Chair of General Physiology and Biophysics
Organization name
Chair of General Physiology and Biophysics
OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)
Date issued
- 398 2020 - 2025
- 376 2010 - 2019
- 96 2000 - 2009
- 21 1990 - 1999
- 505 Article
- 32 Journal Article
- 12 Other
- 6 Book Chapter
- 2 Book Chapter
- 1 Book
- 327 With Fulltext
- 231 No Fulltext
Results 201-250 of 891 (Search time: 0.019 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Rank | |
201 | 21-Sep-2022 | In vivo oslikavanje pojedinačnih hifa Phycomyces blakesleeanus metodom multifotonske mikroskopije: uticaj selenita na morfologiju i funkciju mitohondrija | Pajić, Tanja ; Kozakijević, Suzana; Lukičić, Jovana ; Živić, Miroslav ; Krmpot, Aleksandar; Rabasović, Mihailo ; Todorović, Nataša | M64 |
202 | 21-Sep-2022 | Usvajanje i redukcija selenita u micelijama Phycomyces blakesleeanus: uticaj na aktivnost enzima antioksidativne zaštite | Rodić, Ivanka; Lukičić, Jovana ; Stanić, Marina; Žižić, Milan; Zakrzewska, Joanna; Živić, Miroslav ; Cvetić-Antić, Tijana. | M64 |
203 | 21-Sep-2022 | Specifičnost cerebrospinalne tečnosti i imunoglobulina G seruma u neurodegenerativnim bolestima | Bijelić, Dunja; Živković, Irena; Stević, Zorica; Anđus, Pavle ; Milošević, Milena | M61 |
204 | 21-Sep-2022 | Elektrofiziološka karakterizacija β ćelija pankreasa na ćelijskoj liniji RIN-5f | Bošnjaković, T.; Todorović, N.; Milošević, M. ; Živić, M. | M64 |
205 | 21-Sep-2022 | Dominantne struje plazma membrane gljive Phycomyces blakesleeanus registrovane sa protoplasta dobijenih mikrohirurgijom ćelijskog zida femtosekundnim laserom | Stevanović, Katarina; Pajić, Tanja ; Živić, Miroslav ; Krmpot, Aleksandar; Rabasović, Mihailo; Todorović, Nataša. | M64 |
206 | 17-Sep-2022 | Perineuronal nets and inhibitory synapses in the hippocampus of tenascin-C deficient mice | Jakovljević, Ana ; Aysit, Nese; Anđus, Pavle | M34 |
207 | 14-Sep-2022 | Cataclysta lemnata (linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) u Srbiji:jos jedna zanemarena vrsta? | Marković, V. ; Novaković, B.; Božanić, M. ; Stojanović, K. ; Tatović, A. ; Živić, I. | M64 |
208 | 14-Sep-2022 | Novi nalazi Trichoptera za faunu Srbije | Marković, V. ; Novaković, B.; Božanić, M. ; Stojanović, K. ; Tatović, A. ; Živić, I. | M64 |
209 | 5-Sep-2022 | Intermittent theta burst stimulation ameliorates cognitive impairment and hippocampal gliosis in the Streptozotocin-induced model of Alzheimer's disease | Stanojević, Jelena; Dragić, Milorad ; Stevanović, Ivana; Ilić, Tihomir; Stojanović, Ivana; Zeljković, Milica ; Ninković, Milica | M20 |
210 | 2-Sep-2022 | Cytotoxic activity of the crude polysaccharides/exopolysaccharides of Coprinus comatus and Coprinellus truncorum | Atlagić, Kristina ; Živić, Miroslav ; Jakovljević, Dragica; Marković Filipović, Jelena; Šibul, Filip; Pejin, Boris; Karaman, Maja | M22 |
211 | Sep-2022 | Mechanistic studies of sulforaphane induced toxicity: in silico approach | Božić, Dragica; Živančević, Katarina ; Baralić, Katarina; Tavrić, J; Plankoš, A; Ćurčić, Marijana; Antonijević, Biljana; Đukić-Ćosić, Danijela | M34 |
212 | Sep-2022 | Toxic potential of Pseudomonas aeruginosa mannose-sensitive hemagglutinin: in silico investigation of adverse outcomes in cancer patients | Božić, Dragica; Živančević, Katarina ; Baralić, Katarina; Javorac, Dragana; Marić, Đurđica; Buha Đorđević, Aleksandra; Bulat, Zorica; Đukić-Ćosić, Danijela | M33 |
213 | Sep-2022 | Uticaj obogaćene sredine na editovanje serotoninskog receptora 2C | Karanović, Jelena ; Bratkovič Tomaž; Stamenković, Vera ; Jasnić, Nebojša ; Milošević, Milena ; Đorđević Ana; Anđus, Pavle ; Jovanović Vladimir M.; Savić Pavićević, Dušanka | M64 |
214 | 31-Aug-2022 | Comparative Analysis of Diverse Acetyltransferase-Type Toxin-Antitoxin Loci in Klebsiella pneumoniae | Goh, Ying-Xian; Li, Peifei; Wang, Meng; Đorđević, Marko ; Tai, Cui; Wang, Hui; Deng, Zixin; Chen, Zhaoyan; Ou, Hong-Yu | M21 |
215 | 26-Aug-2022 | Tenascin-C fibronectin D domain is involved in the fine-tuning of glial response to CNS injury in vitro | Bijelić, Dunja ; Adžić, Marija ; Reiss Gebhard; Milošević, Milena ; Anđus, Pavle R. ; Jakovčevski Igor | M21 |
216 | 23-Aug-2022 | Melatonin Arrests Excessive Inflammatory Response and Apoptosis in Lipopolysaccharide-Damaged Rat Liver: A Deeper Insight into its Mechanism of Action | Sokolović, D.; Lazarević, M.; Milić, D.; Stanojković, Z.; Mitić, K. ; Sokolović, D. T. | M22 |
217 | 22-Aug-2022 | Biophysical modeling and analysis of the predictors of the COVID-19 transmission and clinical severity | Rodić, A. ; Salom, I.; Marković, Sofija ; Milićević, O.; Zigić, D.; Ilić, B.; Djordjević, M.; Djordjević, M. | M32 |
218 | 16-Aug-2022 | Evoked Cortical Depolarizations Before and After the Amyloid Plaque Accumulation: Voltage Imaging Study | Zhu, MH.; Jogdand, AH.; Jang, J.; Nagella, SC.; Das, B.; Milošević, MM. ; Yan, R.; Antic, SD. | M22 |
219 | 10-Aug-2022 | Revisiting the Effect of 3 Sesquiterpenoids From Conocephalum conicum (Snake Liverwort) on Rat Spleen Lymphocyte Viability and Membrane Functioning | Filipović, S.I.; Stojanović, N.M.; Mitić, K.V. ; Ranđelović, P.J.; Radulović, N.S. | M23 |
220 | 12-Jul-2022 | Immunomodulatory Effects of Extract of Lingzhi or Reishi Medicinal Mushroom Ganoderma lucidum (Agaricomycetes) Basidiocarps Cultivated on Alternative Substrate | Božić-Nedeljković, B. ; Ćilerdžić, J. ; Zmijanjac, D.; Marković, M.; Džopalić, T.; Vasilijić, S.; Stajić, M. ; Vučević, D. | M23 |
221 | 9-Jul-2022 | Intermittent theta burst stimulation ameliorates motor dysfunction in the 6-hydroxydopamine model of Parkinson’s disease | Zeljković, Milica ; Dragić, Milorad ; Stekić, Anđela ; Stanojević, Jelena; Nedeljković, Nadežda. | M34 |
222 | 9-Jul-2022 | Olfactory dysfunction and pronounced gliosis in the olfactory bulb precede motor impairment in the rat model of multiple sclerosis | Stekić, Anđela ; Dragić, Milorad ; Mihajlović, Katarina ; Nedeljković, Nadežda | M34 |
223 | 7-Jul-2022 | Joint impact of key air pollutants on COVID-19 severity: prediction based on toxicogenomic data analysis | Đukić-Ćosić, Danijela; Baralić, Katarina; Filipović, Teodora; Božić, Dragica; Živančević, Katarina S. ; Antonijević Miljaković Evica; Buha Đorđević, Aleksandra; Bulat, Zorica; Antonijević, Biljana; Ćurčić, Marijana | M22 |
224 | 4-Jul-2022 | Modeling the COVID-19 transmission dynamics and identifying meteorological and sociodemographic predictors | Rodić, Anđela ; Salom, I.; Milicevic, O.; Marković, Sofija ; Zigic, D.; Ilic, B.; Djordjevic, M.; Đorđević, Marko | M34 |
225 | 4-Jul-2022 | Combining machine learning and non-linear dynamics modeling to understand COVID-19 risk factors | Đorđević, Marko ; Salom, I.; Djordjevic, M.; Marković, Sofija ; Rodić, Anđela ; Milicevic, M.; Tumbas Z. Marko ; Zigic, D. | M34 |
226 | 30-Jun-2022 | Activities of antioxidant enzymes in mycelium of fungus Phycomyces blakesleeanus | Lukičić, Jovana ; Rodić, Ivanka; Žižić, Milan; Zakrzewska, Joanna; Cvetić-Antić, Tijana ; Živić, Miroslav ; Stanić, Marina. | M34 |
227 | 30-Jun-2022 | Estimating parameter values, analyzing the role, and identifying predictors of the SARS-CoV-2 inherent transmissibility | Rodić, Anđela ; Salom, I.; Milicevic, O.; Marković, Sofija ; Zigic, D.; Ilić, Bojana; Djordjevic, M.; Đorđević, Marko | M34 |
228 | 30-Jun-2022 | Inferring environmental drivers of COVID-19 severity by machine learning | Markovic, S. ; Rodić, Anđela ; Salom, I.; Milicevic, O.; Đorđević, M.; Đorđević, Marko | M34 |
229 | 26-Jun-2022 | Antineuroinflammatory and neuroprotective activities of ethanolic extracts of commercial Lamiaceae medicinal plants from Serbia | Oalđe Pavlović, M. ; Lunić, T.; Mandić, M.; Alimpić-Aradski, A. ; Marin, P. ; Duletić- Laušević, D.; Božić-Nedeljković, B. | M34 |
230 | 23-Jun-2022 | Primary Cultures of Rat Astrocytes and Microglia and Their Use in the Study of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis | Milićević, Katarina ; Korenić, Andrej ; Milošević, Milena ; Anđus, Pavle | M23 |
231 | 22-Jun-2022 | Extracts of selected Lamiaceae species as promising antidiabetics: Chemical profiling, in vitro and in silico approach combined with dynamical modeling | Oalđe Pavlović, M. ; Lunić, T. ; Graovac, S.; Mandić, M. ; Repac, J.; Gašić, U.; Božić-Nedeljković, B. ; Božić, B. | M21a |
232 | 21-Jun-2022 | Aquatic insects diversity in the part of Neretva river drainage (Bosnia and Herzegovina): preliminary results. „EcoIst ’22“ | Marković, Vanja ; Božanić, M. ; Arapović, O.; Gojšina, V.; Tatović, A. ; Stojanović, K. | M33 |
233 | 6-Jun-2022 | Synthesis and characterization of novel triphenyltin(IV) complex with 2-(4-hydroxy-2-oxoquinolinyl)ethanoic acid | Kasalović, Marijana P.; Ladjarević, Jelena; Božić, Bojan ; Jevtić, Verica V.; Kaludjerović, Goran N.; Pantelić, Nebojša | M64 |
234 | 30-May-2022 | Analytical study of infection outburst under strong mitigation measures | Ilić, B.; Đorđević, M. ; Đorđević, M.; Salom, I.; Stojku, S. | M34 |
235 | 20-May-2022 | In silico‐in vitro estimation of lipophilicity and permeability association for succinimide derivatives using chromatographic anisotropic systems and parallel artificial membrane permeability assay (PAMPA) | Vidović, D.; Milošević, N.; Pavlović, N.; Todorović, N.; Panić, J. Č.; Ćurčić, J.; Banjac N.; Trišović N.; Božić, B. ; Lalić‐Popović, M. | M23 |
236 | 17-May-2022 | Intermittent Theta Burst Stimulation Ameliorates Cognitive Deficit and Attenuates Neuroinflammation via PI3K/Akt/mTOR Signaling Pathway in Alzheimer’s-Like Disease Model | Stekić, Anđela N. ; Zeljković, Milica B. ; Zaric Kontic, Marina; Mihajlović, Katarina I. ; Adžić, Marija ; Stevanovic, Ivana; Ninkovic, Milica; Grkovic, Ivana; Ilic, Tihomir; Nedeljković, Nadežda ; Dragić, Milorad | M21 |
237 | 16-May-2022 | Enzyme histochemistry: a useful tool for examining the spatial distribution of brain ectonucleotidases in (patho)physiological conditions | Grković, Ivana; Mitrović, Nataša; Dragić, Milorad ; Zarić Kontić, Marina | M22 |
238 | 5-May-2022 | Obogaćena sredina vs. kognitivno oštećenje – od eksperimenta do kliničke primene? | Radenović, Lidija | M32 |
239 | 5-May-2022 | Identification of Outwardly Rectified Inactivating Current of P. blackesleeanus in excised patches | Stevanović, K. ; Živić, M. ; Todorović, N. | M34 |
240 | 5-May-2022 | Improvement of theoretical UV-Vis spectra calculations by empirical solvatochromic parameters: Case study of 5-arylazo-3-cyano-1-ethyl-6-hydroxy-4- methyl-2-pyridones | Lađarević, Jelena; Božić, Bojan ; Vitnik, Vesna; Matović, Luka; Mijin, Dušan; Vitnik, Željko | M21 |
241 | 2-May-2022 | Therapeutic Potential of Astrocyte Purinergic Signalling in Epilepsy and Multiple Sclerosis | Nobili, Paola; Shen, Weida; Milićević, Katarina ; Bogdanović Pristov, Jelena; Audinat, Etienne; Nikolić, Ljiljana | M21 |
242 | 30-Apr-2022 | Reactive and senescent astroglial phenotypes as hallmarks of brain pathologies | Lazić, Andrijana; Balint Vanda; Stanisavljević Ninković Danijela; Perić, Mina ; Stevanović, Milena | M21, |
243 | 28-Apr-2022 | Uticaj sezonskih promena na sastav sekundarnih metabolita i neuroprotektivnu aktivnost ekstrakata mahovine Hypnum cupressiforme: in vitro i in silico studija | Lunić, T. ; Oalđe, M. ; Mandić, M. ; Sabovljević, A. ; Sabovljević, M. ; Gašić, U.; Duletić-Laušević, S. ; Božić, B. ; Božić Nedeljković, B. | M64 |
244 | 28-Apr-2022 | Anti-oksidativna i neuroprotktivna aktivnost odabranih 2-piridona: in vitro i in silico studija | Mandić, M. ; Lunić, T. ; Lađarević J.; Veruševski V.; Mijin D.; Božić, B. ; Božić Nedeljković, B. | M64 |
245 | 24-Mar-2022 | Agmatine Mitigates Inflammation-Related Oxidative Stress in BV-2 Cells by Inducing a Pre-Adaptive Response | Milošević, Katarina; Stevanović, Ivana; Božić, Iva D.; Milošević, Ana; Janjić, Marija M.; Laketa, Danijela ; Bjelobaba, Ivana; Lavrnja, Irena; Savić, Danijela | M21 |
246 | 23-Mar-2022 | Altered Topographic Distribution and Enhanced Neuronal Expression of Adenosine-Metabolizing Enzymes in Rat Hippocampus and Cortex from Early to late Adulthood | Dragić, Milorad ; Stekić, Anđela ; Zeljković, Milica ; Zaric Kontic, Marina; Mihajlović, Katarina ; Adžić, Marija ; Grkovic, Ivana; Nedeljković, Nadežda | M22 |
247 | 17-Mar-2022 | Vitamin B Complex and Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis—Attenuation of the Clinical Signs and Gut Microbiota Dysbiosis | Mandić, M. ; Mitić, K. ; Nedeljković, P.; Perić, M.; Božić, B. ; Lunić, T. ; Bačić, A.; Rajilić-Stojanović, M.; Peković, S.; Božić-Nedeljković, B. | M21 |
248 | 13-Mar-2022 | Label- Free Third Harmonic Generation Imaging and Quantification of Lipid Droplets in Live Filamentous Fungi | Pajić, Tanja ; Todorović, Nataša; Živić, Miroslav ; Rabasović, Mihailo; Krmpot, Aleksandar | M34 |
249 | 17-Feb-2022 | Emerging Roles for Phase Separation of RNA-Binding Proteins in Cellular Pathology of ALS | Milićević, Katarina ; Rankovic, Branislava; Anđus, Pavle ; Bataveljić B. Danijela ; Milovanović Dragomir | M21 |
250 | 16-Feb-2022 | Early evolution constrained by high-pt quark-gluon plasma tomography | Stojku, Stefan; Auvinen, Jussi; Đorđević, Marko ; Huovinen, Pasi; Đorđević, Magdalena | M21 |