Researcher Profile Statistics: Ukropina, Mirela

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Geo Map
Region #
EU - Europe 1044
NA - North America 733
AS - Asia, other 523
OC - Oceania 21
AF - Africa 4
Unknown 33
Total 2358
Country #
US - United States of America 733
DE - Germany 553
CN - China 376
GB - United Kingdom 299
RS - Serbia 158
SG - Singapore 142
AU - Australia 20
NL - Netherlands 8
RU - Russian Federation 8
FR - France 6
other - Other Country 55
Total 2358
City #
Boardman 165
Shanghai 117
Belgrade 101
Chandler 89
Mladenovac 41
Beijing 31
Singapore 28
Shenyang 18
Ma'anshan 16
Shihezi 16
other 1736
Total 2358
Most viewed items #
ID: 7487 - Histological changes of the skin during postembryonic development of the crested newt Triturus ivanbureschi (Urodela, Salamandridae) 967
ID: 8664 - Probiotic administration modulates alpha-SMA expression in the small intestine muscularis externa of cadmium intoxicated rats 308
ID: 1108 - The effects of long-term sucrose overfeeding on rat brown adipose tissue 37
ID: 5600 - Methimazole-induced hypothyroidism has no impact on pancreatic β-cell nuclear diameter. 35
ID: 7544 - Gastrin-producing G cells of gastric mucosa in dexamethasone-treated rats 34
ID: 4987 - Effects of prolonged oral intake of cadmium on goblet cells in the rat small intestine and possible protection by probiotic bacteria 33
ID: 4986 - Histological organization of the endocrine pancreas in adult Balkan crested newt Triturus ivanbureschi (Amphibia, Caudata, Salamandridae) 32
ID: 7543 - Histological, ultrastructural and stereological analyses of pancreatic islets in glucocorticoid-treated rats 32
ID: 8381 - Obim struka, sagitalni abdominalni dijametar i dimenzije adipocita abdominalnih masnih depoa 31
ID: 4985 - Autophagy in pancreatic acinar cells of rats fed by sucrose-rich diet 29
ID: 5598 - Stereološka i imunohistohemijska analiza somatostatinskih (D) ćelija gastrointestinalne sluzokože pacova tretiranih deksametazonom 29
ID: 1039 - Extra-insular insulin expression in rat pancreas induced by sucrose rich diet 28
ID: 1087 - Immunohistochemical study of enteric nervous system in dexamethasone-treated rats 28
ID: 4929 - Proinflammatory effects of environmental cadmium boost resistance to opportunistic pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus: Implications for sustained low-level pulmonary inflammation? 28
ID: 5193 - Possible protective role of probiotic bacteria on intestinal epithelium after chronic CdCl2 intake 28
ID: 5599 - Sucrose-rich diet does not promote fibrosis in rat pancreas 28
ID: 1037 - Immunohistochemical detection of leptin in interscapular brown adipose tissue of hypothyroid rats 27
ID: 1124 - Subchronic oral cadmium exposure exerts both stimulatory and suppressive effects on pulmonary inflammation/immune reactivity in rats 27
ID: 5471 - Pulmonarna imunotoksičnost kadmijuma nakon produžene oralne primene - implikacije za inflamatorne bolesti pluća 27
ID: 892 - Effects of long-term sucrose overfeeding on rat brown adipose tissue: A structural and immunohistochemical study 27
ID: 905 - Histological and ultrastructural alterations of rat thyroid gland after short-term treatment with high doses of thyroid hormones 27
ID: 8380 - Veličina adipocita visceralnog masnog tkiva abdomena i antropometrijski pokazatelji mase i distribucije masnog tkiva 25
ID: 1110 - The simultaneous effect of methimazole and sucrose on granules of β-cells 24
ID: 1114 - Утицај исхране обогаћене угљеним хидратима на морфолошке и ултраструктурне одлике панкреаса пацова у условима експериментално индукованог хипотиреоидизма 24
ID: 1040 - Immunohistochemical localization of TNFα in interscapular brown adipose tissue of hyperthyroid rats 22
ID: 1115 - Цитолошке промене ретроперитонеалног и гонадалног белог масног ткива пацова у хипер- и хипотиреоидизму 22
ID: 906 - Immunohistochemical evidence for the presence of a vasoactive intestinal peptide, neuropeptide Y, and substance P, in rat adrenal cortex after acute heat stress 22
ID: 1079 - Основи биологије ћелија и ткива – практикум са радном свеском 21
ID: 1112 - Possible role of brown adipose tissue in thyroid thermogenesis 21
ID: 8379 - Subcutaneous and visceral adipocytes in normal weight subjects 21
ID: 900 - Ossification and development of vertebrae in the Balkan crested newt Triturus ivanbureschi (Salamandridae, Caudata) 21
ID: 1038 - PDX1 expression in rat pancreas induced by sucrose-rich diet 19
ID: 1083 - Практикум из цитологије на CD-у 16
ID: 1035 - The effect of methimazole-induced hypothyroidism on the rat pancreatic β-cells 14
ID: 1103 - Waist-to-thigh ratio as the best predictor of visceral adipocyte size in women 14
ID: 1060 - Morfološke promene mitohondrija mrkih adipocita pacova izazvane kalcijumom 13
ID: 126 - Calcium-sandoz®-induced erythrocyte exovesiculation and internalization of hemichromic material into rat brown adipocytes 13
ID: 155 - Erythrophagosomal haemolytic degradative pathway in rat brown adipocytes induced by hyperinsulinaemia: An ultrastructural study 13
ID: 907 - Morphological characteristics of abdominal adipose tissue in normal-weight and obese women of different metabolic profiles 13
ID: 916 - Insulin-induced iron loading in the rat brown adipose tissue: Histochemical and electron-microscopic study 13
ID: 1028 - Glycogen autophagy in the brown adipocyte of sucrose overfed rat 12
ID: 1030 - Mitochondrial biogenesis and remodeling in rat retroperitoneal white adipocytes induced by triiodothyronine 12
ID: 1031 - Remodeling capacity of retroperitoneal white adipose tissue in hyperthyroid rats 12
ID: 1033 - White adipocytes transdifferentiation into brown adipocytes induced by triiodothyronine 12
ID: 114 - Effects of methimazole-induced hypothyroidism on immunohistochemical, stereomorphometric and some ultrastructural characteristics of pancreatic β-cells 12
ID: 8663 - The effects of thyroid hormones on innervation of rat interscapular brown adipose tissue 12
ID: 1047 - PPARγ immunolocalization in the retroperitoneal white adipocyte of hyperthyroid rats 11
ID: 1096 - Adipocyte size in metabolically healthy obese women 11
ID: 925 - Brown adipocytes of sucrose-overfed rats treated with corticosterone: A stereological and ultrastructural study 11
ID: 1029 - Morphological aspect of brown adipocyte peroxisome biogenesis in hypothyroid rats 10
ID: 1032 - Morphological evidences for brown adipose tissue activation in the chemically thyroidectomised rats 10
ID: 1034 - Autophagy of mitochondria in brown adipocytes of chemically thyroidectomised rats 10
ID: 1048 - The leptin and TNF-alpha expression in retroperitoneal and epididymal adipocytes of hypothyroid rats 10
ID: 1078 - Хистологија органских система - практикум 10
ID: 1099 - Vascular density of abdominal adipose tissue in metabolically healthy obese subjects 10
Total 2358
Most type viewed #
ID: all - 0
ID: other - 0
ID: journal - 1288
ID: conference - 977
ID: patent - 0
ID: book - 47
ID: dataset - 0
ID: selected - 0
Total 2312

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2023 00 2453319 6014708 540213 1004
2024 102138 5656148611 0000 00 1354
Ever 2358