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Title: Chara squamosa (Characeae, Charophyceae) in Serbia - insights from the taxonomic revision of the BEOU charophyte collection and recent field records
Authors: Trbojević, Ivana 
Marković, Aleksandra
Šinžar-Sekulić, Jasmina 
Subakov-Simić, Gordana 
Romanov, Roman
Keywords: Chara gymnophylla;Chara squamosa;Charophytes;distribution;stoneworts;the Balkans
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2024
Rank: M23
Publisher: Institut za botaniku i botaničku baštu "Jevremovac", Biološki fakultet
Journal: Botanica Serbica
Volume: 48
Issue: 1
Start page: 85
End page: 92
Chara gymnophylla is one of the first charophyte species reported for Serbia during the late 19th and the early 20th centuries, and at that time it was the second in terms of the frequency of its occurrence in the country. General taxonomic misinterpretations in the past resulted in the concealment of another species, C. squamosa, within the findings attributed to C. gymnophylla. In Serbia, Chara ...
ISSN: 18212158
DOI: 10.2298/BOTSERB2401085T
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