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Title: Glucocorticoid receptor Hsp90 interaction in the liver cytosol of cadmium intoxicated rats
Authors: Dundjerski, J.
Kovač, T.
Pavković, N.
Čvoro, Aleksandra 
Matić, Gordana 
Issue Date: 2000
Journal: Cell Biol. Toxicol.
Series/Report no.: 16;375-383
Volume: 16
Start page: 375
End page: 383
The in£uence of cadmium on the rat liver glucocorticoid receptor (GR) binding capacity, on the cytosolic level of 90 kDa heat shock protein (Hsp90), and on the association of the two proteins was
investigated. The results showed that the mode of metal application led to diverse alterations in
hormone binding to the GR. Reduction of the GR binding capacity observed after in vitro
treatment was proportional to the applied metal concentrations. In animals administered di¡erent
doses of cadmium, GR binding capacity was not reduced, except in those that received the highest
dose. A concomitant elevation of Hsp90 level was detected both in the cytosol and within the GR
untransformed heterocomplexes. The results suggest that cadmium-induced reduction of the GR
binding capacity seen in vitro was prevented in intact animals by the elevated level of Hsp90 within
the GR heterocomplexes.
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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