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Title: First detection of Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Aphidiinae) in Serbia: An introduced species invading Europe?
Authors: Žikić, Vladimir
Stanković, Saša S.
Ilić Milošević, Marijana
Petrović-Obradović, Olivera
Petrović, Anđeljko 
Stary, Petr
Tomanović, Željko 
Keywords: Lysiphlebus testaceipes;;Introduction;;Invasion;;Parasitoids;;Biological control.
Issue Date: Jun-2015
Rank: M21
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Journal: Journal of Zoology
Volume: 11
Start page: 97
End page: 101
Fauna of aphidiine parasitic wasps has been intensively studied in the past 20 years in Serbia. Lysiphlebus testaceipes, a species introduced originally to France, has become broadly established in the Mediterranean area. Also, it has recently been categorized as an invasive species. It was found in the Niška kotlina valley and in a small gorge, the Sićevo gorge, both in southeast Serbia and under the influence of the Mediterranean climate. Twenty one trophic associations of L. testaceipes on 17 plant species and 16 aphid hosts have been identified.
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