Chair of General Physiology and Biophysics

Organization name
Chair of General Physiology and Biophysics

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 301-350 of 891 (Search time: 0.025 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
301Sep-2021Detection and isotopic distribution of oxaprozine complex containing Cu(II) ions by LDI mass spectrometryVeljković, F.; Božić, B. ; Stoiljković, M.; Radović, I.; Janković, B.; Ćurčić, M.; Veličković, S.M34
30225-Aug-2021Exploring immunogenicity of tick salivary AV422 protein in persons exposed to ticks: prospects for utilizationMihaljica, Darko; Marković, Dragana; Repac, Jelena ; Božić, Bojan ; Radulović, Željko; Veinović, Gorana; Sukara, Ratko; Ristanović, Elizabeta; Chochlakis, Dimosthenis; Božić Nedeljković, Biljana ; Tomanović, SnežanaM21
30317-Aug-2021Neuroinflammation in Post-Ischemic BrainZivancevic, Katarina ; Lovic, Darko ; Andjus, Pavle ; Radenovic, Lidija M12
3047-Aug-2021The role of vitamin A and vitamin D in the modulation of the immune response with focus on innate lymphoid cellsDžopalić, Tanja; Božić-Nedeljković, Biljana ; Jurišić, VladimirM23
305Aug-2021NTPDase1/CD39 and Ecto-5ʹ-nucleotidase/CD73 are Upregulated in a Sex-specific fashion in the Rat Fetal Brain After Repeated Antenatal Dexamethasone TreatmentLaketa, D. ; Manojlovic-Stojanoski, M.; Lavrnja, I.; Stevanovic, I.; Trifunovic, S.; Ristic, N.; Nestorovi, N.; Sévigny, J.; Nedeljkovic, N. M34
306Aug-2021Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation improves cognitive dysfunction in trimethyltin-induced hippocampal neurodegenerationStekić, A. ; Dragić, M. ; Zeljković, M. ; Mihajlović, K. ; Zarić, M.; Adžić, M. ; Nedeljković, N. M34
307Aug-2021Label-free Third Harmonic Generation Imaging of Lipid Droplets in Live Filamentous FungiPajić, T. ; Todorović, N.; Zivić, M. ; Rabasović, M. D.; Clayton, A.H.A.; Krmpot, A.M34
308Aug-2021Characterisation of novel CD73 inhibitors in primary astrocyte cultureMihajlović, K. ; Adžić, M. ; Dragić, M. ; Nedeljković, N. M34
309Aug-2021Nanosized free radicals for the use as contrast and hyperpolarization agents in ultralow-field and high-field MRIFehling P; Pavicevic A; Korenic A ; Dobrynin S; Morozov D; Polienko Y; Khoroshunova Y; Xengelmann J; Buckenmaier K; Scheffler K; Angelovski G; Kirilyuk I; Mojovic M; Andjus P ; Borozdina YM34
310Aug-2021Laser Microsurgery of Filamentous Fungi: The Latest Protocol Enabling Patch-Clamp Amenable ProtoplastsStevanović, K. ; Pajić, T. ; Todorović, N.; Krmpot, A.; Živić, M. ; Rabasović, M.M34
311Aug-2021Agmatine protects mitochondria in LPS-stimulated microgliaTesovic, K.; Stevanovic, I.; Bozic, I.; Milosevic, A.; Jakovljevic, M.; Janjic, M.; Bjelobaba, I.; Laketa, D. ; Lavrnja, I.; Savic, D.M34
312Aug-2021A systems biology approach to understanding SARS-CoV-2 transmissibility in populationMarkovic, Sofija ; Djordjevic, Marko ; Djordjevic, Magdalena; Rodic, Andjela ; Salom, Igor; Milicevic, Ognjen; Ilic, Bojana; Zigic, Dusan; Stojku, StefanM34
313Aug-2021First glance at a multitude of ion currents on filamentous fungus P. blakesleeanus protoplasts obtained by femtosecond laser microsurgeryZivic, M. ; Stevanovic, K. ; Pajic, T. ; Rabasovic, M. D.; Krmpot, A.; Todorovic, N.M34
314Aug-2021Narrowing of laser beam propagating through biological suspensionA. Kovacevic; T. Pajic ; D. Pavlovic; M. Stanic; M. Lekic; S. Nikolic; B. JelenkovicM34
3155-Jul-2021Effects of galectin-1 on immunomodulatory properties of human monocyte-derived dendritic cellsDžopalić, Tanja; Kostić, Miloš; Kostić, Milena; Marjanović, Goran; Guzina, Jelena ; Jurišić, Vladimir; Božić-Nedeljković, Biljana M23
316Jul-2021Effects of vanadate on antioxidant systems in mycelium of fungus Phycomyces blakesleeanusLukičić, J. ; Rodić, I.; Žižić, M.; Zakrzewska, J.; Cvetić Antić, T. ; Živić, M. ; Stanić, M.M34
317Jul-2021Impact of Immunoglobulin G from ALS patients on morphology of astrocytes in cultureBijelić D ; Čokorac N; Pereira Rayes R; Radenović L ; Vega Baudrit RJ; Andjus RP M34
31829-Jun-2021Mining the capacity of human-associated microorganisms to trigger rheumatoid arthritis—A systematic immunoinformatics analysis of T cell epitopesRepac, Jelena ; Mandić, Marija ; Lunić, Tanja ; Božić, Bojan ; Božić Nedeljković, Biljana M21
31924-Jun-2021PM2.5 as a major predictor of COVID-19 basic reproduction number in the USAMilicevic, Ognjen; Salom, Igor; Rodic, Andjela ; Marković Z. Sofija ; Tumbas Z. Marko ; Zigic, Dusan; Djordjevic, Magdalena; Djordjevic, Marko M21a
32021-Jun-2021A bioinformatics approach to inferring environmental drivers of SARS-CoV-2 transmissibilityMarković, S. ; Milićević, O.; Rodić, A. ; Zigić, D.; Tumbas Z. Marko ; Salom, I.; Đorđević, M.; Đorđević, Marko M34
32115-Jun-2021Molecular mechanisms of antitumor activity of 3-(4-chlorobenyzl)-5-isopropyl-5-phenylhydantoin in human colon cancer HCT-116 cellsObradović, Ana; Matić, Miloš; Ognjanović, Branka; Marinković, Emilija; Božić, Bojan ; Božić Nedeljković, Biljana M34
3225-Jun-2021Probiotic reduced the impact of phthalates and bisphenol A mixture on type 2 diabetes mellitus development: Merging bioinformatics with in vivo analysisBaralić, Katarina; Živančević, Katarina ; Jorgovanović, Dragica; Javorac, Dragana; Radovanović, Jelena; Gojković, Tamara; Buha Djordjevic, Aleksandra; Ćurčić, Marijana; Mandinić, Zoran; Bulat, Zorica; Antonijević, Biljana; Đukić-Ćosić, DanijelaM21a
3231-Jun-2021Assessment of cellular and molecular changes in the rat brain after gamma radiation and radioprotection by anisomycinKočović, Dušica M. ; Bajuk-Bogdanović, Danica; Pećinar, Ilinka; Božić Nedeljković, Biljana ; Daković, Marko; Andjus, Pavle R. M22
324Jun-2021Different levels of exploring antioxidant and antitumor potential of Salvia officinalis and Salvia rosmarinusOalđe, Mariana ; Kolarević, Stoimir ; Mandić, Marija ; Lunić, Tanja ; Vuković-Gačić, Branka ; Božić Nedeljković, Biljana ; Duletić-Laušević, Sonja M34
325Jun-2021Actively exploiting quantum effects: a verge between life and (bio)moleculesKorenić, Andrej ; Perović, SlobodanM32
326Jun-2021Toxicogenomic data analysis of berberine's protective role in environmentally relevant toxic metals induced Alzheimer's diseaseŽivančević K. ; Baralić K.; Jorgovanović D.; Ćurčić M.; Antonijević E.; Antonijević B.; Đukić-Ćosić D.M34
327Jun-2021Phthalate and Bisphenol A mixture-linked asthma development: positive probiotic interventionBaralić, K.; Jorgovanović, D.; Živančević, K. ; Javorac, D.; Buha Djordjević, A.; Vukomanović, P.; Bulat, Z.; Đukić-Ćosić, D.M34
328Jun-2021Understanding Infection Progression under Strong Control Measures through Universal COVID-19 Growth SignaturesDjordjevic, Magdalena; Djordjevic, Marko ; Ilic, Bojana; Stojku, Stefan; Salom, IgorM34
329Jun-2021Biophysical and bioinformatics approach to study sociodemographic and weather impacts on the SARS-CoV-2 virus transmissibilitySalom, Igor; Rodic, Andjela ; Milicevic, Ognjen; Zigic, Dusan; Ilic, Bojana; Djordjevic, Magdalena; Djordjevic, Marko M32
33027-May-2021In Vitro Evaluation of Antiproliferative Properties of Novel Organotin(IV) Carboxylate Compounds with Propanoic Acid Derivatives on a Panel of Human Cancer Cell LinesPantelić, Nebojša Đ.; Božić, Bojan ; Zmejkovski, Bojana B.; Banjac, Nebojša R.; Dojčinović, Biljana; Wessjohann, Ludger A.; Kaluđerović, Goran N.M22
3316-May-2021Understanding Infection Progression under Strong Control Measures through Universal COVID-19 Growth SignaturesDjordjevic, Magdalena; Đorđević, Marko ; Ilic, Bojana; Stojku, Stefan; Salom, IgorM21
3323-May-2021A systems biology approach to COVID-19 progression in a populationDjordjevic, Magdalena; Rodic, Andjela ; Salom, Igor; Zigic, Dusan; Milicevic, Ognjen; Ilic, Bojana; Djordjevic, Marko M22
33329-Apr-2021Karakterizacija i imunomodulatorni potencijal ekstrakata mahovine Hypnum cupressiforme HedwLunić, Tanja ; Oalđe, Mariana ; Mandić, Marija ; Sabovljević, Aneta ; Sabovljević, Marko ; Gašić, Uroš; Duletić-Laušević, Sonja ; Božić, Bojan ; Božić Nedeljković, Biljana. M64
33429-Apr-2021Biološka aktivnost i karakterizacija ekstrakata mahovine Hedwigia ciliata (Hedw.) P. BeauvMandić, Marija ; Oalđe, Mariana ; Lunić, Tanja ; Sabovljević, Aneta ; Sabovljević, Marko ; Gašić, Uroš; Duletić-Laušević, Sonja ; Božić, Bojan ; Božić Nedeljković, Biljana M64
335Apr-2021Uticaj kompleksa B vitamina na proces neuroinflamacije i regeneracije perifernog nerva pacova nakon povredeEhmedah, Adil; Nedeljković, Predrag; Repac, Jelena ; Drašković-Pavlović, Biljana; Vučević, Dragana; Peković, Sanja; Božić Nedeljković, Biljana M64
33626-Mar-2021Effects of CSF from CNS SLE patients on neuronal calcium signalingMilosevic, M ; Bijelic, D ; Stojanovich, Lj; Sakic, B; Andjus, PR M34
33720-Mar-2021Trimethyltin induces calcium dysregulation and inflammatory phenotype in astrocytes in vitroMilićević, Katarina ; Dragić, Milorad ; Adžić, Marija ; Grković, Ivana; Anđus, Pavle ; Nedeljković, Nadežda M34
33811-Mar-2021Translocator Protein Modulation by 4′-Chlorodiazepam and NO Synthase Inhibition Affect Cardiac Oxidative Stress, Cardiometabolic and Inflammatory Markers in Isoprenaline-Induced Rat Myocardial InfarctionIlic, Ana; Todorovic, Dusan; Mutavdzin, Slavica; Boricic, Novica; Božić-Nedeljković, Biljana ; Stankovic, Sanja; Simic, Tatjana; Stevanovic, Predrag; Celic, Vera; Djuric, DraganM21
339Mar-2021The effects of two novel radioprotectors in the rat brainstem of gamma-irradiated rats followed by Synchrotron FTIR spectroscopyKočović DM ; Korenić A ; Andjus PR ; Dučić TM34
340Mar-2021Combining in vivo pathohistological and redox status analysis with in silico toxicogenomic study to explore the phthalates and bisphenol A mixture-induced testicular toxicityBaralić, Katarina; Jorgovanović, Dragica; Živančević, Katarina ; Buha Djordjević, Aleksandra; Antonijević Miljaković, Evica; Miljković, Milica; Kotur-Stevuljević, Jelena; Antonijević, Biljana; Đukić-Ćosić, DanijelaM21
34126-Feb-2021Raman spectral analysis of the brainstem and responses of neuroglia and cytokines in whole-body gamma-irradiated rats after administration of aminothiol-based radioprotector GL2011Kočović, Dušica ; Bajuk-Bogdanovic, Danica; Maslovaric, Irina; Božić-Nedeljković, Biljana ; Andjus, Pavle ; Dakovic, MarkoM23
34216-Feb-2021Extracting the temperature dependence in high-p⊥ particle energy lossStojku, Stefan; Ilic, Bojana; Djordjevic, Marko ; Djordjevic, MagdalenaM21
34325-Jan-2021Effects of demographic and weather parameters on COVID-19 basic reproduction numberSalom, Igor; Rodic, Andjela ; Milicevic, Ognjen; Zigic, Dusan; Djordjevic, Magdalena; Djordjevic, Marko M21
34416-Jan-2021Elucidating the influence of environmentally relevant toxic metal mixture on molecular mechanisms involved in the development of neurodegenerative diseases: In silico toxicogenomic data-miningŽivančević, Katarina ; Baralić, Katarina; Jorgovanović, Dragica; Buha Djordjević, Aleksandra; Ćurčić, Marijana; Antonijević Miljaković, Evica; Antonijević, Biljana; Bulat, Zorica; Đukić-Ćosić, DanijelaM21a
3454-Jan-2021Trimethyltin Increases Intracellular Ca2+ Via L-Type Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels and Promotes Inflammatory Phenotype in Rat Astrocytes In VitroDragić, Milorad ; Milićević, Katarina ; Adžić, Marija ; Stevanović, Ivana; Ninković, Milica; Grković, Ivana; Anđus, Pavle ; Nedeljković, Nadežda M21
3462021Crystal structure and antioxidant activity of Cu(II) complex of azo pyridone dyeLađarević, J.; Radovanović, L.; Božić, B. ; Mašulović, A.; Rogan, J.; Mijin, D.M64
3472021Metal-Free and Acid-Free Activation of Carbonyl Moiety Using Molecular Halogens or N-Halamines. Advances in Organic Synthesis: Volume 15, 5, 1.Božić, B. ; Čebular, K.; Stavber, S.M14
3482021The Extracellular Matrix Glycoprotein Tenascin C and Adult NeurogenesisTucić, Milena ; Stamenković, Vera ; Anđus, Pavle M21
3492021Metal-Free and Acid-Free Activation of Carbonyl Moiety Using Molecular Halogens or N-HalaminesBožić, Bojan ; Čebular, Klara; Stavber, Stojan.M14
3502021Different Functions of Recombinantly Expressed Domains of Tenascin-C in Glial Scar FormationBjelić, Dunja ; Adžić, Marija ; Perić, Mina ; Jakovčevski, Igor; Förster, Eckart; Schachner, Melitta; Anđus, Pavle M21