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Title: A new parasitoid (Hymenoptera: Braconidae:Aphidiinae) of the invasive bamboo aphids Takecallis spp. (Hemiptera: Aphididae) from Western Europe
Authors: Rakhshani, Ehsan
Pons, Xavier
Lumbierres, Belén
Havelka, Jan
Pérez Hidalgo, Nicolás
Tomanović, Željko 
Stary, Petr
Issue Date: Jun-2017
Rank: M23
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd
Journal: Journal of Natural History
Volume: 51
Issue: 21-22
Start page: 1
End page: 12
A long-term survey of tritrophic (plant–aphid–parasitoid) associations in the urban ecosystems of Lleida (Catalonia) and Paris (France) resulted in the detection of associations of two bamboo aphids, Takecallis arundinariae (Essig) and Takecallis taiwanus (Takahashi), respectively, with a new aphid parasitoid species. Trioxys remaudierei Starý & Rakhshani sp. nov. is described and illustrated as a unique parasitoid of Takecallis aphids outside the area of their origin. The new species is easily distinguishable from its congeners in having the ventral prongs of the abdomen fused over two-thirds of their length, then bifurcated towards the tip. The only morphologically similar species is Trioxys betulae (Marshall), which exhibits a clearly different prong shape (and has a different host range, Symydobius Mordvilko and Clethrobius Mordvilko). The new species is compared with allied taxa associated with bamboo aphids. The occurrence of Takecallis taiwanus on bamboo is recorded in France for the first time.
DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2017.1327622
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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