| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Rank |
451 | 1-Jan-2004 | Ultrastructural alterations of rat brown adipocytes after short-term corticosterone treatment | Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Vesna, Koko; Vukosava, Davidović; Jelena, Radovanović | |
452 | 1-Jan-2004 | Glutathion content, rate of apoptosis, and brown adipose tissue mass in rats exposed to different ambient temperatures | Buzadžić, B.; Korać, Aleksandra ; Petrović, V.; Korać, Bato | |
453 | 2004 | Цитолошке промене ретроперитонеалног и гонадалног белог масног ткива пацова у хипер- и хипотиреоидизму | Ukropina, Mirela | |
454 | 2004 | Morphological aspect of brown adipocyte peroxisome biogenesis in hypothyroid rats | Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Korać, Aleksandra ; Ukropina, Mirela ; Davidović, V. | |
455 | 2004 | PPARγ immunolocalization in the retroperitoneal white adipocyte of hyperthyroid rats | Ukropina, Mirela ; Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Korać, Aleksandra | |
456 | 2004 | Dax-1 blocks proliferation of breast cancer cells through repression of ER activated activated cell cycle genes | Tzagarakis-Foster, C.; Paruthiyil, S.; Parmar, H.; An, J.P.; Čvoro, A. ; Tatomer, D.; Tanksley, G.; Cunha, G.; Leitman, D.C. | M34 |
457 | 2004 | Практикум из цитологије на CD-у | Korać, Aleksandra ; Ukropina, Mirela | |
458 | 2004 | Membrane receptor signaling and differential transcriptional regulation by unliganded and liganded estrogen receptors complex | Čvoro, A. ; Tzagarakis-Foster, C.; Tatomer, D.; Paruthiyil, S.; Leitman, D.C. | M34 |
459 | 1-May-2003 | Immunocytochemical study of the glucocorticoid receptor in rat liver nuclei after hyperthermic stress | Čvoro, Aleksandra ; Korać, Aleksandra ; Matić, Gordana | M23 |
460 | 1-Jan-2003 | Insulin-induced iron loading in the rat brown adipose tissue: Histochemical and electron-microscopic study | Korać, Aleksandra ; Ukropina, Mirela ; Davidović, V. | |
461 | 2003 | Rat liver tyrosine aminotransferase activity and induction by dexamethasone upon cadmium intoxication | Dundjerski, J.; Predić, J.; Čvoro, Aleksandra ; Matić, Gordana | |
462 | 2003 | Estradiol and selective estrogen receptor modulators differentially regulate target genes with estrogen receptor α and β | Tee, M.K.; Rogatsky, I.; Tzagarakis-Foster, C.; Čvoro, A. ; An, J.; Christy, R.J.; Leitman, D.C. | M34 |
463 | 2003 | Differential gene regulation by estrogen receptors with 17β-estradiol and conjugated equine estrogens | Wachs D.S.; Tzagarakis-Foster, C.; Čvoro, A. ; Leitman, D.C. | M34 |
464 | 2003 | Glycogen autophagy in the brown adipocyte of sucrose overfed rat | Ukropina, Mirela ; Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Korać, Aleksandra | |
465 | 2003 | Estradiol causes transcriptional repression of the tumor necrosis factor-a gene by disassembling a transcriptional activation complex | Čvoro, A. ; Tzagarakis-Foster, C.; Tatomer, D.; Leitman, D.C. | M34 |
466 | 2002 | Hyperthermic stress stimulates the association of both constitutive and inducible isoforms of 70 kDa heat shock protein with rat liver glucocorticoid receptor | Čvoro, Aleksandra ; Matić, Gordana | |
467 | 2002 | Identification of protein factors involved in estrogen receptor-mediated repression of TNF-a gene expression | Čvoro, A. ; Tzagarakis-Foster, C.; An, J.; Leitman, D.C. | M34 |
468 | 2001 | Morphometric investigation of the needles of Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) Carriere in industrial environment of Pančevo | Marin, Marija ; Koko, Vesna; Petković, Branimir; Marin, Petar | M51 |
469 | 14-May-2000 | Variability of some morpho- anatomical characters of Plantago holosteum Scop. | Petković, Branimir; Marin, Marija (Vecko) ; Grujić, Slavica | M34 |
470 | 14-May-2000 | Stereology investigation on one-year old needles of Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) Carriere in autumn in industrial environment in Pančevo | Marin, Marija (Vecko) ; Koko, Vesna; Marin, Petar | M34 |
471 | 2000 | Stereološka i histološka ispitivanja jednogodišnjih i dvogodišnjih četina Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) u prolećnom i jesenjem periodu u industrijskoj sredini Pančeva | Marin, Marija (Vecko) ; Koko, Vesna; Petković, Branimir; Marin, Petar | M64 |
472 | 2000 | Glucocorticoid receptor interaction with Hsp90 remains unaltered after whole body hyperthermia | Čvoro, Aleksandra ; Matić, Gordana | |
473 | 2000 | A possible role of metallothionein and heat shock proteins in the glucocorticoid receptor protection against cadmium intoxication | Dundjerski, J.; Predić, J.; Kovač, T.; Pavković, N.; Ivanišević, Lj.; Čvoro, Aleksandra ; Matić, Gordana | |
474 | 2000 | Giant mitochondria in rat brown adipocytes after short-term sucrose consumption | Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Koko, V.; Radovanović, J.; Davidović, V. | |
475 | 2000 | The effects of repeated dexamethasone treatment of pregnant rats on the adrenocorticotropin plasma concentration and ACTH-cells in their offspring during the perinatal period | Kalafatić, D.; Plećaš, B.; Hristić, M.; Manojlović-Stojanoski, M.; Čakić Milošević, Maja | |
476 | 2000 | Glucocorticoid receptor Hsp90 interaction in the liver cytosol of cadmium intoxicated rats | Dundjerski, J.; Kovač, T.; Pavković, N.; Čvoro, Aleksandra ; Matić, Gordana | |
477 | 1-Jan-1999 | Apoptosis in the rat brown adipose tissue after insulin treatment | Korać, Aleksandra ; Radovanović, J.; Davidović, V.; Koko, V.; Nedeljković, M. | |
478 | 1999 | The unusual phenomenon in rat interscapular brown adipoe tissue: mitochondrial endocytic activity | Radovanović, J. S.; Koko, V.; Davidović, V.; Todorović, V.; Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Korać, Aleksandra ; Janković-Hladni, M. | |
479 | 1999 | The level and phosphorylation of Hsp70 in the rat liver cytosol after adrenalectomy and hyperthermia | Čvoro, Aleksandra ; Dundjerski, J.; Trajković, D.; Matić, Gordana | |
480 | 1999 | Adipociti mrkog masnog tkiva pacova tretiranih kortikosteronom i saharozom. Morfometrijska analiza | Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Koko, V.; Radovanović, J.; Davidović, V; Dišović, M. | |
481 | 1999 | Morphological evidence for peroxisome proliferation in activated rat brown adipocytes | Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Koko, V.; Radovanović, J.; Davidović, V. | |
482 | 1-Nov-1998 | Gastrin producing G-cells after chronic ethanol and low protein nutrition | Koko, Vesna; Todorović, Vera; Varagić, Jasmina; Micev, M.; Korać, Aleksandra ; Bajčetić, M.; Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Nedeljković, Miroslava; Drndarević, Neda | |
483 | 3-Sep-1998 | Volume density, number and area of mesophyll cells of Cedrus atlantica needles in polluted environment of Pančevo | Marin, Marija (Vecko) ; Koko, Vesna; Petković, Budimir; Ilijin-Jug, Mirjana | M34 |
484 | 1-Jan-1998 | Treatment of pregnant females with dexamethasone influences postnatal development of the adrenal medulla | Manojlović, Milica; Kalafatić, Dobrila; Hristić, Mirjana; Plećaš, Bosiljka; Virag, Aleksandra; Čakić Milošević, Maja | |
485 | 1998 | Electron microscopic evidence for mitochondrial endocytic activity | Radovanović, J.; Koko, V.; Davidović, V.; Todorović, V.; Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Korać, Aleksandra ; Janković-Hladni, M. | |
486 | 1998 | Stereological investigation of synaptosomes of arousal ground squirrel (Citellus citellus) | Koko, V.; Grozdanović-Radovanović, J.; Anđus, R.; Drndarević, N.; Nedeljković, M.; Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Šerban, N. M. | |
487 | 1998 | HSP70 level in the rat liver cytosol and nuclei after 41C and 42C whole body hyperthermia | Čvoro, A. ; Vidović, S.; Dundjerski, J.; Matić, G. | M34 |
488 | 1998 | Association of the rat liver glucocorticoid receptor with Hsp90 and Hsp70 upon whole body hyperthermic stress | Čvoro, Aleksandra ; Dundjerski, J.; Trajković, D.; Matić, Gordana | |
489 | 1998 | Heat stress affects the glucocorticoid receptor interaction with heat shock protein Hsp70 in the rat liver | Čvoro, Aleksandra ; Dundjerski, J.; Trajković, D.; Matić, Gordana | |
490 | 1998 | Damage of the needles of Cedrus atlantica in industrial environment in Pančevo | Marin, Marija (Vecko) ; Koko, Vesna; Petković, Branimir; Ilijin-Jug, Mirjana | M52 |
491 | 1998 | Stereological and morphometric examination of needles of Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) Carriere in autumn in industrial environment in Pančevo | Marin, Marija ; Koko, Vesna; Petković, Branimir; Ilijin-Jug, Mirjana | M52 |
492 | 1998 | Stereološka i morfometrijska ispitivanja četina Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) Carriere u jesenjem periodu u zagađenoj sredini Pančeva | Marin, Marija (Vecko) ; Koko, Vesna; Petković, Branimir; Ilijin-Jug, Mirjana | M64 |
493 | 1998 | Mutually dependent functions of glucocorticoid receptor and heat shock proteins | Matić, Gordana ; Dundjerski, J.; Čvoro, Aleksandra | |
494 | 1998 | Stereological analysis of rat brown adipose tissue mitochondria after corticosterone treatment | Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Koko, V.; Davidović, V.; Radovanović, J. | |
495 | 19-Sep-1997 | Volume density, number and area of mesophyll cells of Cedrus atlantica needles in polluted environment of Pančevo | Marin, Marija (Vecko) ; Koko, Vesna; Petković, Budimir | M34 |
496 | 1997 | The glucocorticoid receptor heterocomplexes upon stress and adrenalectomy | Čvoro, A. ; Dundjerski, J.; Trajković, D.; Matić, G. | M34 |
447 | 1997 | Nesdonal induces Hsp70 and affects glucocorticoid receptor in the rat liver | Trajković, D.; Čvoro, Aleksandra ; Damjanović, S.; Dundjerski, J.; Matić, Gordana | |
448 | 1997 | Stereološka ispitivanja jednogodišnjih četina kedra Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) Carriere u zagađenoj sredini Pančeva | Marin, Marija (Vecko) ; Koko, Vesna; Petković, Branimir; Ilijin-Jug, Mirjana | M64 |
449 | 1997 | Effects of chronic ethanol administration on the glucagon-producing A-cells in rat endocrine pancreas. A morphometric and fine structural study | Glišić, R.; Koko, V.; Todorović, V.; Grozdanović-Radovanović, J.; Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Korać, Aleksandra ; Nedeljković, M.; Drndarević, N.; Babić, T. | |
450 | 1997 | Heat shock and glucocorticoid hormones influence rat liver HSP70 concentration and phosphorylation | Čvoro, A. ; Dundjerski, J.,; Trajković, D.; Matić, G. | M34 |