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Title: Spore production in axenic conditions as a approach in conservation of rare and threatened moss Physcomitrium eurystomum (Funariaceae)
Authors: Božović, Đorđe 
Vujičić, Milorad 
Ćosić, Marija 
Sabovljević, Aneta 
Sabovljević, Marko 
Issue Date: Sep-2022
Rank: M64
Citation: Bozovic Dj, Vujicic M, Cosic M, Sabovljevic A, Sabovljevic MS. 2022. Spore production in axenic conditions as a approach in conservation of rare and threatened moss Physcomitrium eurystomum (Funariaceae). 3rd Congress of Biologists of Serbia. Zlatibor, Serbia (21-25.09.2022). Book of Abstracts: 52
Conference: 3rd Congress of Biologists of Serbia
Appears in Collections:Conference abstract

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