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Title: The second record of Stipa dasyphylla for Balkan Peninsula
Authors: Kabaš, Eva 
Lazarević, Predrag 
Vukojičić, Snežana 
Lakušić, Dmitar 
Keywords: Balkans;Relic;Serbia;Ultramafics
Issue Date: Jul-2022
Rank: M23
Publisher: Springer
Citation: Kabaš, E., Lazarević, P., Vukojičić, S. and Lakušić, D., 2022. The second record of Stipa dasyphylla for Balkan Peninsula. Biologia, pp.1-8.
Journal: Biologia
Stipa dasyphylla (Lindem.) Trautv. (Poaceae, Pooideae, Stipeae) is generally found from Central Asia (northwards to southern part of West Siberia), through European part of Russia to Central Europe (westwards to Switzerland and Germany). Hitherto, from Balkan Peninsula it was documented only from one locality in Greece. There were also some personal communications for its presence in Bulgaria, but...
ISSN: 1336-9563
DOI: 10.1007/s11756-022-01149-w
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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