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Title: Gastrin producing G-cells after chronic ethanol and low protein nutrition
Authors: Koko, Vesna
Todorović, Vera
Varagić, Jasmina
Micev, M.
Korać, Aleksandra 
Bajčetić, M.
Čakić Milošević, Maja 
Nedeljković, Miroslava
Drndarević, Neda
Issue Date: 1-Nov-1998
Journal: Indian Journal of Experimental Biology
Male Wistar rats, (2 months old), randomly divided according to the diet offered to four groups (C-control; A- alcoholized, PD- protein-deprived, A-PD- alcoholized protein-deprived). In group A and A-PD rats, the number of gastrin producing G-cells was significantly lower. The volume density of G-cells was significantly decreased in alcoholic rats. Fasting serum gastrin level (FSGL) significantly raised due to combined effect of alcohol consumption and protein malnutrition. In group A rats, the profile area of G-cells and their nuclei increased. In PD rats, the profile area of G cells also increased. There were no differences in nucleus/cell ratio due to alcohol ingestion alone, but it decreased significantly in PD and A-PD rats. Pale and lucent types of granules were predominantly seen in G-cells of animals of group A and A-PD. Mean diameter of granules increased in A, PD and A-PD rats. Other endocrine cells (ECL, D, EC) also decreased in number in A rats. Somatostatin producing D-cells decreased significantly in A-PD rats, both in fundic and pyloric mucosa.
ISSN: 0019-5189
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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