Chair of Cell and Tissue Biology
Organization name
Chair of Cell and Tissue Biology
OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)
Date issued
- 155 2020 - 2025
- 226 2010 - 2019
- 95 2000 - 2009
- 51 1990 - 1999
- 203 Article
- 20 Journal Article
- 11 Book
- 3 Other
- 1 Research Article
- 228 No Fulltext
- 10 With Fulltext
Results 351-400 of 527 (Search time: 0.02 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Rank | |
351 | 2011 | Mitochondriogenesis in heart of cold-acclimated rats: the role of nitric oxide | Abdussalam Ali A Hmaid, A.; Stancic, A.; Markelić, Milica ; Veličković, Ksenija ; Golić, Igor ; Otasevic, V.; Vucetic, M.; Jankovic, A.; Buzadzic, B.; Korać, Bato ; Korać, Aleksandra | M33 |
352 | 2011 | The effect of acute heat stress on rat adrenal medulla-an ultrastructural study | Petrović-Kosanović, D.; Veličković, Ksenija ; Koko, V.; Cvijić, G.; Čakić Milošević, Maja | |
353 | 2011 | Hsp70 and hsp90 immuno-expression in brown adipose tissue of hyperinsulinaemic rats | Prekovic, S.; Veličković, Ksenija ; Golić, Igor ; Stancic, A.; Otasevic, V.; Vucetic, M.; Jankovic, A.; Markelić, Milica | M33 |
354 | 2011 | Waist-to-thigh ratio as the best predictor of visceral adipocyte size in women | Srdic, B.; Stokic, E.; Korać, Aleksandra ; Ukropina, Mirela ; Veličković, Ksenija ; Tomic-Naglic, D. | |
355 | 2011 | AMPKα i HIF1α regulišu metabolički odgovor u mrkom masnom tkivu | Vučetić, M.; Otašević, V.; Korać, Aleksandra ; Stančić, A.; Janković, A.; Markelić, Milica ; Golić, Igor ; Veličković, Ksenija ; Buzadžić, B.; Korać, Bato | M64 |
356 | 2011 | Uloga mitohondrija u neurodegeneraciji | Buzadžić, B.; Golić, Igor ; Vučetić, M.; Markelić, Milica ; Veličković, Ksenija ; Janković, A.; Stančić, A.; Korać, Aleksandra ; Otašević, V.; Korać, Bato | M64 |
357 | 2011 | SIRT1 regulates the function of thyroid hormone receptor b1 through direct deacetylation | Suh, J.H.; Čvoro, A. ; Sieglaff, D.; Baxter, J.D.; Webb, P. | M34 |
358 | 2011 | Uticaj SOD mimetika na mitohondrijalni status humanih spermatozoida | Macanović, B.; Otašević, V.; Korać, Aleksandra ; Vučetić, M.; Garalejić, E.; Ivanović-Burmazović, I.; Filipović, M.; Buzadžić, B.; Stančić, A.; Janković, A.; Veličković, Ksenija ; Golić, Igor ; Markelić, Milica ; Korać, Bato | M64 |
359 | 2011 | Insulin-induced microcirculation remodeling in the rat brown adipose tissue | Markelić, Milica ; Veličković, Ksenija ; Golić, Igor ; Otasevic, V.; Stancic, A.; Jankovic, A.; Vucetic, M.; Korać, Bato ; Buzadzic, B.; Korać, Aleksandra | M34 |
360 | 2011 | Mitoptosis can contributes to the blastomeres fragmentation | Surlan, L.; Golić, Igor ; Otasevic, V.; Veličković, Ksenija ; Stankovic, V.; Micic, JD.; Tulic, I.; Markelić, Milica ; Korać, Bato ; Korać, Aleksandra | M34 |
361 | 1-Dec-2010 | The micromorphological, histochemical and confocal analysis of Satureja subspicata Bartl. ex Vis. Glandular trichomes | Marin, Marija ; Jasnić, Nebojša ; Lakušić, Dmitar ; Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Ascensão, Lia | M23 |
362 | 18-Nov-2010 | SUMO-dependent trascriptional repression mediated by thyroid hormone receptor isoforms have distinct mechanisms | Togashi, M.; Čvoro, A. ; Frota de Farias, R.; Webb, P. | M34 |
363 | 11-Oct-2010 | Micromorphology and ultrastructure of glandular trichomes of Satureja montana L | Marin, Marija ; Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Marin, Petar ; Кoko, V. | M63 |
364 | 11-Oct-2010 | Mikromorfoloska analiza Notholaena Marantae Outgrowths | Branković, Snežana ; Glišić, Radmila ; Koko, Vesna ; Marin, Marija ; Erić, S. | M63 |
365 | 1-Sep-2010 | Antioxidative defense and mitochondrial thermogenic response in brown adipose tissue | Petrović, Vesna; Buzadžić, Biljana; Korać, Aleksandra ; Korać, Bato | |
366 | Sep-2010 | Subcutaneous and visceral adipocytes in normal weight subjects | Srdić, Biljana; Stokić, Edita; Korać, Aleksandra ; Ukropina, Mirela ; Veličković, Ksenija ; Marić, Dušica; Krstonošić, Bojana | |
367 | 1-Aug-2010 | NO modulates the molecular basis of rat interscapular brown adipose tissue thermogenesis | Petrović, Vesna; Buzadžić, Biljana; Korać, Aleksandra ; Vasilijević, Ana; Janković, Aleksandra; Korać, Bato | |
368 | 1-Aug-2010 | Expression pattern of thermogenesis-related factors in interscapular brown adipose tissue of alloxan-treated rats: Beneficial effect of l-arginine | Vasilijević, A.; Vojčić, Lj; Dinulović, I.; Buzadžić, B.; Korać, Aleksandra ; Petrović, V.; Janković, A.; Korać, Bato | |
369 | 21-Apr-2010 | The histochemical analysis of Thymus maly Ronn. glandular trichomes | Marin, Marija ; Ascensao, L.; Budimir, S.; Janošević, Dušica ; Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Marin, Petar | M33 |
370 | 20-Apr-2010 | The histochemical analysis of Thymus lycae Deg. Et Jav. Glandular trichomes | Marin, Marija ; Ascensao, L.; Budimir, S.; Janošević, Dušica ; Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Marin, Petar | M34 |
371 | 1-Apr-2010 | Induction of caspase-independent apoptotic-like cell death of mouse mammary tumor TA3Ha cells in vitro and reduction of their lethality in vivo by the novel chemotherapeutic agent GIT-27NO | Mijatovic, Sanja; Maksimovic-Ivanic, Danijela; Timotijevic, Gordana; Miljković, Đorđe; Donia, Marco; Libra, Massimo; Coco, Marinella; McCubrey, James; Al-Abed, Yousef; Korać, Aleksandra ; Stosic-Grujicic, Stanislava; Nicoletti, Ferdinando | |
372 | Apr-2010 | Essential oil composition of Stachys anisochyla Vis. Et Panc. (Lamiaceae) | Grujić, Slavica ; Džamić, Ana ; Ristić, Mihailo; Marin, Marija ; Marin, Petar | M34 |
373 | 1-Jan-2010 | The effect of acute heat exposure on rat pituitary corticotroph activation: The role of vasopressin | Jasnić, Nebojša ; Korać, Aleksandra ; Veličković, Ksenija ; Golić, Igor ; Đurašević, Siniša ; Lakić, Iva ; Vujović, Predrag ; Cvijić, Gordana | |
374 | 1-Jan-2010 | Morphological characteristics of abdominal adipose tissue in normal-weight and obese women of different metabolic profiles | Srdić, B.; Stokić, E.; Korać, Aleksandra ; Ukropina, Mirela ; Veličković, Ksenija ; Breberina, M. | |
375 | 1-Jan-2010 | The histochemical analysis of thymus malyi ronninger glandular trichomes | Marin, Marija ; Ascensao, L.; Budimir, S.; Janošević, Dušica ; Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Marin, Petar | M23 |
376 | 2010 | Хистологија органских система - практикум | Ukropina, Mirela ; Čakić Milošević, Maja | |
377 | 2010 | CCK producing (I) cells of intestinal mucosa in dexamethasone-treated rats | Glišić, R.; Koko, V.; Cvijić, G.; Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Obradović, J. | |
378 | 2010 | Odgovor mrkog masnog tkiva tekunica na izlaganje hladnoći tokom prehibernacije | Markelić, Milica ; Veličković, Ksenija ; Buzadzić, B.; Korać, Aleksandra | M64 |
379 | 2010 | The mitochondrial origin of lipofuscin in brown adipocytes of hyperinsulinemic rats: the role of lipid peroxidation and iron | Markelić, Milica ; Veličković, Ksenija ; Golić, Igor ; Korać, Aleksandra | M34 |
380 | 2010 | The effect of acute heat stress on rat adrenal glands - an ultrastructural study | Petrović-Kosanović, D.; Veličković, Ksenija ; Koko, V.; Cvijić, G.; Čakić Milošević, Maja | |
381 | 2010 | Lokalizacija estrogenog receptora alfa u humanom fetalnom masnom tkivu | Veličković, Ksenija ; Srdic, B.; Markelić, Milica ; Otasević, V.; Stančić, A.; Janković, A.; Stokić, E.; Korać, Bato | M64 |
382 | 10-Dec-2009 | l-Arginine supplementation induces glutathione synthesis in interscapular brown adipose tissue through activation of glutamate-cysteine ligase expression: The role of nitric oxide | Petrović, Vesna; Buzadžić, Biljana; Korać, Aleksandra ; Vasilijević, Ana; Janković, Aleksandra; Korać, Bato | |
383 | 1-Dec-2009 | Larger male mating advantage depends on sex ratio in Drosophila melanogaster | Pavković Lučić, Sofija ; Kekič, Vladimir; Čvoro, Aleksandra | M22 |
384 | 1-Oct-2009 | Antioxidative defense organization in retroperitoneal white adipose tissue during acclimation to cold-The involvement of l-arginine/NO pathway | Janković, Aleksandra; Buzadžić, Biljana; Korać, Aleksandra ; Petrović, Vesna; Vasilijević, Ana; Korać, Bato | |
385 | 7-Sep-2009 | The histochemical analysis of Satureja subspicata Bartl. Ex Vis. Glandular trichomes | Marin, Marija ; Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Ascensao, L. | M33 |
386 | 30-Aug-2009 | Microscopic analysis of glandular and nonglandular trichomes of Satureja subspicata Bartl. ex Vis. | Marin, Marija ; Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Marin, Petar | M33 |
387 | Feb-2009 | Drug and cell type-specific regulation of genes with different classes of estrogen receptor beta-selective agonists | Paruthiyil, Sreenivasan; Čvoro, Aleksandra ; Zhao, Xiaoyue; Wu, Zhijin; Sui, Yunxia; Staub, Richard E.; Baggett, Scott; Herber, Candice B.; Griffin, Chandi; Tagliaferri, Mary; Harris, Heather A.; Cohen, Isaac; Bjeldanes, Leonard F.; Speed, Terence P.; Schaufele, Fred; Leitman, Dale C. | M21 |
388 | 2009 | Effect of air pollution on needles of Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) Carriere in industrial area of Pančevo | Marin, Marija ; Koko, Vesna; Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Marin, Petar | M51 |
389 | 2009 | Viši kurs biologije ćelije | Korać, Aleksandra | |
390 | 2009 | Heat shock protein 70 immunoexpression in the brown adipose tissue of heat-exposed rats | Prekovic, S.; Veličković, Ksenija ; Markelić, Milica ; Petrovic, V.; Vasilijevic, A.; Jankovic, A.; Buzadzic, B.; Stokic, E.; Korać, Bato ; Korać, Aleksandra | M33 |
391 | 2009 | Morfološke promene mitohondrija mrkih adipocita pacova izazvane kalcijumom | Golić, Igor ; Veličković, Ksenija ; Markelić, Milica ; Ukropina, Mirela ; Koko, V.; Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Korać, Aleksandra | M64 |
392 | 2009 | Lipofuscin accumulation in brown adipocytes of hyperinsulinaemic rats | Korać, Aleksandra ; Markelić, Milica ; Veličković, Ksenija ; Buzadzic, B.; Jankovic, A.; Petrovic, V.; Vasilijevic, A.; Korać, Bato | M34 |
393 | 2009 | Vascular density of abdominal adipose tissue in metabolically healthy obese subjects | Srdić, B.; Stokić, E.; Korać, Aleksandra ; Veličković, Ksenija ; Ukropina, Mirela | |
394 | 2009 | Adipocyte size in metabolically healthy obese women | Stokić, E.; Srdić, B.; Korać, Aleksandra ; Ukropina, Mirela ; Tomić-Naglić, D. | |
395 | 2009 | Mitohondrijalne alteracije u mrkim adipocitima pacova izazvane insulinom: ultrastrukturna i imunohistohemijska studija | Veličković, Ksenija ; Golić, Igor ; Markelić, Milica ; Korać, Aleksandra | M64 |
396 | 2009 | Histological and stereological examination of one-years old needles of Cedrus atlantica in spring in industrial environments in Pančevo | Marin, Marija ; Koko, V.; Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Marin, Petar | M34 |
397 | 2009 | Основи биологије ћелија и ткива – практикум са радном свеском | Korać, Aleksandra ; Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Veličković, Ksenija ; Markelić, Milica ; Ukropina, Mirela | |
398 | 2009 | UCP1 and leptin expression in human fetal brown adipose tissue | Veličković, Ksenija ; Srdic, B.; Markelić, Milica ; Petrovic, V.; Vasilijevic, A.; Jankovic, A.; Buzadzic, B.; Stokic, E.; Korać, Bato ; Korać, Aleksandra | M33 |
399 | 1-Dec-2008 | Nitric oxide regulates mitochondrial re-modelling in interscapular brown adipose tissue: Ultrastructural and morphometric-stereologic studies | Petrović, V.; Korać, Aleksandra ; Buzadžić, B.; Vasilijević, A.; Janković, A.; Veličković, Ksenija ; Korać, Bato | |
400 | 1-Dec-2008 | Micromorphology of trichomes of Thymus malyi (Lamiaceae) | Marin, Marija ; Koko, Vesna; Duletić Laušević, Sonja ; Marin, Petar | M22 |