Chair of Morphology, Systematics and Phylogeny of Animals

Organization name
Chair of Morphology, Systematics and Phylogeny of Animals

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 1-50 of 1126 (Search time: 0.017 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
114-Nov-2024Complex interplay between the microfluidic and optical properties of Hoplia sp. beetlesPavlović, Danica; Salatić, Branislav; Ćurčić, Srećko ; Milovanović, Petar; Pantelić, Dejan VM21a
2Nov-2024A staging table of Balkan crested newt embryonic development to serve as a baseline in evolutionary developmental studiesVučić, Tijana ; Drobnjaković, Marija; Ajduković, Maja; Bugarčić, Marko; Wielstra, Ben; Ivanović, Ana ; Cvijanović, MilenaM23
34-Oct-2024Developmental histology of the liver in the Balkan crested newt Triturus ivanbureschi (Caudata: Salamandridae)Ajduković, Maja; Ivanović, Ana M21
41-Oct-2024The nest position and bank height of a bee-eater colony affect the likelihood of nest loss due to predationRaković, Marko; Bjelica, Vukašin ; Novčić, Ivana M21
51-Oct-2024Climbing ability of European pond turtles sharply declines on slopes steeper than 36°: Implications for shoreline managementGolubović, Ana ; Arsenijević, Sara; Maričić, Marko ; Bjelica, Vukašin M21
627-Sep-2024Habitat Richness and Seasonal Occurrence of Large Branchiopods (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) in the Areas of the Ramsar Site “Bardača Wetland” and the Donja Dolina in Bosnia and HerzegovinaMiličić, Dragana ; Šukalo, Goran; Savić, Ana; Dmitrović, DejanM23
719-Sep-2024Ontogeny, not prey availability, underlies allopatric venom variability in insular and mainland populations of Vipera ammodytesLakušić, Margareta ; Damm, Maik; Bjelica, Vukašin ; Anđelković, Marko; Tomović, Ljiljana ; Bonnet, Xavier; Arsovski, Dragan; Süssmuth, Roderich D; Calvete, Juan J; Martínez-Freiría, FernandoM22
816-Sep-2024A contribution to the knowledge of the Branchiobdella species of the Balkan regionRoljić, R.; Atanacković, A.; Nikolić, Vera ; Marković, Vanja ; Zorić, K.M33
916-Sep-2024Morphological variability and condition of introduced spiny-cheek crayfish populations occupying different habitats in SerbiaRoljić, R.; Nikolić, Vera ; Zorić, K.; Marković, Vanja M33
1016-Sep-2024Morphological variability among populations of Austropotamobius torrentium (Schrank, 1803) from central BalkanMarković, Vanja ; Đuretanović, S.; Roljić, R.; Nikolić, Vera ; Zorić, K.M33
111-Sep-2024Diversity and ecology of freshwater Ostracoda (Crustacea) in Central SerbiaPokrajac, Jovo; Stojanović, Katarina ; Stamenković, Srđan ; Karan-Žnidaršič, Tamara M22
123-Aug-2024The morphology of the pygidial glands and the chemical composition of their secretions of four sphodrine ground beetle species (Carabidae: Platyninae)Vranić, Sofija ; Vujisić, Ljubodrag; Vesović, Nikola ; Todosijević, Marina; Pantelić, Dejan; Pavlović, Danica; Ivanović, Stefan; Vasović, Marija; Ćurčić, Srećko M21
13Aug-2024Echinococcus golden jackals (Canis aureus)Uzelac, Aleksandra; Klun, Ivana; Kuručki, Milica ; Pantelić, Ilija ; Breka, Katarina ; Kukurić, Tijana; Penezić, Aleksandra ; Karanović, Jelena; Ćirović, Duško M34
14Aug-2024Freshwater ecosystems - an underexplored reservoir of zoonotic parasitesBetić, Nikola; Breka, Katarina ; Miličić, Dragana ; Uzelac, Aleksandra; Ćirković, Vladimir; Đorđević, Vesna; Klun, IvanaM34
15Aug-2024Synanthropic birds and rodents as indicators for Toxoplasma gondii oocyst contamination in urban and suburban environmentsPenezić, Aleksandra ; Pantelić, Ilija ; Uzelac, Aleksandra; Bogdanović, Neda ; Ćirović, Duško ; Klun, IvanaM34
161-Jul-2024SNP-based analysis of European Thymallus spp. (Salmonidae) reveals extensive mito-nuclear discordance relevant for biogeographic inferences, taxonomy and conservationEnglmaier, Gernot K.; Rodríguez, Nuria Viñuela; Bravničar, Jernej; Zangl, Lukas; Persat, Henri; Marić, Saša ; Ratschan, Clemens; Delling, Bo; Gonçalves, Duarte V.; Secci-Petretto, Giulia; Froufe, Elsa; Weiss, Steven J.M21
175-Jun-2024Preventing biodiversity loss: restoring wetlands with the help of 'egg bank' - The case of the Ramsar site "Bardača Wetlands" (Bosnia and Herzegovina)Miličić, Dragana ; Dmitrović, Dejan; Šukalo, GoranM34
185-Jun-2024ICHTHYOFAUNA DIVERSITY IN THE PROTECTED AREA OBEDSKA BARA IN SERBIANikolić, Vera ; Škraba-Jurlina, Dubravka ; Marić, Ana ; Kanjuh, Tamara ; Sokolović, Vojislav ; Simonović, Predrag M33
195-Jun-2024EFFICIENCY OF ELECTROFISHING AND GILLNETS IN THE ĆELIJE RESERVOIR: A COMPARATIVE STUDYMarić, Ana ; Nikolić, Vera ; Škraba-Jurlina, Dubravka ; Sokolović, Vojislav ; Kanjuh, Tamara ; Simonović, Predrag M33
205-Jun-2024Exploring the aquatic invertebrate community of the endangered Reva Bog near Belgrade, SerbiaMiličić, Dragana ; Gojšina, Vukašin ; Marić, Ana ; Nikolić, Vera ; Sokolović, Vojislav ; Karan-Žnidaršič, Tamara M34
22Jun-2024Nearest neighbour distance does not affect escape behaviour in urban hooded crowsNovčić, Ivana ; Mikula, PeterM23
23May-2024Synergistic effects of musking and autohaemorrhaging on the duration of death feigning in dice snakes (Natrix tessellata)Bjelica, Vukašin ; Golubović, Ana M21
24Mar-2024New Insight on the Presence of Several Freshwater Gastropod Species Considered Rare in SerbiaGojšina, Vukašin ; Marković, Vanja ; Karan-Žnidaršič, Tamara M23
253-Jan-2024Morphology of the pygidial glands and chemical composition of their secretions in two species of tiger beetles (Carabidae: Cicindelinae)Vranić, Sofija ; Vesović, Nikola ; Antonijević, Lana; Vlajić, Aleksandar; Todosijević, Marina; Pavlović, Danica; Pantelić, Dejan; Ćurčić, Srećko ; Vujisić, LjubodragM21
261-Jan-2024Loss of native brown trout diversity in streams of the continental CroatiaKanjuh, Tamara ; Marić, Ana ; Škraba-Jurlina, Dubravka ; Simonović, Predrag ; Špelić, Ivan; Piria, Marina; Maguire, IvanaM22
281-Jan-2024A new perspective on the molecular dating of the stone crayfish with an extended phylogeographic information on the speciesStanković, David; Zorić, Katarina; Đuretanović, Simona; Stamenković, Gorana; Ilić, Marija; Marković, Vanja ; Marić, Saša M21
292024A review of the genus Vitrea Fitzinger, 1833 (Gastropoda, Eupulmonata, Pristilomatidae) in Serbia: diversity, distribution and the description of a new speciesGojšina, Vukašin ; Vesović, Nikola ; Ćurčić, Srećko ; Karan-Žnidaršič, Tamara ; Mitrović, Biljana; Dedov, IvayloM22
302024Salmonid Fish Species: Opportunities for Sustainable Use under Multiple Pressures and Current Climatic ChangeSchöffmann, J.; Marić, Saša M13
312024Temporal trends of home range sizes and movement patterns of peri-urban golden jackals in Belgrade, SerbiaPantelić, Ilija ; Bogdanović, Neda ; Breck, Stewart; Ćirović, Duško M22
322024Population-genetics analysis of the brown trout broodstock in the “Panjica” hatchery (Serbia) and its conservation applicationsVeličković, Tijana; Snoj, Aleš; Bravničar, Jernej; Simić, Vladica; Šanda, Radek; Vukić, Jasna; Barcytė, Dovilė; Stanković, David; Marić, Saša M22
332024Initial checklist of extant non-marine ostracods in SerbiaPokrajac, J.; Karan-Žnidaršič, Tamara M34
342024Sustainability Assessment of Brown Trout Populations in Serbia (Central Balkans) Using the Modified ESHIPPO ModelVeličković, Tijana; Marić, Saša ; Stanković, David; Milošković, Aleksandra; Radenković, Milena; Šanda, Radek; Vukić, Jasna; Đuretanović, Simona; Kojadinović, Nataša; Jakovljević, Marija; Simić, VladicaM22
352024Predation on Anguis fragilis bz Coronella austriaca photo- documented by a citizen in a new utm square in SerbiaSimić, Žarko; Nikolić, Sonja 
362024A new subspecies of the subterranean beetle Speoplanes biocovensis Müller, 1934 (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae: Leptodirini) from Bosnia and Herzegovina: the first occurrence of the genus outside CroatiaVrbica, Maja ; Vesović, Nikola ; RAĐA, TONĆI; Ćurčić, Srećko M23
372024Labrum morphology in Cypridid ostracods: unveiling neglected characters with diagnostic potentialKaran-Žnidaršič, Tamara ; Pokrajac, J.M34
382024The presence of amphibians and reptiles in the Golija Mountain compared with fauna of other areasAjtić, Rastko; Nikolić, Sonja ; Simović, Aleksandar; Ćirković, Glorija
392024The Diversity of Subterranean Terrestrial Arthropods in Resava Cave (Eastern Serbia)Vesović, Nikola ; Deltshev, Christo; Mitov, Plamen; Antić, Dragan ; Stojanović, Dalibor Z. ; Stojanović, Dejan V.; Stojanović, Katarina ; Božanić, Milenka ; Ignjatović-Ćupina, Aleksandra; Ćurčić, Srećko M22
402024Pirotska oaza mira i spokojaMiličić, Dragana M66a
412024Assessment of non-native species impact on fish diversity in the Ćelije reservoir: implications for conservation and managementMarić, Ana ; Nikolić, Vera ; Škraba-Jurlina, Dubravka ; Sokolović, Vojislav ; Miličić, Dragana ; Karan-Žnidaršič, Tamara ; Kanjuh, Tamara ; Simonović, Predrag M33
422024The Slithering Dead: Does locomotor performance affect post-capture death feigning in dice snakes (Natrix tessellata, Laurenti 1768)?Bjelica, Vukašin ; Maričić, Marko ; Anđelković, Marko; Tomović, Ljiljana ; Arsovski, Dragan; Golubović, Ana M21
432024FIRST RECORD OF HUCHEN Hucho hucho (Linnaeus 1758) IN THE GRZA RIVER: HUMAN-CAUSED INTRODUCTION FROM ITS NATIVE HABITAT IN SERBIASokolović, Vojislav D. ; Marić, Ana D. ; Nikolić, Vera P. ; Kanjuh, Tamara A. ; Škraba-Jurlina, Dubravka V. ; Simonović, Predrag D. M24
4429-Dec-2023Конципирање модела за одрживо коришћење популација комплекса поточне пастрмке (Salmo spp.) на подручју СрбијеВеличковић, Тијана; Марић, Саша 
4513-Dec-2023Western Palearctic Water Frogs’ (Pelophylax esculentus complex) Body Condition in Mixed Population Systems in Serbia Follow Levels of Habitat SuitabilityBreka, Katarina ; Stamenković, Srđan ; Krizmanić, Imre M23
4611-Oct-2023Do non-native fish species now predominate in the River Danube in the National Park "Djerdap"?Marić, Ana ; Nikolić, Vera ; Kanjuh, Tamara ; Sokolović, Vojislav ; Škraba-Jurlina, Dubravka ; Simonović, Predrag M34
4711-Oct-2023New distribution record of Faxonius (Orconectes) limosus Rafinesque, 1817 in Lake Ćelije, SerbiaNikolić, Vera ; Roljić, Rajko; Nedić, Zlatko; Škraba-Jurlina, Dubravka ; Sokolović, Vojislav ; Kanjuh, Tamara ; Marić, Ana ; Simonović, Predrag M34
4811-Oct-2023First record of black carp Mylopharyngodon piceus in SerbiaMarić, Ana ; Žikić, Goran; Kanjuh, Tamara ; Sokolović, Vojislav ; Nikolić, Vera ; Škraba-Jurlina, Dubravka ; Simonović, Predrag M34
496-Oct-2023A sequencing error or the presence of heteroplasmy?Marić, A. ; Brkušanin, M. ; Mitić, T.; Sokolović, V. ; Kanjuh, T. ; Simonović, P. M64
50Oct-2023What's the rumpus? Resident temperate forest birds approach an unfamiliar neotropical alarm call across three continentsDominguez, Jonah S.; Raković, Marko; Li, Donglai; Pollock, Henry S.; Lawson, Shelby; Novčić, Ivana ; Su, Xiangting; Zeng, Qisha; Al-Dhufari, Roqaya; Johnson-Cadle, Shanelle; Boldrick, Julia; Chamberlain, Mac; Hauber, Mark E.M22