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Full Name
Kočović, Dušica
Kočović, Dušica M.
Kočović, D.M.
Kočović, D.
Kocovic, D.
Kocovic, Dusica M.
Kocovic, D.M.
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Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
11-Jun-2021Assessment of cellular and molecular changes in the rat brain after gamma radiation and radioprotection by anisomycinKočović, Dušica M. ; Bajuk-Bogdanović, Danica; Pećinar, Ilinka; Božić Nedeljković, Biljana ; Daković, Marko; Andjus, Pavle R. M22
2Mar-2021The effects of two novel radioprotectors in the rat brainstem of gamma-irradiated rats followed by Synchrotron FTIR spectroscopyKočović DM ; Korenić A ; Andjus PR ; Dučić TM34
326-Feb-2021Raman spectral analysis of the brainstem and responses of neuroglia and cytokines in whole-body gamma-irradiated rats after administration of aminothiol-based radioprotector GL2011Kočović, Dušica ; Bajuk-Bogdanovic, Danica; Maslovaric, Irina; Božić-Nedeljković, Biljana ; Andjus, Pavle ; Dakovic, MarkoM23
413-Aug-2019Cadmium versus Lanthanum Effects on Spontaneous Electrical Activity and Expression of Connexin Isoforms Cx26, Cx36, and Cx45 in the Human Fetal CortexKocovic, Dusica M ; Limaye, Pallavi V; Colburn, Lauren C H; Singh, Mandakini B; Milosevic, Milena M ; Tadic, Jasmina; Petronijevic, Milos; Vrzic-Petronijevic, Svetlana; Andjus, Pavle R ; Antic, Srdjan DM21