holicus lanatus L. na jalovištu Rudnik doo "Rudnik" | Branković, Snežana; Glišić, Radmila; Brković, Duško; Đelić, Gorica; Grbović, Filip; Rajičić, Vera; Jovanović, Milun; Marin, Marija ; Glišić, Snežana | M63 |
25 | 24-Sep-2021 | Effect of the Thymus lykae Degen et Jav. methanol extract on the erythrocyte membrane | Marin, Marija ; Branković, Snežana | M64 |