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Title: A taxonomic revision of Campanula section Decumbentes (Campanulaceae) in the Balkan Peninsula
Authors: Stevanoski, Ivana 
Kuzmanović, Nevena 
Šatović, Z.
Liber, Zlatko
Radosavljević, I
Lakušić, Dmitar
Issue Date: Sep-2022
Rank: M34
Citation: Stevanoski, I., Kuzmanović, N., Satovic, Z., Liber, Z., Radosavljević, I., Lakusic, D. (2022) A taxonomic revision of Campanula section Decumbentes (Campanulaceae) in the Balkan Peninsula. Book of abstracts. 7th Croatian Botanical Symposium with international participation: 55-56.
Conference: 7th Croatian Botanical Symposium with international participation
Appears in Collections:Conference abstract

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