Chair of General Physiology and Biophysics

Organization name
Chair of General Physiology and Biophysics

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 551-600 of 891 (Search time: 0.021 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
55122-Nov-2017Scoring targets of transcription in bacteria rather than focusing on individual binding sitesĐorđević, Marko ; Djordjevic, Magdalena; Zdobnov, Evgeny
5523-Nov-2017Features of CRISPR-cas regulation key to highly efficient and temporally-specific crRNA productionRodić, Anđela ; Blagojevic, Bojana; Djordjevic, Magdalena; Severinov, Konstantin; Đorđević, Marko 
55325-Oct-2017Short-term fasting increases the levels of glucose transporters in the male rat hypothalamusDakić, Tamara ; Jevđović, Tanja ; Lakić, Iva ; Perić, Mina ; Jasnić, Nebojša ; Đorđević, Jelena ; Vujović, Predrag 
5542-Oct-2017Androgen status in non-diabetic elderly men with heart failureLoncar, Goran; Božić, Biljana ; Neskovic, Aleksandar N.; Cvetinovic, Natasa; Lainscak, Mitja; Prodanovic, Nenad; Dungen, Hans Dirk; von Haehling, Stephan; Radojicic, Zoran; Trippel, Tobias; Putnikovic, Biljana; Markovic-Nikolic, Natasa; Popovic, Vera
55527-Sep-2017A valorisation of benthic invertebrate fauna of the Mlava River (Eastern Serbia)Novaković, B.; Stojanović, Katarina ; Marković, Vanja ; Tatović, Anđelina ; Božanić, M.; Živić, Ivana M34
55627-Sep-2017Changes in superoxide dismutase and catalase activities of the amphipod Gammarus dulensis in the vicinity of the trout farmVranković, J.; Tatović, Anđelina ; Živić, Miroslav ; Marković, Z.; Živić, Ivana M34
55820-Sep-2017Vitamin D receptor and Toll-like receptors gene polymorphisms in sepsisBožić Nedeljković, Biljana ; Zeljić, Katarina ; Elkilany, Atia; Šupić, Gordana; Šurbatović, Maja; Đorđević, Dragan; Magić, Zvonko
55920-Sep-2017Modeling and bioinformatics of bacterial immune systems: understanding regulation of CRISPR-Cas and restriction-modification systemsGuzina J ; Rodić, A ; Blagojević B; Đorđević M M62
56020-Sep-2017Quantitative modeling of gene expression regulation in bacterial restriction-modification systemsRodić A ; Đorđević M M64
56120-Sep-2017Immunoglobulin G from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients induces oxidative stress and upregulate the antioxidative system in the BV-2 microglial cell lineMilićević, Katarina ; Milošević, Milena ; Božić, Iva; Lavrnja, Irena; Stevanović, Ivana; Bijelić, Dunja ; Živković, Irena; Anđus, Pavle M64
56217-Sep-2017Prilog poznavanju faune akvatičnih tvrdokrilaca (Coleoptera) SrbijeNovaković, B.; Mesaroš, G.; Tatović, Anđelina ; Živić, Ivana M64
56317-Sep-2017Antioksidativni status larvi Ecdyonurus venosus (Ephemeroptera: Heptagenidae): Uticaj pastrmskih ribnjaka?Tatović, Anđelina ; Mirčić, D.; Živić, Miroslav ; Perić˗Mataruga, V.; Todorović, D.; Božanić, Milenka ; Živić, Ivana M64
5647-Sep-2017Effects of sustained i.c.v. infusion of lupus CSF and autoantibodies on behavioral phenotype and neuronal calcium signalingKapadia, Minesh; Bjelić, Dunja ; Zhao, Hui; Ma, Donglai; Stojanovich, Ljudmila; Milošević, Milena ; Anđus, Pavle ; Šakić, Boris
56528-Aug-2017Phycomyces blakesleeanus hypha cell wall surgery by Ti:Sapphire laserPajić, Tanja ; Stevanović, Katarina ; Todorović, Nataša; Krmpot, Aleksandar; Rabasović, Mihailo; Lazović, Vladimir; Pantelić, Dejan; Jelenković, Brana; Živić, Miroslav M34
56615-Aug-2017Imaging of glial cell morphology, SOD1 distribution and elemental composition in the brainstem and hippocampus of the ALS hSOD1<sup>G93A</sup> ratStamenković, Stefan ; Dučić, Tanja; Stamenković, Vera ; Kranz, Alexander; Anđus, Pavle 
56728-Jul-2017Enriched environment alters the behavioral profile of tenascin-C deficient miceStamenković, Vera ; Milenkovic, I.; Galjak, N.; Todorovic, V.; Anđus, Pavle 
5681-Jul-2017Short-term fasting promotes insulin expression in rat hypothalamusDakić, Tamara ; Jevđović, Tanja ; Perić, Mina ; Bjelobaba, Ivana; Markelić, Milica ; Milutinović, Bojana; Lakić, Iva ; Jasnić, Nebojša ; Đorđević, Jelena ; Vujović, Predrag M22
5691-Jul-2017In vivo EPR pharmacokinetic evaluation of the redox status and the blood brain barrier permeability in the SOD1<sup>G93A</sup> ALS rat modelStamenković, Stefan ; Pavićević, Aleksandra; Mojović, Miloš; Popović-Bijelić, Ana; Selaković, Vesna; Anđus, Pavle ; Bačić, Goran
57020-Jun-2017The Astrocytic S100B Protein with Its Receptor RAGE Is Aberrantly Expressed in SOD1<sup>G93A</sup> Models, and Its Inhibition Decreases the Expression of Proinflammatory GenesSerrano, Alessia; Donno, Claudia; Giannetti, Stefano; Perić, Mina ; Anđus, Pavle ; D'Ambrosi, Nadia; Michetti, Fabrizio
5711-Jun-2017Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms association with the risk of sepsis and mortalityZeljić, Katarina ; Elkilany, A.; Supic, G.; Surbatovic, M.; Djordjevic, D.; Magic, Z.; Božić, B. 
5721-Jun-2017Experimental and theoretical insight into the electronic properties of 4-aryl-5-arylazo-3-cyano-6-hydroxy-2-pyridone dyesVitnik, Vesna D.; Vitnik, Željko J.; Božić, Bojan ; Valentić, Nataša V.; Dilber, Sanda P.; Mijin, Dušan; Ušćumlić, Gordana S.M21
573Jun-2017Quantitative analysis of gene expression regulation of bacterial immune systems: CRISPR/Cas and restriction-modification systemsRodic A ; Djordjevic M M34
5741-May-2017Synthesis, characterization and biological activity of 2-(5-arylidene-2,4-dioxotetrahydrothiazole-3-yl)propanoic acid derivativesBožić, Bojan ; Rogan, Jelena; Poleti, Dejan; Rančić, Milica; Trišović, Nemanja; Božić, Biljana ; Ušćumlić, GordanaM21
5751-May-2017Origanum vulgare essential oil affects pathogens causing vaginal infectionsKaraman, M.; Bogavac, M.; Radovanović, B.; Sudji, J.; Tešanović, K. ; Janjušević, L.
57619-Apr-2017The extract of Ganoderma lucidum basidiocarps cultivated on alternative substrates stimulates peritoneal macrophages` functionsBožić, B. ; Zmijanjac, D.; Ćilerdžić, J. ; Stajić, M. ; Vukojević, J. ; Vučević, D.M34
5771-Apr-2017Contribution of bacterial promoter elements to transcription start site detection accuracyNikolic, Milos; Stankovic, Tamara; Đorđević, Marko 
5781-Mar-201717β-Estradiol-Induced Synaptic Rearrangements Are Accompanied by Altered Ectonucleotidase Activities in Male Rat Hippocampal SynaptosomesMitrović, Nataša; Zarić, Marina; Drakulić, Dunja; Martinović, Jelena; Sévigny, Jean; Stanojlović, Miloš; Nedeljković, Nadežda ; Grković, Ivana
5791-Mar-2017Erratum to: 17β-Estradiol-Induced Synaptic Rearrangements Are Accompanied by Altered Ectonucleotidase Activities in Male Rat Hippocampal Synaptosomes (Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, (2017), 61, 3, (412-422), 10.1007/s12031-016-0877-6)Mitrović, Nataša; Zarić, Marina; Drakulić, Dunja; Martinović, Jelena; Sévigny, Jean; Stanojlović, Miloš; Nedeljković, Nadežda ; Grković, Ivana
5801-Mar-2017Secondary hyperparathyroidism prevalence and prognostic role in elderly males with heart failureLoncar, G.; Božić, Biljana ; Cvetinovic, N.; Dungen, H. D.; Lainscak, M.; von Haehling, S.; Doehner, W.; Radojicic, Z.; Putnikovic, B.; Trippel, T.; Popovic, V.
5811-Mar-2017Growth inhibition of fungus Phycomyces blakesleeanus by anion channel inhibitors anthracene-9-carboxylic and niflumic acid attained through decrease in cellular respiration and energy metabolitesStanić, Marina; Križak, Strahinja; Jovanović, Mirna; Pajić, Tanja ; Ćirić, Ana; Žižić, Milan; Zakrzewska, Joanna; Cvetić Antić, Tijana ; Todorović, Nataša; Živić, Miroslav 
5821-Mar-2017Inhibition of cathepsin X reduces the strength of microglial-mediated neuroinflammationPišlar, Anja; Božić, Biljana ; Zidar, Nace; Kos, Janko
58326-Feb-2017Putting some light on the membrane physiology of filamentous fungiŽivić, Miroslav ; Pajić, Tanja ; Stevanović, Katarina ; Todorović, NatašaM62
58424-Feb-2017Understanding key features of bacterial restriction-modification systems through quantitative modelingRodić, Anđela ; Blagojevic, Bojana; Zdobnov, Evgeny; Djordjevic, Magdalena; Đorđević, Marko 
5857-Feb-2017Mix-and-matching as a promoter recognition mechanism by ECF σ factorsGuzina, Jelena ; Đorđević, Marko 
5865-Feb-2017Experimental and theoretical study on the structure-property relationship of novel 1-aryl-3-methylsuccinimidesBanjac, Nebojša R.; Božić, Bojan ; Mirković, Jelena M.; Vitnik, Vesna D.; Vitnik, Željko J.; Valentić, Nataša V.; Ušćumlić, Gordana S.M23
5871-Feb-2017A comparative overview of antioxidative properties and phenolic profiles of different fungal origins: fruiting bodies and submerged cultures of Coprinus comatus and Coprinellus truncorumTešanović, Kristina ; Pejin, Boris; Šibul, Filip; Matavulj, Milan; Rašeta, Milena; Janjušević, Ljiljana; Karaman, Maja
58815-Jan-2017Tenascin-C deficiency protects mice from experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitisMomčilović, Miljana; Stamenković, Vera ; Jovanović, Miloš; Anđus, Pavle ; Jakovčevski, Igor; Schachner, Melitta; Miljković, Đorđe
5895-Jan-2017Structure-property relationship of 3-(4-substituted benzyl)-1,3-diazaspiro[4.4]nonane-2,4-diones as new potentional anticonvulsant agents. An experimental and theoretical studyLazić, Anita M.; Božić, Bojan ; Vitnik, Vesna D.; Vitnik, Željko J.; Rogan, Jelena R.; Radovanović, Lidija D.; Valentić, Nataša V.; Ušćumlić, Gordana S.M23
5901-Jan-2017The extracellular matrix glycoprotein tenascin-C and matrix metalloproteinases modify cerebellar structural plasticity by exposure to an enriched environmentStamenković, Vera ; Stamenković, Stefan ; Jaworski, Tomasz; Gawlak, Maciej; Jovanovic, Milos; Jakovcevski, Igor; Wilczynski, Grzegorz M.; Kaczmarek, Leszek; Schachner, Melitta; Radenović, Lidija ; Anđus, Pavle 
5911-Jan-2017Vitamin B complex treatment improves motor nerve regeneration and recovery of muscle function in a rodent model of peripheral nerve injuryNedeljković, Predrag; Zmijanjac, Dragana; Drašković-Pavlović, Biljana; Vasiljevska, Milijana; Vučević, Dragana; Božić, Biljana ; Bumbaširević, Marko
5921-Jan-2017Antimicrobial potential of Rosmarinus officinalis commercial essential oil in the treatment of vaginal infections in pregnant womenBogavac, Mirjana A.; Karaman, Maja A.; Sudi, Jan J.; Radovanović, Bojan B.; Janjušević, Ljiljana N.; Ćetković, Nenad B.; Tešanović, Kristina D. 
5931-Jan-2017Targeting astrocytes for treatment in amyotrophic lateral sclerosisPeric, Mina ; Mitrecic, Dinko; Andjus, Pavle R. 
5942017Down-regulation of NTPDase2 and ADP-sensitive P2 Purinoceptors Correlate with Severity of Symptoms during Experimental Autoimmune EncephalomyelitisJakovljevic, Marija; Lavrnja, Irena; Bozic, Iva; Savic, Danijela; Bjelobaba, Ivana; Pekovic, Sanja; Sévigny, Jean; Nedeljković, Nadežda ; Laketa, Danijela 
5952017Modeling and bioinformatics of bacterial immune systems: understanding regulation of CRISPR/Cas and restriction-modification systemsGuzina, Jelena ; Rodić, Anđela ; Blagojević, Bojana; Đorđević, Marko 
5961-Nov-2016Expression of ecto-nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase3 (NTPDase3) in the female rat brain during postnatal developmentGrković, Ivana; Bjelobaba, Ivana; Mitrović, Nataša; Lavrnja, Irena; Drakulić, Dunja; Martinović, Jelena; Stanojlović, Miloš; Horvat, Anica; Nedeljković, Nadežda 
5977-Oct-2016Extracellular ATP induces graded reactive response of astrocytes and strengthens their antioxidative defense in vitroAdzić, Marija ; Stevanovic, Ivana; Josipovic, Natasa; Laketa, Danijela ; Lavrnja, Ivana; Bjelobaba, Irena M.; Bozic, Iva; Jovanovic Marija; Milosevic, Milena ; Nedeljkovicic, Nadezda 
59818-Sep-2016Structural revision of α-furanopinguisanolRadulović, N.; Filipović, S.; Zlatković, D.; Đorđević, M.; Stojanović, N.; Randjelović, P.; Mitić, K. ; Jevtović-Stoimenov, T.; Ranđelović, V.M34
59911-Sep-2016Immunomodulatory activity of pinguisane-type sesquiterpenes from the essential oil of the liverwort Porella cordaeana (Hub.) Moore (Porellaceae)Stojanović, N.; Radulović, N.; Filipović, S.; Zlatković, D.; Đorđević, M.; Randjelović, P.; Mitić, K. ; Jevtović-Stoimenov, T.; Ranđelović, V.M34
6001-Sep-2016Regional and sex-related differences in modulating effects of female sex steroids on ecto-5'-nucleotidase expression in the rat cerebral cortex and hippocampusMitrović, Nataša; Guševac, Ivana; Drakulić, Dunja; Stanojlović, Miloš; Zlatković, Jelena; Sévigny, Jean; Horvat, Anica; Nedeljković, Nadežda ; Grković, Ivana