| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Rank |
751 | 2013 | Nomenclatural notes on three names in Viola Sect. Melanium (Violaceae) | Tomović, Gordana ; Kuzmanović, Nevena ; BARINA, ZOLTAN; ĐUROVIĆ, SANJA; Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Vukojičić, Snežana | M22 |
752 | 2013 | Stipetum novakii ass. nova – a new association of serpentine rocky grassland vegetation (Halacsyetalia sendtneri) in Serbia | Kabaš, Eva ; Alegro, Antun A.; Kuzmanović, Nevena ; Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Vukojičić, Snežana ; Lakušić, Dmitar | M23 |
753 | May-2012 | Morphological variation within the Edraianthus graminifolius complex (Campanulaceae) from the central Balkan Peninsula – evidence from multivariate statistical analysis | Rakić, Tamara; Živković, Ivana; Šinžar-Sekulić, Jasmina; Stevanović, Branka; Stevanović, Vladimir; Lakušić, Dmitar | M22 |
754 | 2012 | First record of a natural hybrid Neotinea × dietrichiana (Orchidaceae) in Serbia | Đorđević, Vladan ; Tsiftsis, S.; Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Šinžar-Sekulić, Jasmina ; Vukojičić, Snežana | M51 |
755 | 2012 | Pančić’s specimens in the Herbarium Collection of Andreas Rafael Wolny | Perić, Ranko; Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Stojšić, Vida; Vukojičić, Snežana | M52 |
756 | 1-Jul-2011 | Characterization of oxidative and antioxidative events during dehydration and rehydration of resurrection plant Ramonda nathaliae | Jovanović, Živko ; Rakić, Tamara ; Stevanović, Branka; Radović, Svetlana | M22 |
757 | Apr-2011 | Richness and diversity of Pontic flora on serpentine of Serbia | Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Lakušić, Dmitar ; Vukojičić, Snežana ; Tomović, Gordana ; Šinžar-Sekulić, Jasmina ; Stevanović, Vladimir | M23 |
758 | 2011 | Serpentine of the central Balkans: a retrospective and ongoing research | Vicić, Dražen; Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Kuzmanović, Nevena ; Batanjski, Vera; Stevanović, Branka; Stevanović, Vladimir | M34 |
759 | 2011 | Ruderalna flora i vegetacija Žabljaka (Crna Gora) - stanje i karakteristike u periodu 1990.–1998. godina | Jovanović, Slobodan ; Vukojičić, Snežana ; Jakovljević, Ksenija | M64 |
760 | 2011 | University of Belgrade Herbarium – treasury of data and challenges for future research On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of University of Belgrade Herbarium (1860-2010) | Vukojičić, Snežana ; Lakušić, Dmitar ; Jovanović, Slobodan ; Marin, Petar ; Tomović, Gordana ; Sabovljević, Marko ; Šinžar Sekulić, Jasmina ; Veljić, Milan ; Cvijan, M.; Blaženčić, J.; Stevanović, V. | |
761 | 2011 | Sličnost orofitskih flora dinarskih planina na osnovu distribucije arktičko-alpijskih, srednjeevropsko planinskih i endemičnih taksona | Stevanović, Vladimir; Vukojičić, Snežana ; Jakovljević, Ksenija | M62 |
762 | 1-Dec-2010 | The micromorphological, histochemical and confocal analysis of Satureja subspicata Bartl. ex Vis. Glandular trichomes | Marin, Marija ; Jasnić, Nebojša ; Lakušić, Dmitar ; Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Ascensão, Lia | M23 |
763 | 2010 | Florističke karakteristike područja NP 'Đerdap' i njegove neposredne okoline | Petrić, Ivana; Stojanović, Verica; Lazarević, Predrag ; Pećinar, Ilinka; Đorđević, Vladan | M53 |
764 | 2010 | Geobotanička studija stepske flore na serpentinitima centralnog Balkana | Jakovljević, Ksenija | M71 |
765 | 7-Sep-2009 | Contribution to the knowledge of flora in the NP Đerdap in North–Eastern Serbia | Petrić, I.; Stojanović, V.; Pećinar, I.; Nastasijević, B.; Đorđević, V. | M34 |
766 | Sep-2009 | Edraianthus x lakusicii (Campanulacae) a new intersectional natural hybrid: morphological and molecular evidence | Lakušić, Dmitar ; Rakić, Tamara ; Stefanović, Saša; Surina, Boštjan; Stevanović, Vladimir | M22 |
767 | Jul-2009 | One New Species of the Genus Edraianthus, and a Change in Taxonomic Status for Edraianthus serpyllifolius f. pilosulus (Campanualceae) from the Balkan Peninsula | Surina, Boštjan; Rakić, Tamara ; Stefanović, Saša; Stevanović, Vladimir; Lakušić, Dmitar | M22 |
768 | 1-Jun-2009 | Regional tritrophic relationship patterns of five aphid parasitoid species (hymenoptera: Rraconidae: Aphidiinae) in agroecosystem-dominated landscapes of Southeastern Europe | Tomanović, Željko ; Kavallieratos, Nickolas G.; Starý, Petr; Stanisavljević, Ljubiša ; Ćetković, Aleksandar ; Stamenković, Srđan ; Jovanović, Slobodan ; Athanassiou, Christos G. | M22 |
769 | Jan-2009 | Ecophysiological and anatomical characteristics of subtropical shrub Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC (Rutaceae) grown under temperate continental climate conitions | Rakić, Tamara ; Šinžar-Sekulić, Jasmina ; Filipović, Biljana; Tadić, Vanja; Stevanović, Branka; Tan, Kit | M23 |
770 | 2009 | Distribution of steppe species on serpentines in Serbia | Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Tomović, Gordana ; Šinžar-Sekulić, Jasmina ; Lakušić, Dmitar ; Stevanović, Vladimir | M34 |
771 | 2009 | Soil properties and their effect on water and mineral status of resurrection Ramonda serbica | Rakić, T. ; Quartacci, M. F.; Cardelli, R.; Navari-Izzo, F.; Stevanović, B. | M22 |
772 | 2008 | Floristic characteristics of Višnjička kosa near Belgrade, Serbia | Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Lakušić, Dmitar ; Vukojičić, Snežana ; Teofilović, Anica; Jovanović, Slobodan | M24 |
773 | 2008 | Morpho-anatomical differences of seeds in Ranunculus acris and Ranunculus repens from terrestrial and aquatic habitats at Vlasina wetlands (SE Serbia) | Atanacković, Valentina; Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Stevanović, Branka | M34 |
774 | 6-Oct-2007 | Floral morphometrics of Gentiana pneumonanthe L. growing in different habitats | Popović, Z.; Bojović, S.; Mijatović, M.; Đorđević, V. | M34 |
775 | Jan-2007 | Differences of metal concentrations and morpho-anatomical adaptations between obligate and facultative serpentinophytes from Western Serbia | Dudić, Boris ; Rakić, Tamara ; Šinžar-Sekulić, Jasmina ; Atanacković, Valentina; Stevanović, Branka | M23 |
776 | 9-Oct-2006 | Florističko-vegetacijska studija Višnjičke kose kraj Beograda s posebnim osvrtom na antropogeni uticaj i stanje biotopa | Jakovljević, Ksenija | M72 |
777 | 2006 | Disappearing of steppe flora in the Belgrade surrounding in the last 150 years | Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Jovanović, Slobodan | M34 |
778 | 2006 | Bryophyte flora of the Uvac river gorge (southwest Serbia) | Veljić, Milan ; Marin, Petar ; Lakušić, Dmitar ; Ljubić, B. | |
779 | Jan-2005 | Low-molecular weight substances in the poikilohydric plant Ramonda serbica during dehydration and rehydration | Rakić, Tamara ; Quartacci, Mike Frank; Stevanović, Branka; Marinone, Franca; Navari-Izzo, Flavia | M21 |
780 | 2005 | Prilog poznavanju vaskularne flore Višnjičke kose kraj Beograda | Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Jovanović, Slobodan | M64 |
781 | 2005 | Ruderal flora of Smederevska Palanka town - Ecological and Phytogeographical Characteristics | Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Jovanović, Slobodan | M52 |
782 | 5-Nov-2004 | Linolenic fatty acid as a major component from cypsela of selected Centaurea species | Janaćković, Peđa ; Tešević, Vele; Lakušić, Dmitar ; Milosavljević, S.; Marin, Petar ; Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Marin, Marija | M34 |
783 | 1998 | Diverzitet vaskularne flore klisure reke Gradac | Đorđević, Vladan | M63 |
784 | 1997 | Orhideje Valjevskog kraja | Đorđević, Vladan | M63 |
785 | 1996 | Prilog poznavanju flore livada petničkog kraja | Đorđević, V. ; Tišma, A. | M63 |