Chair of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Organization name
Chair of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 751-800 of 974 (Search time: 0.02 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
7512010The presence of prtP proteinase gene in natural isolate Lactobacillus plantarum BGSJ3â 18Strahinic, I.; Kojic, M.; Tolinacki, M.; Fira, Đorđe ; Topisirovic, L.
7522010Regulation of the sdsA alkyl sulfatase of Pseudomonas sp. ATCC19151 and its involvement in degradation of anionic surfactantsJovčić, Branko ; Venturi, V.; Davison, J.; Topisirovic, L.; Kojic, M.
7532010Tissue-specific forkhead protein FOXA2 up-regulates SOX14 gene expressionPopovic, Jelena; Klajn, Andrijana; Petrovic, Isidora; Stevanović, Milena 
7542010Construction of a new shuttle vector and its use for cloning and expression of two plasmid-encoded bacteriocins from Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei BGSJ2–8Kojic, Milan; Lozo, Jelena ; Jovčić, Branko ; Strahinic, Ivana; Fira, Đorđe ; Topisirovic, Ljubisa
7552010Validation of endogenous controls for gene expression studies in peripheral lymphocytes from war veterans with and without PTSDBrkljačić, J.; Tanić, N.; Vojnović Milutinović, D.; Elaković, I.; Manitašević Jovanović, S.; Perišić, T.; Dundjerski, J.; Matić, Gordana 
7561-Dec-2009Retinoic acid-induced SOX3 gene expression in NT2/D1 cells is RXR homodimer-independentSavić, Tijana; Stevanović, Milena ; Nikčević, Gordana
7571-Dec-2009Cold-induced response of buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) seedlingsLučić, B.; Jovanović, Ž. ; Radović, S. ; Maksimović, V.
75820-Jun-2009Congenital cataracts facial dysmorphism neuropathy in Serbian Romani patientsKeckarević-Marković, Milica ; Milić-Rašić, V.; Kecmanović, Miljana ; Keckarević, Dušan ; Romac, S.M34
759Jun-2009Coexistence of Unverricht-Lundborg disease and congenital deafness: Molecular resolution of a complex comorbidityKecmanović, Miljana ; Ristić, Aleksandar J.; Sokić, Dragoslav; Keckarević Marković, Milica ; Vojvodić, Nikola; Ercegovac, Marko; Janković, Slavko; Keckarević, Dušan ; Savić Pavićević, Dušanka ; Romac, Stanka
760Jun-2009Mutational analysis of GJB1, MPZ, PMP22, EGR2, and LITAF/SIMPLE in Serbian Charcot-Marie-Tooth patientsKeckarević Marković, Milica ; Milic-Rasic, Vedrana; Mladenovic, Jelena; Dackovic, Jelena; Kecmanović, Miljana ; Keckarević, Dušan ; Savić Pavićević, Dušanka ; Romac, Stanka
761May-2009ZBP-89 and Sp3 down-regulate while NF-Y up-regulates SOX18 promoter activity in HeLa cellsPetrovic, Isidora; Kovacevic-Grujicic, Natasa; Stevanović, Milena 
762Apr-2009Remarkable evolutionary conservation of SOX14 orthologuesPopovic, Jelena; Stevanović, Milena 
7632009Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Azerbaijani traditional dairy productsTerzic-Vidojevic, A.; Tolinacki, M.; Nikolic, M.; Lozo, Jelena ; Begovic, J.; Gulahmadov, S.G.O.; Kuliev, A.A.; Dalgalarrondo, M.; Chobert, J-M.; Haertlé, T.; Topisirovic, L.
7642009&Molekularna analiza Gli3 gena kod pacijenata sa Palister-Halovim sindromomRadivojević, M.; Keckarević-Marković, Milica ; Dačković, J.; Apostolski, S.; Brajušković, Goran ; Romac, S.M64
7652009Dominant lactic acid bacteria in artisanal Pirot cheeses of different ripening periodTerzic-Vidojevic, Amarela; Lozo, Jelena ; Topisirovic, Ljubisa
7662009Variation in specificity of the PrtP extracellular proteinases in Lactococcus lactis and Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracaseiNikolić, M.; Tolinački, M.; Fira, Đorđe ; Golić, N.; Topisirović, L.
7672009Premaligne lezije i karcinom prostateCerović, Senžana; Brajušković, Goran ; Vukotić, Vinka
7682009Age, body mass index, and serum level of DHEA-S can predict glucocorticoid receptor function in women with polycystic ovary syndromeMacut, Djuro; Vojnović Milutinović, Danijela; Božić, Ivana; Matić, Gordana ; Brkljačić, Jelena; Panidis, Dimitrios; Petakov, Milan; Spanos, Nikolaos; Bjekić, Jelica; Stanojlović, Olivera; Petrović Milinković, Anđela; Radojičić, Zoran; Damjanović, Svetozar
7692009Evaluation of antimicrobial and proteolytic activity of enterococci isolated from fermented productsVeljovic, Katarina; Fira, Đorđe ; Terzic-Vidojevic, Amarela; Abriouel, Hikmate; Galvez, Antonio; Topisirovic, Ljubisa
7702009Dynamics of sodium dodecyl sulfate utilization andantibiotic susceptibility of strain Pseudomonas sp. ATCC19151Jovcic, B.; Begovic, Jelena; Lozo, Jelena ; Topisirovic, L.; Kojic, Milan
7712009Gender-related differences in the effects of antidepressant imipramine on glucocorticoid receptor binding properties and association with heat shock proteins in the rat liver and kidneyElaković, Ivana; Brkljačić, Jelena; Matić, Gordana 
7722009Molecular characterization of plasmids pS7a and pS7b fromLactococcus lactissubsp.lactisbv. diacetylactis S50 as a base for the construction of mobilizable cloning vectorsStrahinic, I.; Kojic, M.; Tolinacki, M.; Fira, Đorđe ; Topisirovic, L.
7732009Variability of the chloroplast dna of sessile oak (Quercus petraea agg. Ehrendorfer, 1967) in SerbiaŠijačić-Nikolić, Mirjana; Milovanović, Jelena; Bobinac, M.; Savić Pavićević, Dušanka ; Brajušković, Goran ; Diklić, M.
7742009Modulation of Glucocorticoid Receptor Function and Expression in Adolescent Moderate AsthmaPerišić, Tatjana; Srećković, Miodrag; Matić, Gordana 
7752009Human vaginal Lactobacillus rhamnosus harbor mutation in 23S rRNA associated with erythromycin resistanceBegovic, Jelena; Huys, Geert; Mayo, Baltasar; D'Haene, Klaas; Florez, Ana Belén; Lozo, Jelena ; Kojic, Milan; Strahinic, Ivana; Topisirovic, Ljubisa
7762009Glucocorticoid Receptor in Health and DiseaseDunđerski, Jadranka; Matić, Gordana 
77723-Dec-2008PCR amplification and sequence analysis of the rat SOX3 geneKrstić, A.; Mojsin, Marija; Kovačević-Grujičič, Nataša; Stevanović, Milena 
778Dec-2008Up-regulation of the SOX3 gene expression by retinoic acid: Characterization of the novel promoter-response element and the retinoid receptors involvedNikčević, Gordana; Savić, Tijana; Kovačević-Grujičić, Nataša; Stevanović, Milena 
77915-Oct-2008Trans-activation of the human SOX3 promoter by MAZ in NT2/d1 cellsKovacevic-Grujicic, Nataša; Yokoyama, Kazunari K.; Stevanović, Milena 
780Oct-2008A rare association of interrupted aortic arch type C and microdeletion 22q11.2Cuturilo, Goran; Drakulic, Danijela; Stevanović, Milena ; Jovanovic, Ida; Djukic, Milan; Miletic-Grkovic, Slobodanka; Atanaskovic-Markovic, Marina
781Oct-2008Pattern of trisomy 1q in hematological malignancies: a single institution experienceDjordjević, Vesna; Denčić-Fekete, Marija; Jovanović, Jelica; Drakulić, Danijela; Stevanović, Milena ; Janković, Gradimir; Gotić, Mirjana
782Oct-2008Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy Lom type in a Serbian familyDačković, Jalena; Keckarević-Marković, M. ; Komazec, Z.; Rakočević-Stojanović, V.; Lavrnić, D.; Stević, Z.; Ribarić, K.; Romac, S.; Apostolski, S.
783Jul-2008Expression of programmed cell death proteins in patients with chronic myeloid leukemiaStrnad, Milica; Brajušković, Goran ; Strelic, N.; Todoric-Zivanovic, B.; Stamatovic, D.; Tatomirovic, Z.; Magic, Z.
78416-Jun-2008Two types of aspartic proteinases from buckwheat seed - Gene structure and expression analysisMilisavljevic, Mira Dj; Timotijevic, Gordana S.; Radović, Svetlana R. ; Konstantinovic, Miroslav M.; Maksimovic, Vesna R.
7857-Jun-2008Mutations in NHLRC1 gene are predominant cause of Lafora disease in Serbian populationKecmanović, Miljana ; Jović, N.; Keckarević-Marković, Milica ; Dobričić, V.; Keckarević, Dušan ; Ignjatović, P.; Romac, S.M34
7867-Jun-2008A novel 9-bp duplication in the connexin 32 gene causing X-linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth diseaseKeckarević-Marković, Milica ; Milić-Rašić, V.; Kecmanović, Miljana ; Keckarević, D.; Todorović, S.; Romac, S.M34
787Jun-2008Comparison of promoter regions of SOX3, SOX14 and SOX18 orthologs in mammalsKovacevic-Grujicic, Natasa; Mojsin, Marija; Djurovic, Jelena; Petrovic, Isidora; Stevanović, Milena 
78831-May-2008Frequency of the hemochromatosis gene mutations in patients with hereditary hemochromatosis and in control subjects from SerbiaŠarić, M.; Zamurović, L.; Keckarević-Marković, Milica ; Keckarević, Dušan ; Kecmanović, Miljana ; Savić-Pavićević, Dušanka ; Jović, J.; Romac, S.M34
48931-May-2008Coexistence of Unvericht-Lundborg disease and congenital deafness in one Serbian familyKecmanović, Miljana ; Ristić, A.; Sokić, D.; Keckarević-Marković, Milica ; Keckarević, Dušan ; Romac, S.M34
49031-May-2008A three generation Serbian family with C263T mutation in MPZ geneKeckarević-Marković, Milica ; Dačković, J.; Mladenović, J.; Kecmanović, Miljana ; Keckarević, Dušan ; Milić-Rašić, V.; Romac, S.M34
491Mar-2008HD phenocopies - Possible role of saitohin geneJanković, N.; Kecmanović, M. ; Dimitrijević, R.; Keckarević Marković, M. ; Dobričić, V.; Keckarević, D. ; Savić Pavićević, D. ; Romac, S.
4922008Post-translational regulation of the RpoS and PsrA genes in pseudomonas putida WCS358: The role of ClpXP proteaseJovčić, Branko ; Begovic, Jelena; Lozo, Jelena ; Topisirovic, Lj.; Kojic, M.
4932008Radiation-induced hyposuppression of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis is associated with alterations of hippocampal corticosteroid receptors expressionVeličković, N.; Đorđević, A.; Matić, Gordana ; Horvat, A.
4942008Linking Hsp90 function to micro-environmental and stochastic variation in floralorgans of Iris pumila LTucic, Branka; Manitasevic, S.; Vuleta, A.; Matić, Gordana 
4952008A survey of the lactic acid bacteria isolated from Serbian artisanal dairy product kajmakJokovic, Natasa; Nikolic, Milica; Begovic, Jelena; Jovčić, Branko ; Savic, Dragisa; Topisirovic, Ljubisa
4962008Characterization of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Bukuljac, a homemade goat's milk cheeseNikolic, M.; Terzic-Vidojevic, A.; Jovčić, Branko ; Begovic, J.,; Golic, N.; Topisirovic, L.
4972008Possible role of a hydrogen peroxide-mediated mechanism in glucocorticoid receptor functional alterations associated with moderate asthmaPerisic, Tatjana; Sreckovic, M.; Matić, Gordana 
4982008Large chromosomal inversion correlated with spectinomycin resistance in Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis bv. diacetylactis S50Kojic, Milan; Jovčić, Branko ; Begovic, Jelena; Fira, Đorđe ; Topisirovic, Ljubisa
49920085′ untranslated region of the Pseudomonas putida WCS358 stationary phase sigma factor rpoS mRNA is involved in RpoS translational regulationJovčić, Branko ; Bertani, Iris; Venturi, Vittorio; Topisirovic, Ljubisa; Kojic, Milan
5002008Effect of methionine and cysteine deprivation on growth of different natural isolates of Lactobacillus spp. in chemically defined mediaLozo, Jelena ; Begovic, Jelena; Jovčić, Branko ; Golic, Natasa; Topisirovic, L.