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Matić, Gordana
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Results 76-100 of 121 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
762001Hyperthermic stress affects the thermal modulation of glucocorticoid receptor affinityŽivadinović, D.; Vidović, S.; Matić, Gordana ; Andjus, R.K.
772001Cadmium affects the redox state of rat liver glucocortcioid receptorElez, D.; Dundjerski, J.; Matić, Gordana 
782000A possible role of metallothionein and heat shock proteins in the glucocorticoid receptor protection against cadmium intoxicationDundjerski, J.; Predić, J.; Kovač, T.; Pavković, N.; Ivanišević, Lj.; Čvoro, Aleksandra ; Matić, Gordana 
792000Glucocorticoid receptor interaction with Hsp90 remains unaltered after whole body hyperthermiaČvoro, Aleksandra ; Matić, Gordana 
802000Glucocorticoid receptor Hsp90 interaction in the liver cytosol of cadmium intoxicated ratsDundjerski, J.; Kovač, T.; Pavković, N.; Čvoro, Aleksandra ; Matić, Gordana 
812000The influence of hyperthermic stress on the redox state of glucocorticoid receptorElez, D.; Vidović, S.; Matić, Gordana 
821999Clinical application of heat shock proteinsMatić, Gordana 
831999The level and phosphorylation of Hsp70 in the rat liver cytosol after adrenalectomy and hyperthermiaČvoro, Aleksandra ; Dundjerski, J.; Trajković, D.; Matić, Gordana 
841998HSP70 level in the rat liver cytosol and nuclei after 41C and 42C whole body hyperthermiaČvoro, A. ; Vidović, S.; Dundjerski, J.; Matić, G. M34
851998Heat stress affects the glucocorticoid receptor interaction with heat shock protein Hsp70 in the rat liverČvoro, Aleksandra ; Dundjerski, J.; Trajković, D.; Matić, Gordana 
861998Association of the rat liver glucocorticoid receptor with Hsp90 and Hsp70 upon whole body hyperthermic stressČvoro, Aleksandra ; Dundjerski, J.; Trajković, D.; Matić, Gordana 
871998Mutually dependent functions of glucocorticoid receptor and heat shock proteinsMatić, Gordana ; Dundjerski, J.; Čvoro, Aleksandra 
881997The glucocorticoid receptor heterocomplexes upon stress and adrenalectomyČvoro, A. ; Dundjerski, J.; Trajković, D.; Matić, G. M34
891997Metallothioneins: Small proteins serving numerous important functionsDundjerski, J.; Matić, Gordana 
901997Nesdonal induces Hsp70 and affects glucocorticoid receptor in the rat liverTrajković, D.; Čvoro, Aleksandra ; Damjanović, S.; Dundjerski, J.; Matić, Gordana 
911997Heat shock and glucocorticoid hormones influence rat liver HSP70 concentration and phosphorylationČvoro, A. ; Dundjerski, J.,; Trajković, D.; Matić, G. M34
921997Heat shockdependent alterations in the assembly of the glucocorticoid receptor complexesMatić, G. ; Čvoro, A. ; Dundjerski, J.; Trajković, D.M34
931997HSP70 level and polymorphism in the rat liver after heat stressMatić, G. ; Čvoro, A. ; Dundjerski, J.; Kipić, J.; Trajković, D.M34
941996Cadmium affects the activity of rat liver tyrosine aminotransferase and its induction by dexamethasoneDundjerski, J.; Butorović, B.; Kipić, J.; Trajković, D.; Matić, Gordana 
951996Hyperthermic stress affects glucocorticoid-receptor-mediated transcription in rat liverVidović, S.; Čvoro, Aleksandra ; Dundjerski, J.; Trajković, D.; Matić, Gordana 
961996Cadmium and dexamethasone affect glucocorticoid receptor level and degradation in the rat liverDundjerski, J.; Butorović, B.; Kipić, J.; Trajković, D.; Matić, Gordana 
971996Metallothionein response to heat shock in rat skin: Effect of antioxidants pretreatmentKorać, B. ; Matić, G. ; Čvoro, A. ; Buzadzić, B.; Saičić, Z.S.; Dundjerski, J.M34
981995The induction of HSP70 in the rat liver by whole body hyperthermiaČvoro, A. ; Dundjerski, J.; Kipić, J.; Trajkovićc, D.; Matić, G. M34
991995Hyperthermic stress modulates the functions of rat liver glucocorticoid receptorMatić, Gordana ; Kipić, J.; Ristić, B.; Dundjerski, J.; Trajković, D.
1001995Tyrosine aminotransferase activity in liver of rats exposed to hyperthermic stressMatić, G. ; Vidović, S.; Čvoro, A. ; Dundjerski, J.; Trajković, D.M34