Chair of Plant Ecology and Phytogeography
Organization name
Chair of Plant Ecology and Phytogeography
OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)
Date issued
- 294 2020 - 2025
- 470 2010 - 2019
- 18 2000 - 2009
- 3 1990 - 1999
- 569 No Fulltext
- 5 With Fulltext
Results 101-150 of 785 (Search time: 0.025 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Rank | |
101 | 2023 | Orchis anthropophora (L.) All. (Orchidaceae), a confirmed species for the flora of Bosnia and Herzegovina | Šabanović, Elvedin; Đorđević, Vladan ; Milanović, Đorđije; Jenačković-Gocić, Dragana; Bektić, Sanida; Huseinović, Samira; Ranđelović, Vladimir | M51 |
252 | 2023 | Material on the annotated checklist of vascular flora of Serbia: Nomenclatural, taxonomic and floristic notes V | Niketić, Marjan; Tomović, Gordana ; Vukojičić, Snežana ; Kuzmanović, Nevena ; Veljković, Milorad; Ranimirović, Milana ; Stojanović, Jovana; Jušković, Marina; Đurović, Sanja; Anačkov, Goran; Mišljenović, Tomica ; Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Stevanović, Vladimir | M51 |
253 | 2023 | Effects of Cesium on Physiological Traits of the Catherine’s Moss Atrichum undulatum Hedw | Stanojković, Jelena N.; Ćosić, Marija V. ; Božović, Đorđe P. ; Sabovljević, Aneta D. ; Sabovljević, Marko ; Čučulović, Ana A.; Vujičić, Milorad M. | M21 |
254 | 2023 | Potentially toxic element accumulation in two Equisetum species spontaneously grown in the flotation tailings | Andrejić, Gordana; Kovačević, Milijana ; Dželetović, Željko; Aleksić, Uroš; Grdović ,Isidor ; Rakić, Tamara | M23 |
255 | 2023 | New records and noteworthy data of plants, algae and fungi in SE Europe and adjacent regions, 15 | Sabovljević, Marko S. ; Tomović, Gordana ; Taşkın, Hatıra; Assyov, Boris; Škondrić, Siniša; Perić, Ranko; Sabovljević, Aneta D. ; Dragićević, Snežana; Marković, Aleksandra; Knežević, Jelena ; Lobnik Cimerman, Žan; Strgulc Krajšek, Simona; Đorđević, Vladan ; Krdžić, Svetlana; Ilchev, Ivilin; Stoykov, Dimitar; Alvarado, Pablo; Djurović, Sanja Z.; Buzurović, U.; Stanković, M.; Kasom, G.; Papp, B.; Pantović, J.; Ștefanut, S.; Ștefanut, MM.; Trbojević, I. ; Romanov, R.; Schmidt, D.; Korda, M. | M23 |
256 | 2023 | Concentration and mobility of trace elements (Li, Ba, Sr, Ag, Hg, B) and macronutrients (Ca, Mg, K) in soil-orchid system on different bedrock types | Mikavica, Ivana; Ranđelović, Dragana; Đorđević, Vladan ; Rakić, Tamara ; Gajić, Gordana; Mutić, Jelena | M21 |
257 | 23-Dec-2022 | The Orchids of Wetland Vegetation in the Central Balkans | Đorđević, Vladan ; Aćić, Svetlana; Kabaš, Eva ; Lazarević, Predrag ; Tsiftsis, Spyros; Lakušić, Dmitar | M22 |
258 | 2-Dec-2022 | On the distribution and conservation status of some rare orchid taxa (Orchidaceae) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Western Balkans) | Milanović, Đorđije; Stupar, Vladimir; Šabanović, Elvedin; Đorđević, Vladan ; Brujić, Jugoslav; Boškailo, Aldin; Ranđelović, Vladimir | M51 |
259 | Dec-2022 | GENUS EUPHORBIA L. (EUPHORBIACEAE JUSS.) IN SERBIA BASED ON HERBARIUM DATA FROM THE COLLECTIONS BEO AND BEOU | Đurović, Sanja; Ranimirović, Milana ; Tomović, Gordana ; Petkovski, Gorana; Niketić, Marjan | M51 |
260 | Dec-2022 | Material on the annotated checklist of vascular flora of Serbia. Nomenclatural, taxonomic and floristic notes IV | Niketić, Marjan; Tomović, Gordana ; Anačkov, Goran; Đorđević, Vladan ; Đurović, Sanja; Duraki, Šemija; Kabaš, Eva ; Lakušić, Dmitar ; Petkovski, Gorana; Petrović, Silvana; Ranimirović, Milana ; Slavkovska, Violeta; Ušjak, Ljuboš; Zbiljić, Miloš; Zlatković, Bojan; Stevanović, Vladimir | M51 |
261 | 16-Nov-2022 | Oospore Features among Morphologically Similar and Closely Related Charophyte Species: Consistency and Variability | Milovanović, Vanja ; Popović, Slađana ; Predojević, Dragana ; Subakov-Simić, Gordana ; Ržaničanin, Ana; Šinžar-Sekulić, Jasmina ; Trbojević, Ivana | M22 |
262 | 6-Oct-2022 | Histochemical detection of Cu, Zn, and Pb in Phragmites australis growing in flotation tailings ponds | Kovačević, M. ; Grdović ,Isidor ; Andrejić, G.; Vukašinović, I.; Dželetović Ž.; Rakić, T. | M34 |
263 | 6-Oct-2022 | Effects of high metal concentrations on antioxidant enzymes activities in Typha latifolia grown in mine and flotation tailings ponds | Grdović ,Isidor ; Kovačević, M. ; Andrejić G.; Dželetović Ž.; Rakić, T. | M34 |
264 | Oct-2022 | Zinc provokes different morphogenesis patterns of various genotypes of the moss Atrichum undulatum | Jadranin, Bojana; Ćosić, Marija ; Lang, Ingeborg; Vujičić, Milorad ; Sabovljević, Marko ; Sabovljević, Aneta | M34 |
265 | Oct-2022 | Orchid-soil System Relationship in the Serpentine, Silicate and Limestone bedrocks | Mikavica, Ivana; Ranđelović, Dragana; Đorđević, Vladan ; Rakić, Tamara ; Gajić, Gordana; Mutić, Jelena | M34 |
266 | Oct-2022 | Ecophysiology of metal-hyperaccumulation in plants: what do we know so far? | Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Mišljenović, Tomica ; Vujičić, Milorad ; Sabovljević, Aneta | M32 |
267 | Oct-2022 | Hyperaccumulator plant discoveries in the Balkans: Accumulation, distribution, and practical applications | Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Bani, Aida; Pavlova, Dolja; Konstantinou, Maria; Dimitrakopoulos, Panayiotis; Kyrkas, Dimitris; Reeves, Roger; Mišljenović, Tomica ; Tomović, Gordana ; van der Ent, Antony; Baker, Alan; Bačeva Andonovska, Katerina; Morel, Jean-Louis; Echevarria, Guillaume | M23 |
268 | Oct-2022 | Established stands of the highly invasive Echinocystis lobata on the Ramsar sites of the southern part of the Pannonian plain | Stankovic, Vera; Kuzmanović, Nevena ; Kabaš, Eva ; Vukojičić, Snežana ; Lakušić, Dmitar ; Jovanović, Slobodan | M23 |
269 | Oct-2022 | The allelopathic effect of moss extracts on the germination of lettuce and radish seeds | Matić, Nikolina ; Sabovljević, Marko ; Vujičić, Milorad ; Ćosić, Marija ; Božović, Đorđe ; Sabovljević, Aneta | M34 |
270 | Oct-2022 | How ABA affects phenolic compunds in bryophytes during NaCl stress? | Ćosić, Marija ; Oalđe, Mariana ; Vujičić, Milorad ; Sabovljević, Marko ; Sabovljević, Aneta | M34 |
271 | Oct-2022 | Evaluation of ROS production in selected bryophytes during salt stress via EPR spectroscopy | Ćosić, Marija ; Vujičić, Milorad ; Mojović, M; Nakarada, D; Giba, Zlatko ; Sabovljević, Aneta ; Sabovljević, Marko | M34 |
272 | 21-Sep-2022 | Uticaj auksina (IBA) i citokinina (BAP) na morfogenezu mahovine Drepanocladus aduncus (Hedw.) Warnst | Ćosić, M. ; Pantović, J.; Jadranin, B.; Vujičić, M.; Sabovljević A.; Sabovljević, M. | M64 |
273 | 21-Sep-2022 | Crvene i mrke boje na dnu reke Nere – prvi nalaz slatkovodne mrke alge Heribaudiella fluviatilis u Srbiji | Milovanović, Vanja ; Trbojević, Ivana ; Šinžar-Sekulić, J. ; Sekulić, N.; Krizmanić, J. ; Subakov-Simić, G. | M64 |
274 | 21-Sep-2022 | Poreklo, ekologija i evolucioni potencijal vrsta roda Ramonda, vaskrsavajućih cvetnica Evrope. | Lazarević, Maja | M62 |
275 | Sep-2022 | Radioactivity in mosses and soils from National Park Djerdap (Serbia) | Stanojković, Jelena; Čučulović, R.; Sabovljević, Marko ; Čučulović, Ana; Vujičić, Milorad | M64 |
276 | Sep-2022 | Podarcis muralis in Vojvodina, Serbia, the spatial niche of an “urban citizen” in a highly anthropogenically modified region | Mirč, Marko; Vukov, Tanja; Šinžar-Sekulić, Jasmina ; Stamenković, Srđan | M34 |
277 | Sep-2022 | Conservation physiology of rare and threatened moss Drepanocladus sendtneri (Schimp. Ex H. Mull.) Warnst. (Amblystegiaceae) | Jadranin, Bojana; Ćosić, Marija ; Vujičić, Milorad ; Sabovljević, Aneta ; Sabovljević, Marko | M64 |
278 | Sep-2022 | Interesting bryophyte records from north Backa, Serbia | Pantović, Jovana ; Stevanoski, Ivana ; Sabovljević, Marko | M34 |
279 | Sep-2022 | Spore production in axenic conditions as a approach in conservation of rare and threatened moss Physcomitrium eurystomum (Funariaceae) | Božović, Đorđe ; Vujičić, Milorad ; Ćosić, Marija ; Sabovljević, Aneta ; Sabovljević, Marko | M64 |
280 | Sep-2022 | Efekti NPK đubriva na distribuciju Zn Miscanthus × giganteus gajenog na odlagalištu flotacione jalovine | Andrejić, Gordana; Aleksić, Uroš; Kovačević, Milijana ; Dželetović, Željko; Rakić, Tamara | M64 |
281 | Sep-2022 | Prilog poznavanju zaštićenih biljnih vrsta zabeleženih na planinama Veliki krš, Mali krš i Stol, u severoistočnoj Srbiji | Buzurović, Uroš; Đurović, Sanja; Tomović, Gordana | M64 |
282 | Sep-2022 | Obrasci rasprostranjenja i ekološke preferencije orhideja Rezervata biosfere Golija-Studenica (zapadna Srbija) | Đorđević, Vladan ; Kabaš, Eva ; Lazarević, Predrag ; Krdžić, S.; Vukojičić, Snežana | M64 |
283 | Sep-2022 | Effects of selected moss species extracts on diet of snail (Helix pomatia) by letuce | Matić, Nikolina ; Sabovljević, Aneta ; Vujičić, Milorad ; Šinžar-Sekulić, Jasmina ; Ćosić, Marija ; Sabovljević, Marko | M64 |
284 | Sep-2022 | Significance of physiological experimentations in conservation biology: bryological approach | Vujičić, Milorad ; Sabovljević, Aneta ; Sabovljević, Marko | M64 |
285 | Sep-2022 | Diversity and significant records of bryophytes in Zlatibor county (W. Serbia) | Pantović, Jovana ; Grdović, Svetlana; Veljić, Milan ; Sabovljević, Marko | M64 |
286 | Sep-2022 | Diversification patterns in siliceous alpine plants on the Balkan Peninsula | Kuzmanović, Nevena ; Schönswetter, P; Frajman, B.; Stevanoski, Ivana ; Lakušić, Dmitar | M34 |
287 | Sep-2022 | Neotinea maculata (Desf.) Stearn. (Orchidaceae), potvrđena vrsta za floru Bosne i Hercegovine | Šabanović, Elvedin; Đorđević, Vladan ; Ilić, B.; Zelenika, D.; Ranđelović, Vladimir | M64 |
288 | Sep-2022 | A taxonomic revision of Campanula section Decumbentes (Campanulaceae) in the Balkan Peninsula | Stevanoski, Ivana ; Kuzmanović, Nevena ; Šatović, Z.; Liber, Zlatko; Radosavljević, I; Lakušić, Dmitar | M34 |
289 | Sep-2022 | Effects of auxin (IBA) and citokinin (BAP) on moss Drepanocladus aduncus (Hedw.) Warnst. Morphogenesis | Ćosić, Marija ; Pantović, Jovana ; Jadranin, Bojana; Vujičić, Milorad ; Sabovljević, Aneta ; Sabovljević, Marko | M64 |
290 | 9-Aug-2022 | Orchid diversity along an altitudinal gradient in the central Balkans | Đorđević, Vladan ; Tsiftsis, Spyros; Kindlmann, Pavel; Stevanović, Vladimir | M21 |
291 | Jul-2022 | Altitudinal patterns of orchid species diversity in the central Balkans | Đorđević, Vladan ; Tsiftsis, S.; Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Stevanović, Vladimir | M34 |
292 | Jul-2022 | Effects of the moss extracts on plant pathogenic fungus causing Phomopsis cane and leaf spot of grapevine | Latinović, Nedeljko; Sabovljević, Marko ; Vujičić, Milorad ; Sabovljević, Aneta ; Latinović, Jelena | M34 |
293 | Jul-2022 | Bioaccumulation of potentially toxic elements in Noccaea kovatsii and N. praecox (Brassicaceae) from different geological substrates and their physiological responses to Ni | Mišljenović, Tomica ; Tomović, Gordana ; Rakić, Tamara ; Mišić, Danijela; Jakovljević, Ksenija | M34 |
294 | Jul-2022 | Hyperaccumulator plant species from the Balkan Peninsula | Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Bani, Aida; Pavlova, Dolja; Konstantinou, Maria; Dimitrakopoulos, Panayiotis; Mišljenović, Tomica ; Tomović, Gordana ; van der Ent, Antony; Morel, Jean-Louis; Reeves, Roger, D.; Baker, Alan J.M.; Echevarria, Guillaume | M34 |
295 | Jul-2022 | The second record of Stipa dasyphylla for Balkan Peninsula | Kabaš, Eva ; Lazarević, Predrag ; Vukojičić, Snežana ; Lakušić, Dmitar | M23 |
296 | Jul-2022 | New Zn hyperaccumulator within the genus Cardamine revealed by portable XRF herbarium scanning | Jakovljević, Ksenija ; Mišljenović, Tomica ; Tomović, Gordana ; van der Ent, Antony; Baker, Alan J.M.; Echevarria, Guillaume | M34 |
297 | Jul-2022 | Accumulation of manganese in Euphorbia glabriflora studied in situ and by the portable XRF herbarium scanning | Mišljenović, Tomica ; Echevarria, Guillaume; Kuzmanović, Nevena ; Stevanoski, Ivana ; Tomović, Gordana ; Andrejić, Gordana; Jakovljević, Ksenija | M34 |
298 | Jul-2022 | New data on the distribution, ecology and conservation of Buxbaumia viridis in Serbia | Pantović, Jovana ; Sabovljević, Marko | M34 |
299 | 30-Jun-2022 | Are environmental factors responsible for essential oil chemotype distribution of Balkan Juniperus communis var. saxatilis populations? | Rajčević, Nemanja ; Dodoš, Tanja ; Novaković, Jelica ; Kuzmanović, Nevena ; Janaćković, Peđa ; Marin, Petar | M22 |
300 | 26-Jun-2022 | Orchids of Mt. Zlatibor (western Serbia): distribution and ecological preferences | Đorđević, Vladan ; Kabaš, Eva ; Pantović, Žarko; Milovanović, A.; Novaković, Jelica ; Lazarević, Predrag | M34 |