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Title: Cerebral ischemia biomarkers: Their roles in early diagnosis and prognosis with potential clinical applications
Authors: Radenović, Lidija 
Keywords: Cerebral ischemia;;Biomarkers;;Neuroimaging;;Blood-based markers;;Early diagnosis;;Prognosis;;Monitoring.
Issue Date: 5-Aug-2024
Journal: Brain & Heart
Volume: 2
Issue: 3
Start page: 2750
Cerebral ischemia, caused by a disruption in blood supply to the brain, remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Identifying reliable biomarkers for the early diagnosis and prognosis of cerebral ischemia is crucial for timely intervention and improved patient outcomes. This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current knowledge on cerebral ischemia biomar...
ISSN: 2972-4139
DOI: 10.36922/bh.2750
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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