Chair of Invertebrate Zoology and Entomology

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Chair of Invertebrate Zoology and Entomology
Parent OrgUnit

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 301-350 of 482 (Search time: 0.021 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
301Jun-2016The Effects of Aphid Traits on Parasitoid Host Use and Specialist AdvantageGagić, Vesna; Petrović-Obradović, Olivera; Fründ, Jochen; Kavallieratos, Nickolas G.; Athanassiou, Christos G.; Starý, Petr; Tomanović, Željko M21
3021-May-2016Parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) of aphids feeding on ornamental trees in southeastern Europe: Key for identification and tritrophic associationsKavallieratos, Nickolas G.; Tomanović, Željko ; Petrović, Anđeljko ; Kocić, Korana ; Janković, Marina; Starý, PetrM22
3031-Feb-2016Metal concentrations around thermal power plants, rural and urban areas using honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) as bioindicatorsZarić, Nenad. ; Ilijević, K.; Stanisavljević, Lj. ; Gržetić, I.M22
3041-Jan-2016Antimicrobial activity of the pygidial gland secretion of three ground beetle species (Insecta: Coleoptera: Carabidae)Nenadić, Marija ; Soković, Marina; Glamočlija, Jasmina; Ćirić, Ana; Perić-Mataruga, Vesna; Ilijin, Larisa; Tešević, Vele; Vujisić, Ljubodrag; Todosijević, Marina; Vesović, Nikola ; Ćurčić, Srećko 
3052016Honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) as bioindicators of metal pollution around Thermal Power Plant “Kostolac”Zarić, N. ; Ilijević, K.; Jovančićević, B.; Stanisavljević, Lj. ; Gržetić, I.M33
3062016Genetic differentiation of Liparus glabrirostris (Curculionidae: Molytinae) populations from the fragmented habitats of the Alps and Carpathian MountainsMitrović, Milana; Tomanović, Željko ; Jakovljević, Miljana; Radović, D.; Havelka, J.; Stary, PetrM21
3072016Determination of metal pollution sourcesZarić, N. ; Ilijević, K.; Jovančićević, B.; Stanisavljević, Lj. ; Gržetić, I.M34
3082016Metal pollution and healthZarić, N. ; Ilijević, K.; Jovančićević, B.; Stanisavljević, L. ; Gržetić, I.M33
3092016The trout farm effect on Dinocras megacephala (Plecoptera: Perlidae) larvae: antioxidative defense.Mirčić, Dejan; Stojanović, Katarina ; Živić, Ivana ; Todorović, Dajana; Stojanović, Dalibor ; Dolićanin, Zana; Perić-Mataruga, VesnaM21
3102016Honeybees (Apis mellifera) as bioindicators of heavy metal pollutionZarić, N. ; Ilijević, K.; Jovančićević, B.; Stanisavljević, Lj. ; Gržetić, I.M34
31114-Dec-2015Phylogeography of the southern medicinal leech, Hirudo verbana: A reply to Utevsky and TronteljŽivić, Ivana ; Radosavljević, Tijana; Stojanović, Katarina ; Petrović, Anđeljko M22
31227-Sep-2015Hipermotorno ponašanje vrste Laemostenus punctatus (Dejean, 1828) (Coleoptera: Carabidae) izazvano statičkim magnetnim poljemPavlović, Danica; Petković, Branka; Ćurčić, Srećko ; Todorović, Dajana; Vesović, Nikola ; Pantelić, Dejan; Perić-Mataruga, Vesna
31325-Sep-2015Does life in caves reduce the diversity of chemicals produced by the pygidial glands of carabids?Vesović, Nikola ; Ćurčić, Srećko ; Vujisić, Ljubodrag; Nenadić, Marija ; Krstić, Gordana; Perić-Mataruga, Vesna; Milosavljević, Slobodan; Antić, Dragan ; Mandić, Boris; Petković, Matija; Vučković, Ivan; Marković, Đorđe; Vrbica, Maja ; Pavlović, Danica; Ćurčić, Božidar; Makarov, Slobodan M34
31425-Sep-2015Seven new troglobitic species of the genus Duvalius Delarouzée, 1859 (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae) from Eastern and Southeastern SerbiaVrbica, Maja ; Ćurčić, Srećko ; Vesović, Nikola ; Antić, Dragan ; Marković, Đorđe; Petković, Matija; Ćurčić, Božidar; Makarov, Slobodan M34
31525-Sep-2015On two new high-altitude Omphreus subspecies (Carabidae: Harpalinae: Omphreini) from the Dinaric Alps (western Balkan Peninsula)Ćurčić, Srećko ; Sciaky, Riccardo; Antić, Dragan ; Vesović, Nikola M34
31613-Jun-2015Molecular Diversity of Compounds from Pygidial Gland Secretions of Cave-Dwelling Ground Beetles: The First EvidenceVesović, Nikola ; Ćurčić, Srećko ; Vujisić, Ljubodrag; Nenadić, Marija ; Krstić, Gordana; Perić-Mataruga, Vesna; Milosavljević, Slobodan; Antić, Dragan ; Mandić, Boris; Petković, Matija; Vučković, Ivan; Marković, Đorđe; Vrbica, Maja ; Ćurčić, Božidar; Makarov, Slobodan M21
3172-Jun-2015Dijatomni indeksi kao osnova procene kvaliteta vode reke VrleJakovljević, O. ; Krizmanić, J. ; Živić, I. ; Bjelanović, K.M63
3181-Jun-2015Ithytrichia Eaton, 1873 (Hydroptilidae: Trichoptera): A genus new for the entomofauna of SerbiaStojanović, Katarina ; Živić, Ivana ; Karan Žnidaršič, Tamara ; Živić, Miroslav ; Žunić, Milenka ; Simić, Vladica; Marković, Zoran
319Jun-2015First detection of Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Aphidiinae) in Serbia: An introduced species invading Europe?Žikić, Vladimir; Stanković, Saša S.; Ilić Milošević, Marijana; Petrović-Obradović, Olivera; Petrović, Anđeljko ; Stary, Petr; Tomanović, Željko M21
3201-May-2015Taxonomic position and phylogenetic relationships of the genera and species euaphidius and remaudierea (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) analyzed using molecular markers and geometric morphometricsMilošević, Marijana Ilić; Petrović, Anđeljko ; Stanković, Saša S.; Čkrkić, Jelisaveta ; Starý, Petr; Žikić, Vladimir; Tomanović, Željko M22
32125-Mar-2015A new troglobitic species of the genus Pholeunopsis (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae: Leptodirini) from western Serbia, with a key to the species from SerbiaĆurčić, Srećko ; Vrbica, Maja ; Vesović, Nikola ; Antić, Dragan ; Petković, Matija; Bosco, Fabrizio; Ćurčić, BožidarM22
3226-Feb-2015The first molecular characterization of the genus Hirudo on the territory of Serbia: estimation of endangermentŽivić, Ivana ; Radosavljević, Tijana; Stojanović, Katarina; Petrović, Anđeljko M22
32314-Jan-2015Revision of the world Monoctonia Starý, parasitoids of gall aphids: taxonomy, distribution, host range, and phylogeny (Hymenoptera, Braconidae: Aphidiinae)Rakhshani, Ehsan; Starý, Petr; Hidalgo, Nicolás Pérez; Čkrkić, Jelisaveta ; Moghaddam, Mostafa Ghafouri; Tomanović, Snežana; Petrović, Anđeljko ; Tomanović, Željko M22
3241-Jan-2015Analysis of pre-service and in-service views of evolution of Serbian teachersStanisavljević, Jelena ; Durić, Dragan; Stanisavljević, Ljubiša ; Clément, Pierre
3251-Jan-2015Microbiota associated with pollen, bee bread, larvae and adults of solitary bee Osmia cornuta (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae)Lozo, Jelena ; Berić, Tanja ; Terzić-Vidojević, A.; Stanković, Slaviša ; Fira, Đorđe ; Stanisavljević, Ljubiša 
3261-Jan-2015A new troglobitic species of the genus Pholeuonopsis (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae: Leptodirini) from western Serbia, with a key to the species from SerbiaĆurčić, Srećko ; Vrbica, Maja ; Vesović, Nikola ; Antić, Dragan ; Petković, Matija; Bosco, Fabrizio; Ćurčić, Božidar
3271-Jan-2015Use of geometric morphometrics to differentiate selected lines of Carniolan honeybees (Apis mellifera carnica) in Serbia and MontenegroRašić, Sladan; Mladenović, Mica; Stanisavljević, Ljubiša 
3281-Jan-2015Morphological and molecular characterization of common European species of Adialytus (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) based on the mtCOI barcoding gene and geometric morphometrics of forewingsStanković, Saša S.; Petrović, Anđeljko ; Ilić Milošević, Marijana; Starý, Petr; Kavalljeratos, Nickolas G.; Žikić, Vladimir; Tomanović, Željko M22
3291-Jan-2015The genus Omphreus in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro, with two new subspecies of O. morio (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Omphreini)Ćurčić, Srećko ; Sciaky, Riccardo; Antić, Dragan ; Vesović, Nikola M22
3301-Jan-2015Two new high-altitude subspecies of Tapinopterus (Tapinopterus) cognatus (Dejean, 1831) (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Pterostichinae) from SerbiaĆurčić, Srećko ; Ilić, Nastas; Vesović, Nikola ; Antić, Dragan M22
3311-Jan-2015Genetic and morphological variation in sexual and asexual parasitoids of the genus Lysiphlebus - An apparent link between wing shape and reproductive modePetrović, Anđeljko ; Mitrović, Milana; Ivanović, Ana ; Žikić, Vladimir; Kavallieratos, Nickolas; Starý, Petr; Bogdanović, Ana Mitrovski; Tomanović, Željko ; Vorburger, ChristophM22
3322015Diatom species composition in the Raška river (Southwestern Serbia)Vidaković, Danijela; Krizmanić, Jelena ; Šovran, Sanja ; Stojanović, Katarina ; Đorđević, Jelena M51
3332015On two new species of Microchthonius Hadži (Pseudoscorpiones, Chthoniidae) from Dalmatia, Croatia.Ćurčić, Božidar; Rađa, Tonći; Dimitrijević, Rajko ; Vesović, Nikola ; Ćurčić, Srećko 
3342015Metal concentrations in regions with different environmental impactZarić, N. ; Ilijević, K.; Jovančićević, B.; Stanisavljević, Lj. ; Gajica, G.; Orlić, J.; Gržetić, I.M34
3352015Larval morphology and phylogenetic position of Drusus balcanicus, Drusus botosaneanui, Drusus serbicus and Drusus tenellus (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae: Drusinae)Waringer, Johann; Graf, Wolfram; Bálint, Miklós; Kučinić, Mladen; Pauls, Steffen U.; Previšić, Ana; Keresztes, Lujza; Ibrahimi, Halil; Živić, Ivana ; Bjelanović, Katarina; Krpač, Vladimir; Vitecek, Simon.M22
3362015Određivanje koncentracije i porekla toksičnih metala u životnoj srediniZarić, N. ; Ilijević, K.; Jovančićević, B.; Stanisavljević, Lj. ; Gržetić, I.M64
337Dec-2014Qualitative analysis of aphid and primary parasitoid trophic relations of genus Alloxysta (Hymenoptera: Cynipoidea: Figitidae: Charipinae)Ferrer-Suay, Mar; Janković, Marina; Selfa, Jesús; Van Veen, F. J. Frank; Tomanović, Željko ; Kos, Katarina; Rakhshani, Ehsan; Pujade-Villar, JuliM22
3385-Nov-2014Pholeuonopsis (Pholeuonopsis) perucensis sp n., a new troglobitic leiodid beetle (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae: Leptodirini) from Bosnia and HerzegovinaĆurčić, Srećko ; Vrbica, Maja ; Vesović, Nikola ; Mulaomerović, Jasminko; Ćurčić, Božidar
3391-Sep-2014Altitudinal zonation of aphid parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) in the Neotropical regionStarý, Petr; Rakhshani, Ehsan; Žikić, Vladimir; Kavallieratos, Nickolas G.; Lavandero, Blas; Tomanović, Željko M23
3401-Sep-2014Sexual dimorphism in the parasitoid wasps aphidius balcanicus, aphidius rosae, and aphidius urticae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae)Petrović, Anđeljko ; Tomanović, Željko ; Kavallieratos, Nickolas; Bogdanović, Ana Mitrovski; Starý, Petr; Ivanović, Ana M22
34130-May-2014Detecting population admixture in honey bees of SerbiaNedić, Nebojsa; Francis, Roy Mathew; Stanisavljević, Ljubiša ; Pihler, Ivan; Kezić, Nikola; Bendixen, Christian; Kryger, Per
3421-May-2014Molecular and morphological variability within the Aphidius colemani group with redescription of Aphidius platensis Brethes (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae)Tomanović, Željko ; Petrović, Anđeljko ; Mitrović, Milana; Kavallieratos, Nickolas; Starý, Petr; Rakhshani, Ehsan; Rakhshanipour, Mansoureh; Popović, Anđelka ; Shukshuk, A. H.; Ivanović, Ana M21
343May-2014Agriotypus armatus Curtis, 1832, a parasitoid of Silo pallipes Fabricius, 1781: the first record for the Balkan PeninsulaStojanović, Katarina ; Živić, Ivana ; Petrović, Anđeljko ; Djordjević, Jelena; Marković, Z.; Žikić, VladimirM23
34410-Apr-2014Trout farm effect on antioxidative defense in Dinocras megacephala (Plecoptera: Perlidae) larvaeBjelanović, K.; Živić, I. ; Stojanović, D. ; Todorović, D.; Mirčić, D.; Mrkonja, A.; Perić Mataruga, V.M34
34510-Apr-2014Diversity of stoneflies larvae (Plecoptera) in Serbian streams and brooksŽunić, M.; Bjelanović, K.; Đuknić, J.; Novaković, B.; Stojanović, D. ; Živić, I. M34
3461-Apr-2014The Praon dorsale-yomenae s.str. complex (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae): Species discrimination using geometric morphometrics and molecular markers with description of a new speciesMitrovski-Bogdanović, Ana; Tomanović, Željko ; Mitrović, Milana; Petrović, Anđeljko ; Ivanović, Ana ; Žikić, Vladimir; Starý, Petr; Vorburger, ChristophM21
34715-Jan-2014Landscape composition and configuration influence cereal aphid-parasitoid-hyperparasitoid interactions and biological control differentially across yearsPlećaš, Milan ; Gagić, Vesna; Janković, Marina; Petrović-Obradović, O.; Kavallieratos, N. G.; Tomanović, Željko ; Thies, C.; Tscharntke, T.; Ćetković, Aleksandar M21
3481-Jan-2014Three new cave-dwelling leiodid beetles (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae: Leptodirini) from Bosnia and HerzegovinaĆurčić, Srećko ; Rađa, Tonći; Mulaomerović, Jasminko; Vrbica, Maja ; Antić, Dragan ; Ćurčić, Božidar; Rađa, Biljana; Vesović, Nikola M23
3491-Jan-2014Fatty acid profile in muscles of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) Raised in a semi-intensive production system fed with grains, pelleted and extruded feedŽivić, Ivana ; Živić, Miroslav ; Bjelanović, Katarina; Spasić, M.; Rašković, B.; Stanković, M.; Marković, Z.
3501-Jan-2014The response of phytoplankton, zooplankton and macrozoobenthos communities to change in the water supply from surface to groundwater in aquaculture pondsDulić, Zorka; Marković, Zoran; Živić, Miroslav ; Ćirić, Milos; Stanković, Marko; Subakov Simić, Gordana ; Živić, Ivana