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Šinžar-Sekulić, Jasmina
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Results 1-25 of 42 (Search time: 0.01 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
13-Oct-2024Confronting climate change: Bioclimatic regions and plant resilience in the changing environment of SerbiaŠinžar-Sekulić, Jasmina ; Stamenković, Srđan M34
23-Oct-2024Orchid response to metalliferous soils – does physiology give us the answer?Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Mišljenović, Tomica ; van der Ent, A.; Vujičić, Milorad ; Šinžar-Sekulić, Jasmina ; Ćosić, Marija ; Andrejić, G.; Ranđelović, D.; Đorđević, Vladan M34
33-Sep-2024Factors influencing the distribution and abundance of non-native and invasive plant species in the mountainous areas: a case study from Mt. Zlatibor (Serbia)Đorđević, Vladan ; Stanković, V.; Kabaš, Eva ; Lazarević, P.; Šinžar-Sekulić, Jasmina M34
41-Sep-2024Brown and red shades in the riverbed of the Nera River (Serbia)-Update on the distribution and ecology of the association Hildenbrandio rivularis-Heribaudielletum fluviatilis Fritsch 1929 corr. Täuscher 2020 in Southeastern EuropeTrbojević, Ivana ; Milovanović, Vanja ; Šinžar-Sekulić, Jasmina ; Sekulić, Nenad; Krizmanić, Jelena ; Subakov-Simić, Gordana M23
515-Aug-2024Recognising the role of ruderal species in restoration of degraded landsRanđelović, Dragana; Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Šinžar-Sekulić, Jasmina ; Kuzmič, Filip; Šilc, UrbanM21a
6Jun-2024Floristic diversity and richness in different types of urban habitats in SerbiaGlišić, Milan; Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Lakušić, Dmitar ; Šinžar-Sekulić, Jasmina ; Vukojičić, Snežana ; Jovanović, Slobodan M34
71-Mar-2024Charophyte diversity and their habitat conservation perspectives: insights from vegetation versus sediments survey of a small pond in SerbiaMilovanović, Vanja ; Šinžar-Sekulić, Jasmina ; Cvijanović, Dušanka; Subakov-Simić, Gordana ; Trbojević, Ivana M21
81-Jan-2024Chara squamosa (Characeae, Charophyceae) in Serbia - insights from the taxonomic revision of the BEOU charophyte collection and recent field recordsTrbojević, Ivana ; Marković, Aleksandra; Šinžar-Sekulić, Jasmina ; Subakov-Simić, Gordana ; Romanov, RomanM23
928-Sep-2023Tale of Chara aspera in Serbia - toward the first reliable recordTrbojević, Ivana ; Milovanović, Vanja ; Šinžar-Sekulić, Jasmina ; Sekulić, Nenad; Subakov-Simić, Gordana M34
10Jun-2023Disentangling plant ionomes of two pseudo-metallophyte orchid species on contrasting soils in the BalkansJakovljević, Ksenija ; Mišljenović, Tomica ; van der Ent, Antony; Šinžar-Sekulić, Jasmina ; Mutić, Jelena; Ćosić, Marija ; Andrejić, Gordana; Ranđelović, Dragana; Đorđević, Vladan M34
11Apr-2023Elemental and ecophysiological profiles of orchid Dactylorhiza sambucina show distinct responses to contrasting geological substratesJakovljević, Ksenija ; Mišljenović, Tomica ; Đorđević, Vladan ; van der Ent, Antony; Ćosić, Marija ; Andrejić, Gordana; Šinžar-Sekulić, Jasmina M22
1216-Nov-2022Oospore Features among Morphologically Similar and Closely Related Charophyte Species: Consistency and VariabilityMilovanović, Vanja ; Popović, Slađana ; Predojević, Dragana ; Subakov-Simić, Gordana ; Ržaničanin, Ana; Šinžar-Sekulić, Jasmina ; Trbojević, Ivana M22
1321-Sep-2022Crvene i mrke boje na dnu reke Nere – prvi nalaz slatkovodne mrke alge Heribaudiella fluviatilis u SrbijiMilovanović, Vanja ; Trbojević, Ivana ; Šinžar-Sekulić, J. ; Sekulić, N.; Krizmanić, J. ; Subakov-Simić, G. M64
14Sep-2022Podarcis muralis in Vojvodina, Serbia, the spatial niche of an “urban citizen” in a highly anthropogenically modified regionMirč, Marko; Vukov, Tanja; Šinžar-Sekulić, Jasmina ; Stamenković, Srđan M34
15Sep-2022Effects of selected moss species extracts on diet of snail (Helix pomatia) by letuceMatić, Nikolina ; Sabovljević, Aneta ; Vujičić, Milorad ; Šinžar-Sekulić, Jasmina ; Ćosić, Marija ; Sabovljević, Marko M64
16Jun-2022Alien flora of urban habitats in SerbiaGlišić, Milan; Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Šinžar-Sekulić, Jasmina ; Lakušić, Dmitar ; Vukojičić, Snežana ; Anačkov, Goran; Jovanović, Slobodan M34
172022Micropropagation of rare bryo-halophyte Hennediella heimiiĆosić, Marija ; Sabovljević, Marko ; Papp, Beáta; Giba, Zlatko ; Šinžar-Sekulić, Jasmina ; Sabovljević, Aneta ; Vujičić, Milorad M23
1825-Nov-2021Influence of Habitat Types on Diversity and Species Composition of Urban Flora—A Case Study in SerbiaGlišić, Milan; Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Lakušić, Dmitar ; Šinžar-Sekulić, Jasmina ; Vukojičić, Snežana ; Tabašević, Milena; Jovanović, Slobodan M21
1930-Jul-2020Spatio-Temporal Classification Framework for Mapping Woody Vegetation from Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2 ImageryKovačević, Jovan; Cvijetinović, Željko; Lakušić, Dmitar ; Kuzmanović, Nevena ; Šinžar-Sekulić, Jasmina ; Mitrović, Momir; Stančić, Nikola; Brodić, Nenad; Mihajlović, DraganM21
201-Sep-2019Assessment of trace element accumulation potential of Noccaea kovatsii from ultramafics of Bosnia and Herzegovina and SerbiaŠinžar Sekulić, Jasmina ; Stamenković Matko, Una; Tomović, Gordana ; Tumi, Ahmed F.; Andrejić, Gordana; Mihailović, Nevena; Lazarević, Maja M22
211-Apr-2019Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in common reed (Phragmites australis) growing spontaneously on highly contaminated mine tailing ponds in Serbia and potential use of this species in phytoremediationPrica, Milijana ; Andrejić, Gordana; Šinžar Sekulić, Jasmina ; Rakić, Tamara ; Dželetović, ŽeljkoM23
222019Genetic diversity within selected European populations of the moss species Atrichum undulatum as inferred by the isozymesSabovljević, Marko ; Vujičić, Milorad ; Živković, Suzana; Nerić, Vesna; Šinžar-Sekulić, Jasmina ; Lang, Ingeborg; Sabovljević, Aneta 
232019Phytoremediation potential and physiological response of Miscanthus x giganteus cultivated on fertilized and non-fertilized flotation tailingsAndrejić, Gordana; Šinžar Sekulić, Jasmina ; Prica, Milijana ; Dželetović, Željko; Rakić, Tamara M22
242019An overview of invasive woody plant species in the protected natural areas of Belgrade (Serbia)Jovanović, Slobodan ; Šinžar Sekulić, Jasmina ; Mišljenović, Tomica ; Glišić, M.; Mataruga, Z.; Jakovljević, Ksenija 
252019Mapping and monitoring of wetlands using remote sensing in Tara national park, SerbiaSekulić, D.; Kuzmanović, Nevena ; Lakušić, Dmitar ; Lazarević, Predrag ; Kovačević, J.; Šinžar Sekulić, Jasmina