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Title: Chenopodium murale L. hairy root exudates induce ultrastructural changes in wheat (Triticum aestivum L) seedlings
Authors: Marin, Marija
Korać, Aleksandra 
Radović, Svetlana 
Stanišić, Mariana
Mitić, Nevena
Ninković, Slavica
Editors: Korać, Bato 
Stančić, Ana
Keywords: Chenopodium murale;Triticum aestivum;Ultrastructure
Issue Date: 25-Sep-2015
Rank: M34
Publisher: Serbian Society for Mitochondrial and Free-Radical Physiology
Related Publication(s): Third Congress of Serbian society for mitochondrial and free-radical physiology BOOK OF ABSTRACTS
Start page: 64
Conference: Third Congress of Serbian Society for Mitochondrial and Free Radical Physiology -REDOX MEDICINE Reactive Species Signaling, Analytical Methods, Phytopharmacy, Molecular Mechanisms of Disease
Hairy root exudates of allelopathic weed Chenopodium murale L. have been previously
shown to exert allelopathic activity against test plant species lettuce, wheat and Arabidopsis,
inhibiting germination and seedling development of these plants. In the present study we used
transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to investigate the effect of different concentrations
of Chenopodium murale hairy root exudates, applied as phytotoxic media (PM), on
ultrastructural changes of meristematic cells in Triticum aestivum L. roots and leaves. TEM
studies of root cells treated with lower concetration of PM, showed irregular shaped cell
walls, numerous distributed organelles in cytoplasm, prominent nucleus and distinct
nucleolus. Exposure to higer concentration of PM showed that the mitochondria and
chloroplasts were removed with the plasmalemma into the cell interior. TEM observation of
treated leaves cells showed undulating cell walls, dense cytoplasm with numerous organelles
and large nucleus with three nucleolus. In some cells the chloroplasts were removed and
grouped near the cell wall, while in some other cells the increased number of mitochondria
were presented. In conclusion, ultrastructural analysis of treated seedlings showed significant
ultrastructural changes. Removing of organelles with the plasmalemma into the cell interior
and reorganization of the vacuolar compartment was probably occurred in order to protect the
cell if the tonoplast was damaged by toxicity of C. murale root exudate. The increased
number of mitochondria could be connected with increased ATP generation as an adaptation
process against C. murale allelochemicals.
25-26. September 2015. University of Belgrade Rectorate Palace (Studentski trg 1), Belgrade
ISBN: 978-86-912893-3-1 (SSMFRP)
Appears in Collections:Conference abstract

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