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Title: Echinococcus golden jackals (Canis aureus)
Authors: Uzelac, Aleksandra
Klun, Ivana
Kuručki, Milica 
Pantelić, Ilija 
Breka, Katarina 
Kukurić, Tijana
Penezić, Aleksandra 
Karanović, Jelena
Ćirović, Duško 
Keywords: Echinococcus spp.;Golden jackal;E. multilocularis;Population genetics
Issue Date: Aug-2024
Rank: M34
Publisher: Polish parasitological society
Project: Worm Profiler: Surveillance and population genetics of Echinococcus in Serbia- WORM_PROFILER
Volume: 70
Issue: 1
Conference: The XIV European Multicolloquium of Parasitology Wrocław, Poland August 26–30, 2024
The golden jackal (Canis aureus) is a confirmed definitive host for tapeworms of the genus Echinococcus. As Serbia has one of Europe’s largest resident populations of golden jackals, investigating their role in the transmission and distribution of Echinococcus spp. is of interest to public health. To analyze the population genetics of Echinococcus spp. circulating in golden jackals, the project WO...
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