Chair of Invertebrate Zoology and Entomology

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Chair of Invertebrate Zoology and Entomology
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OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 251-300 of 482 (Search time: 0.019 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
2512018Entomološki praktikum.Tomanović, Željko ; Živić, Ivana ; Petrović, Anđeljko 
2522018A new troglobitic ground beetle (Carabidae: Trechinae) from eastern SerbiaPavićević, Dragan; Vesović, Nikola ; Popović, Momčilo; Ćurčić, Srećko 
25313-Dec-2017The genus Pheggomisetes Knirsch, 1923 (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae) in Serbia: taxonomy, morphology and molecular phylogenyVrbica, Maja ; Petrović, Anđeljko ; Pantelić, Dejan; Krmpot, Aleksandar; Rabasović, Mihailo; Pavlović, Danica; Jovanić, Svetlana; Guéorguiev, Borislav; Goranov, Stoyan; Vesović, Nikola ; Antić, Dragan ; Marković, Đorđe; Petković, Matija; Stanisavljević, Ljubiša ; Ćurčić, Srećko M21a
254Dec-2017Aphidophagous coccinellid and parasitoid species determined in the Çanakkale Province with a new record for the parasitoid fauna of TurkeyKök, Şahin; Tomanović, Željko ; Şenal, Derya; Baştuğ, Gökhan; Kasap, Ismail
2551-Nov-2017Use of honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) as bioindicators for assessment and source appointment of metal pollutionZarić, Nenad ; Ilijević, Konstantin; Stanisavljević, Ljubiša ; Gržetić, IvanM21
25625-Oct-2017Species composition and seasonal dynamics of aphid parasitoids and hyperparasitoids in wheat fields in northern ChinaYang, Fan; Xu, Lei; Wu, Yue-Kun; Wang, Qian; Yao, Zhi-Wen; Žikić, Vladimir; Tomanović, Željko ; Ferrer-Suay, Mar; Selfa, Jesús; Pujade-Villar, Juli; Traugott, Michael; Desneux, Nicolas; Lu, Yan-Hui; Guo, Yu-YuanM21
25727-Sep-2017A valorisation of benthic invertebrate fauna of the Mlava River (Eastern Serbia)Novaković, B.; Stojanović, Katarina ; Marković, Vanja ; Tatović, Anđelina ; Božanić, M.; Živić, Ivana M34
25827-Sep-2017Changes in superoxide dismutase and catalase activities of the amphipod Gammarus dulensis in the vicinity of the trout farmVranković, J.; Tatović, Anđelina ; Živić, Miroslav ; Marković, Z.; Živić, Ivana M34
25921-Sep-2017Preliminarna studija faune trčuljaka (Coleoptera: Carabidae) na teritoriji Nacionalnog parka ĐerdapVesović, Nikola ; Nestorović, Saša; Ćurčić, Srećko 
26017-Sep-2017Prilog poznavanju faune akvatičnih tvrdokrilaca (Coleoptera) SrbijeNovaković, B.; Mesaroš, G.; Tatović, Anđelina ; Živić, Ivana M64
26117-Sep-2017Antioksidativni status larvi Ecdyonurus venosus (Ephemeroptera: Heptagenidae): Uticaj pastrmskih ribnjaka?Tatović, Anđelina ; Mirčić, D.; Živić, Miroslav ; Perić˗Mataruga, V.; Todorović, D.; Božanić, Milenka ; Živić, Ivana M64
26229-Aug-2017Species composition and richness of aphid parasitoid wasps in cotton fields in northern ChinaYang, Fan; Wu, Yue-Kun; Xu, Lei; Wang, Qian; Yao, Zhi-Wen; Žikić, Vladimir; Tomanović, Željko ; Ferrer-Suay, Mar; Selfa, Jesús; Pujade-Villar, Juli; Lu, Yan-Hui; Guo, Yu-YuanM21
2631-Aug-2017Comparative study of the effects of a small-scale trout farm on the macrozoobenthos, potamoplankton, and epilithic diatom communitiesStojanović, Katarina ; Živić, Miroslav ; Dulić, Z.; Marković, Z.; Krizmanić, Jelena ; Milošević, Dj; Miljanović, B.; Jovanović, J.; Vidaković, D.; Živić, Ivana M22
2641-Aug-2017Molecular substitution rate increases with latitude in butterflies: evidence for a trans-glacial latitudinal layering of populations?Schär, Sämi; Vila, Roger; Petrović, Anđeljko ; Tomanović, Željko ; Pierce, Naomi E.; Nash, David R.M21
265Aug-2017Abundance and prevalence of Aphidius avenae (Hymenoptera Braconidae Aphidiinae) in ChilePeñalver Cruz, Ainara; Ortiz-Martínez, Sebastián; Villegas, Cinthya M.; Tomanović, Željko ; Zepeda-Paulo, Francisca; Žikić, Vladimir; Lavandero, Blas
26622-Jul-2017Evolutionary relationships of wing venation and wing size and shape in Aphidiinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)Žikić, Vladimir; Stanković, Saša; Petrović, Andjeljko; Ilić Milošević, Marijana; Tomanović, Željko ; Klingenberg, Christian Peter; Ivanović, Ana 
26720-Jun-2017The larvae of the European Helicopsyche species (Trichoptera: Helicopsychidae)Waringer, Johann; Malicky, Hans; Živić, Ivana ; Vicentini, HeinrichM22
26811-Jun-2017A new parasitoid (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) of the invasive bamboo aphids Takecallis spp. (Hemiptera: Aphididae) from Western EuropeRakhshani, Ehsan; Pons, Xavier; Lumbierres, Belén; Havelka, Jan; Pérez Hidalgo, Nicolás; Tomanović, Željko ; Starý, PetrM23
2696-Jun-2017Integrative taxonomy by molecular species delimitation: multi-locus data corroborate a new species of Balkan Drusinae micro- endemicsVitecek, Simon; Kučinić, Mladen; Previšić, Ana; Živić, Ivana ; Stojanović, Katarina ; Keresztes, Lujza; Bálint, Miklós; Hoppeler, Felicitas; Waringer, Johann; Graf, Wolfram; Pauls, Steffen U.M22
2701-Jun-2017Antifungal activity of the pygidial gland secretion of Laemostenus punctatus (Coleoptera: Carabidae) against cave-dwelling micromycetesNenadić, Marija ; Ljaljević Grbić, Milica ; Stupar, Miloš ; Vukojević, Jelena ; Ćirić, Ana; Tešević, Vele; Vujisić, Ljubodrag; Todosijević, Marina; Vesović, Nikola ; Živković, Nemanja; Ćurčić, Srećko 
2711-Jun-2017Dependence of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) fatty acid profile on diet composition in a semi-intensive farming system: tissue and time variabilityDejana, Trbović; Živić, Ivana ; Marko, Stanković; Živić, Miroslav ; Zorka, Dulić; Radivoj, Petronijević; Zoran, Marković
272Jun-2017A new parasitoid (Hymenoptera: Braconidae:Aphidiinae) of the invasive bamboo aphids Takecallis spp. (Hemiptera: Aphididae) from Western EuropeRakhshani, Ehsan; Pons, Xavier; Lumbierres, Belén; Havelka, Jan; Pérez Hidalgo, Nicolás; Tomanović, Željko ; Stary, PetrM23
27331-May-2017Evaluation of three molecular markers for identification of European primary parasitoids of cereal aphids and their hyperparasitoidsYe, Zhengpei; Vollhardt, Ines M. G.; Tomanović, Željko ; Traugott, MichaelM21
27418-May-2017Trout farming effects on antioxidative defense system in Gamarus balcanicus (Schäferna, 1922)Mirčić, D.; Todorović, D.; Stojanović, K. ; Stojanović, D. ; Matić, D.; Obradović, S.; Perić Mataruga, V.M34
27512-Mar-2017Chemical secretion and morpho-histology of the pygidial glands in two Palaearctic predatory ground beetle species: Carabus (Tomocarabus) convexus and C. (Procrustes) coriaceus (Coleoptera: Carabidae)Vesović, Nikola ; Vujisić, Ljubodrag; Perić-Mataruga, Vesna; Krstić, Gordana; Nenadić, Marija ; Cvetković, Mirjana; Ilijin, Larisa; Stanković, Jovana; Ćurčić, Srećko 
2761-Mar-2017Additional information on the distribution and ecology of the recently described diatom species Geissleria gereckeiVidakovic, Danijela; Cantonati, Marco; Mogna, Marcella; Jakovljević, Olga ; Šovran, Sanja ; Lazović, Vladimir; Stojanović, Katarina ; Đorđević, Jelena ; Krizmanić, Jelena M23
2771-Feb-2017The pygidial gland secretion of the forest caterpillar hunter, Calosoma (Calosoma) sycophanta: the antimicrobial properties against human pathogensNenadić, Marija ; Soković, Marina; Glamočlija, Jasmina; Ćirić, Ana; Perić-Mataruga, Vesna; Ilijin, Larisa; Tešević, Vele; Todosijević, Marina; Vujisić, Ljubodrag; Vesović, Nikola ; Ćurčić, Srećko 
2781-Feb-2017Functional role of different habitat types at local and landscape scales for aphids and their natural enemiesJanković, Marina; Plećaš, Milan ; Sandić, D.; Popović, Anđelka ; Petrović, Anđeljko ; Petrović-Obradović, O.; Tomanović, Željko ; Gagić, Vesna
2791-Jan-2017The application of concept maps in the teaching of pollination and pollinators in elementary schoolStanisavljević, Jelena ; Bunijevac, Mirka; Stanisavljević, Ljubiša 
2801-Jan-2017Abundance and prevalence of Aphidius avenae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) in ChilePeñalver-Cruz, Ainara; Ortiz-Martínez, Sebastián; Villegas, Cinthya; Tomanović, Željko ; Zepeda-Paulo, Francisca; Žikic, Vladimir; Lavandero, Blas
2811-Jan-2017First record of Aphidius ericaphidis (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) in Europe: North American hitchhiker or overlooked Holarctic citizen?Petrović, Anđeljko ; Čkrkić, Jelisaveta ; Jamhour, Aiman; Petrovic-Obradovic, Olivera; Mitrovic, Milana; Starý, Petr; Nedstam, Barbro; Tomanović, Željko M22
2822017Honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) as bioindicators of metal pollution in SerbiaZarić, N. ; Ilijević, K.; Jovančićević, B.; Stanisavljević, Lj. ; Gržetić, I.M33
2832017Diversity and Nesting Preferences of Camponotus lateralis Group Species on Western Balkan Peninsula (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)Vesnić, Adi; Krijelj, Rifat Å.; Trožić-Borovac, Sadbera; Tomanović, Željko 
2842017An effective molecular approach for assessing cereal aphid-parasitoid-endosymbiont networksYe, Zhengpei; Vollhardt, Ines M. G.; Girtler, Susanne; Wallinger, Corinna; Tomanović, Željko ; Traugott, MichaelM21
28530-Dec-2016Effect of supplemental feeds on liver and intestine of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in semi- intensive rearing system: histological implicationsRašković, Božidar; Ćirić, Miloš; Koko, Vesna; Stanković, Marko; Živić, Ivana ; Marković, Zoran; Poleksić, VesnaM23
28622-Dec-2016Duvalius bozidari, a new cave-dwelling species of trechine ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae) from western SerbiaĆurčić, Srećko ; Pavićević, Dragan; Vesović, Nikola ; Petković, Matija
2871-Dec-2016High genetic diversity and a new cryptic species within the Ephedrus persicae species group (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae)Petrović, Anđeljko ; Kocić, Korana ; Kos, Katarina; Plećaš, Milan ; Žikić, Vladimir; Kavallieratos, Nickolas G.; Tomanović, Željko 
28824-Oct-2016Re-visiting the Aphidius urticae s. str. group: re-description of Aphidius rubi Starý and A. silvaticus Starý (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae)Jamhour, Aiman; Mitrović, Milana; Petrović, Anđeljko ; Starý, Petr; Tomanović, Željko M22
28919-Oct-2016The impact of trout fish ponds on the ecological status of the Vrla and Mlava rivers (Serbia) based on epilithic diatom communitiesJakovljević, O. ; Popović, S. ; Živić, I. ; Stojanović, K. ; Krizmanić, J. M34
29019-Oct-2016The impact of trout farm effluent on diatoms richness in the Rasina River (Serbia)Vidaković, D.; Šovran, S. ; Lazović, V.; Stojanović, K. ; Živić, I. ; Krizmanić, J. M34
2917-Oct-2016Comparative analysis of using cereal grains and compound feed in semi-intensive common carp pond productionMarković, Zoran; Stanković, Marko; Rašković, Božidar; Dulić, Zorka; Živić, Ivana ; Poleksić, VesnaM22
2927-Oct-2016Wing shape as a taxonomic trait: Separating genetic variation from host-induced plasticity in aphid parasitoidsParreño, Maria Alejandra; Ivanović, Ana ; Petrović, Anđeljko ; Žikić, Vladimir; Tomanović, Željko ; Vorburger, Christoph
2931-Oct-2016The application of benthic diatoms in water quality assessment (Mlava River, Serbia)Jakovljević, Olga S. ; Popović, Slađana S. ; Vidaković, Danijela P.; Stojanović, Katarina Z. ; Krizmanić, Jelena M23
294Oct-2016Ostracoda (Crustacea) in lotic mountain-river habitats in SerbiaKaran-Žnidaršič, Tamara ; Stojanović, Katarina ; Božanić, Milenka; Novaković, Boris; Perić, Aleksandar; Živić, Miroslav ; Živić, Ivana 
295Oct-2016Influence of land-based trout farms on stonefly (Insecta: Plecoptera) larvae assemblageStojanović, Katarina ; Karan-Žnidaršič, Tamara ; Božanić, Milenka; Novaković, Boris; Perić, Aleksandar; Živić, Miroslav ; Živić, Ivana 
2961-Sep-2016Benthic diatoms of the Vrla River (Serbia) and their application in the water ecological status assessmentJakovljević, Olga ; Popović, Slađana ; Živić, Ivana ; Stojanović, Katarina ; Krizmanić, Jelena M23
2971-Aug-2016Antimicrobial activity of the pygidial gland secretion of the troglophilic ground beetle Laemostenus (Pristonychus) punctatus (Dejean, 1828) (Insecta: Coleoptera: Carabidae)Nenadić, Marija ; Soković, Marina; Glamočlija, Jasmina; Cirić, Ana; Perić-Mataruga, Vesna; Tešević, Vele; Vujisić, Ljubodrag; Todosijević, Marina; Vesović, Nikola ; Ćurčić, Srećko 
2981-Aug-2016Increased motor activity of the beetle Laemostenus punctatus caused by a static magnetic field of 110 mTPavlović, Danica; Petković, Branka; Ćurčić, Srećko ; Todorović, Dajana; Vesović, Nikola ; Pantelić, Dejan; Perić-Mataruga, Vesna
29914-Jun-2016Morphological features of larvae of Drusus plicatus Radovanović (Insecta: Trichoptera) from Republic of Macedonia with molecular, ecological, ethological, faunal and distributional notesKučinić, Mladen; Previšić, Ana; Mihoci, Iva; Krpach, Vladimir; Živić, Ivana ; Stojanović, Katarina ; Mrnjavčić Vojvoda, Ana; Katušić, LukaM22
300Jun-2016The Effects of Aphid Traits on Parasitoid Host Use and Specialist AdvantageGagić, Vesna; Petrović-Obradović, Olivera; Fründ, Jochen; Kavallieratos, Nickolas G.; Athanassiou, Christos G.; Starý, Petr; Tomanović, Željko M21