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Radenović, Lidija
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Results 1-25 of 51 (Search time: 0.012 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
16-Sep-2024Zn0-Induced Cytotoxicity and Mitochondrial Stress in Microglia: Implications of the Protective Role of Immunoglobulin G In VitroŽivančević, Katarina ; Aru, Başak; Demir, Abdullah; Radenović, Lidija ; Anđus, Pavle ; Yanıkkaya Demirel, GülderenM22
25-Aug-2024Cerebral ischemia biomarkers: Their roles in early diagnosis and prognosis with potential clinical applicationsRadenović, Lidija 
324-Apr-2024Artificial Intelligence approach to diagnostic Ca2+ signaling in NIMOCHIPKorenić, Andrej ; Radenović, Lidija ; Milićević, Katarina ; Jakovljević, Ana; Lović, Darko; Živančević, Katarina ; Živković, Irena; Stević, Zorica; Anđus, Pavle R. M34
42024In Vivo Experimental Models of Cerebral Ischemia: Analysis, Translational Potential and Clinical RelevanceRadenović, Lidija 
52024Exploring therapeutical targets and innovative treatments for ischemic stroke: a comprehensive reviewRadenović, Lidija 
66-Feb-2023Combined segmentation and classification-based approach to automated analysis of biomedical signals obtained from calcium imagingDursun, Gizem; Bijelić, Dunja ; Ayşit, Neşe; Kurt Vatandaşlar, Burcu; Radenović, Lidija ; Çapar, Abdulkerim; Ersen Kerman, Bilal; Anđus, Pavle ; Korenić, Andrej ; Özkaya, UfukM21
75-May-2022Obogaćena sredina vs. kognitivno oštećenje – od eksperimenta do kliničke primene?Radenović, Lidija M32
813-Jan-2022Regenerative Neurology and Regenerative Cardiology: Shared Hurdles and AchievementsMitrečić, Dinko; Hribljan, Valentina; Jagečić, Denis; Isaković, Jasmina; Lamberto, Federica; Horánszky, Alex; Zana, Melinda; Foldes, Gabor; Zavan, Barbara; Pivoriūnas, Augustas; Martinez, Salvador; Mazzini, Letizia; Radenović, Lidija ; Milasin, Jelena; Chachques, Juan Carlos; Buzanska, Leonora; Song, Min Suk; Dinnyés, AndrásM21
917-Aug-2021Neuroinflammation in Post-Ischemic BrainZivancevic, Katarina ; Lovic, Darko ; Andjus, Pavle ; Radenovic, Lidija M12
10Jul-2021Impact of Immunoglobulin G from ALS patients on morphology of astrocytes in cultureBijelić D ; Čokorac N; Pereira Rayes R; Radenović L ; Vega Baudrit RJ; Andjus RP M34
115-Jun-2020Heterogeneity in brain distribution of activated microglia and astrocytes in a rat ischemic model of Alzheimer’s disease after 2 years of survivalRadenović, Lidija ; Nenadić, Marija ; Ułamek-Kozioł, Marzena; Januszewski, Sławomir; Czuczwar, Stanisław J.; Andjus, Pavle R; Pluta, RyszardM21
12Jul-2019Development of automated analysis of biomedical signals obtained from calcium imagingDursun, G.; Korenić, A ; Bijelić, D ; Radenović, L. ; Özkaya, U.; Çapar, A.; Kerman, B.E; Andjus, P 
13Jul-2019Development of automated analysis of biomedical signals such as calcium imagingKorenić A., ; Dursun G.; Bijelić D. ; Milićević K. ; Milošević M. ; Radenović L. ; Özkaya U.; Kerman B.E.; Andjus P.R. ; Çapar A.
14Jul-2019Time lapse IgG-induced calcium signaling analysis for ALS diagnosisÇapar, A.; Dursun, G.; Korenić, A ; Bijelić, D. ; Radenović, L. ; Özkaya, U.; Kerman, B.E.; Andjus, P. 
151-Mar-2019Functional and pharmacological analysis of agmatine administration in different cerebral ischemia animal modelsSelakovic, V.; Arsenijevic, Lj; Jovanovic, M.; Sivcev, S.; Jovanovic, N.; Leontijevic, M.; Stojanovic, M.; Radenkovic, M.; Anđus, Pavle ; Radenović, Lidija M22
16Feb-2019Stroke and Alzheimer's Disease: Common Mechanisms and Therapeutic ApproachesRadenovic, Lidija ; Andjus, Pavle R. 
171-Jan-2017The extracellular matrix glycoprotein tenascin-C and matrix metalloproteinases modify cerebellar structural plasticity by exposure to an enriched environmentStamenković, Vera ; Stamenković, Stefan ; Jaworski, Tomasz; Gawlak, Maciej; Jovanovic, Milos; Jakovcevski, Igor; Wilczynski, Grzegorz M.; Kaczmarek, Leszek; Schachner, Melitta; Radenović, Lidija ; Anđus, Pavle 
1819-May-2015The role of autophagy and lipolysis in survival of astrocytes under nutrient deprivationKorenić, Andrej ; Anđus, Pavle ; Radenović, Lidija ; Spasojević, Ivan
1928-Feb-2014Astrocytic mitochondrial membrane hyperpolarization following extended oxygen and glucose deprivationKorenić, Andrej ; Boltze, Johannes; Deten, Alexander; Peters, Myriam; Anđus, Pavle ; Radenović, Lidija 
2019-Feb-2014Extremely low frequency magnetic field (50 Hz, 0.5 mT) reduces oxidative stress in the brain of gerbils submitted to global cerebral ischemiaBalind, Snežana Rauš; Selaković, Vesna; Radenović, Lidija ; Prolić, Zlatko; Janać, Branka
211-Feb-2014Neuroprotective efficiency of tetanus toxin C fragment in model of global cerebral ischemia in Mongolian gerbilsRadenović, Lidija ; Selakovic, Vesna; Olivan, Sara; Calvo, Ana Cristina; Rando, Amaya; Janac, Branka; Osta, Rosario
221-Jan-2014Novel molecular biomarkers at the blood-brain barrier in ALSBataveljić, Danijela; Milošević, Milena ; Radenović, Lidija ; Anđus, Pavle 
231-Jul-2013Age-Dependent Effects of ELF-MF on Oxidative Stress in the Brain of Mongolian GerbilsSelaković, Vesna; Rauš Balind, Snežana; Radenović, Lidija ; Prolić, Zlatko; Janać, Branka
241-Jan-2013Response of hippocampal neurons and glial cells to alternating magnetic field in gerbils submitted to global cerebral ischemiaRauš, Snežana; Selaković, Vesna; Manojlović-Stojanoski, Milica; Radenović, Lidija ; Prolić, Zlatko; Janać, Branka
251-Apr-2012Cellular markers of neuroinflammation and neurogenesis after ischemic brain injury in the long-term survival rat modelŠekeljić, Vera ; Bataveljic, Danijela; Stamenković, Stefan ; Ułamek, Marzena; Jabłoński, Mirosław; Radenović, Lidija ; Pluta, Ryszard; Anđus, Pavle