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Title: Estimating parameter values, analyzing the role, and identifying predictors of the SARS-CoV-2 inherent transmissibility
Authors: Rodić, Anđela 
Salom, I.
Milicevic, O.
Marković, Sofija 
Zigic, D.
Ilić, Bojana
Djordjevic, M.
Đorđević, Marko 
Issue Date: 30-Jun-2022
Rank: M34
Publisher: Serbian Society of Microbiology.
Citation: Rodic А, Salom I, Milicevic O, Markovic S, Zigic D, Ilic B, Djordjevic M, Djordjevic M. (2022) Estimating parameter values, analyzing the role, and identifying predictors of the SARS-CoV-2 inherent transmissibility. FEMS Conference on Microbiology, 30 June - 2 July 2022, Belgrade, Serbia, Book of Abstracts (p.100), ISBN: 978-86-914897-8-6, Published by: Serbian Society of Microbiology.
Start page: 100
Conference: Conference on Microbiology, Belgrade, Serbia,
Book of Abstracts (p.100)
ISBN: 978-86-914897-8-6
Appears in Collections:Conference abstract

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