Chair of Animal Ecology and Zoogeography

Organization name
Chair of Animal Ecology and Zoogeography

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 251-300 of 344 (Search time: 0.019 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
251Jun-2015Intestinal helminth parasites of the grey Wolf (Canis lupus L.) in SerbiaĆirović, Duško ; Pavlović, Ivan; Penezić, Aleksandra 
25220-Mar-2015Fauna Europaea: Hymenoptera - Apocrita (excl. Ichneumonoidea)Mitroiu, Mircea Dan; Noyes, John; Ćetković, Aleksandar ; Nonveiller, Guido; Radchenko, Alexander; Polaszek, Andrew; Ronquist, Fredrick; Forshage, Mattias; Pagliano, Guido; Gusenleitner, Josef; Bartalucci, Mario Boni; Olmi, Massimo; Fusu, Lucian; Madl, Michael; Johnson, Norman F.; Jansta, Petr; Wahis, Raymond; Soon, Villu; Rosa, Paolo; Osten, Till; Barbier, Yvan; de Jong, Yd
25312-Jan-2015Levels of infection of intestinal helminth species in the golden jackal Canis aureus from SerbiaĆirović, Duško ; Pavlović, I.; Penezić, Aleksandra ; Kulišić, Z.; Selaković, Sanja
2541-Jan-2015Genetic and morphological variability of the European mudminnow Umbra krameri (Teleostei, Umbridae) in Serbia and in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a basis for future conservation activitiesMarić, Saša ; Snoj, A.; Sekulić, N.; Krpo Ćetković, Jasmina ; Šanda, R.; Jojić, V.M22
2551-Jan-2015Mapping differential elemental accumulation in fish tissues: assessment of metal and trace element concentrations in wels catfish (Silurus glanis) from the Danube River by ICP-MSJovičić, Katarina; Nikolić, Dragica M.; Višnjić-Jeftić, Željka; Đikanović, Vesna; Skorić, Stefan; Stefanović, Srđan M.; Lenhardt, Mirjana; Hegediš, Aleksandar ; Krpo Ćetković, Jasmina ; Jarić, Ivan
2562015Elemental concentrations in different tissues of European perch and black bullhead from Sava Lake (Serbia)Jaćimović, Milica; Lenhardt, Mirjana; Višnjić-Jeftić, Željka; Jarić, Ivan; Gaćić, Zoran; Hegediš, Aleksandar ; Krpo Ćetković, Jasmina 
2572015Analysis of beaver (Castor fiber L.) mortality in Croatia and SerbiaGrubešić, Marijan; Margeletić, Josip; Ćirović, Duško ; Vucelja, Marko; Bjedov, Linda; Burazerović, Jelena ; Tomljanović, Kristijan
2582015Concentration of selected trace elements in the golden jackal (Canis aureus L., 1758) population from SerbiaĆirović, Duško ; Giżejewska, Aleksandra; Jovanović, Vladimir; Penezić, Aleksandra ; Milenković, Miroljub; Vujošević, Mladen; Blagojević, Jelena
2591-Dec-2014Spectral sensitivity of the electroretinogram b-wave in dark-adapted Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio Bloch, 1782)Gačić, Zoran; Bajić, Aleksandar; Milošević, Milena ; Nikčević, Miroslav; Mićković, Branislav; Hegediš, Aleksandar ; Gačić, Luka; Damjanović, Ilija
2601-Nov-2014Revisiting the phylogeography and demography of European badgers (Meles meles) based on broad sampling, multiple markers and simulationsFrantz, A. C.; McDevitt, A. D.; Pope, L. C.; Kochan, J.; Davison, J.; Clements, C. F.; Elmeros, M.; Molina-Vacas, G.; Ruiz-Gonzalez, A.; Balestrieri, A.; Van Den Berge, K.; Breyne, P.; Do Linh San, E.; Agren, E. O.; Suchentrunk, F.; Schley, L.; Kowalczyk, R.; Kostka, B. I.; Ćirović, Duško ; Sprem, N.; Colyn, M.; Ghirardi, M.; Racheva, V.; Braun, C.; Oliveira, R.; Lanszki, J.; Stubbe, A.; Stubbe, M.; Stier, N.; Burke, T.
2611-Nov-2014A bryozoan species may offer novel antioxidants with anti-carbon-dioxide anion radical activityPejin, Boris; Savic, Aleksandar G.; Hegediš, Aleksandar ; Karaman, Ivo; Horvatovic, Mladen; Mojovic, Milos
2621-Oct-2014The wolf (Canis lupus) as an indicator species for the sylvatic Trichinella cycle in the central balkansTeodorović, Vlado; Vasilev, Dragan; Ćirović, Duško ; Marković, Marija; Ćosić, Nada; Djurić, Spomenka; Djurković-Djaković, Olgica
2631-Sep-2014First findings and prevalence of adult heartworms (Dirofilaria immitis) in wild carnivores from SerbiaPenezić, Aleksandra ; Selaković, Sanja; Pavlović, Ivan; Ćirović, Duško 
264Jun-2014Genetic diversity and structuring of the grey wolf population from the Central Balkans based on mitochondrial DNA variationDjan, Mihajla; Maletić, Vladimir; Trbojević, Igor; Popović, Dunja; Veličković, Nevena; Burazerović, Jelena ; Ćirović, Duško 
2652-May-2014Review of the Gasteruptiidae (Hymenoptera: Evanioidea) from the territory of the former Yugoslavia, with three newly reported speciesŽikić, Vladimir; Van Achterberg, Cornelis; Stanković, Saša S.; Bila Dubaić, Jovana ; Ćetković, Aleksandar 
2661-May-2014Population genetic parameters of brown bears in western Serbia: Implications for research and conservationKaramanlidis, Alexandros A.; Paunović, Milan; Ćirović, Duško ; Karapandža, Branko; Skrbinšek, Tomaž; Zedrosser, Andreas
267Apr-2014Population densities and habitat use of the golden jackal (Canis aureus) in farmlands across the Balkan PeninsulaŠálek, Martin; Červinka, Jaroslav; Banea, Ovidiu C.; Krofel, Miha; Ćirović, Duško ; Selanec, Ivana; Penezić, Aleksandra ; Grill, Stanislav; Riegert, Jan
268Feb-2014Winter diet composition of the golden jackal (Canis aureus L., 1758) in SerbiaĆirović, Duško ; Penezić, Aleksandra ; Milenković, Miroljub; Paunović, Milan
26915-Jan-2014Landscape composition and configuration influence cereal aphid-parasitoid-hyperparasitoid interactions and biological control differentially across yearsPlećaš, Milan ; Gagić, Vesna; Janković, Marina; Petrović-Obradović, O.; Kavallieratos, N. G.; Tomanović, Željko ; Thies, C.; Tscharntke, T.; Ćetković, Aleksandar M21
2702014Assessment of fish stocks and elemental pollution in the Danube, Sava and Kolubara rivers on the territory of the city of Belgrade, SerbiaJovičić, Katarina; Lenhardt, Mirjana; Višnjić-Jeftić, Željka; Ikanović, Vesna; Skorić, Stefan; Smederevac-Lalić, Marija; Jaćimović, Milica; Gačić, Zoran; Jarić, Ivan; Hegediš, Aleksandar 
2712014Presence of Leishmania and Brucella species in the golden jackal Canis aureus in SerbiaĆirović, Duško ; Chochlakis, Dimosthenis; Tomanović, Snežana; Sukara, Ratko; Penezić, Aleksandra ; Tselentis, Yannis; Psaroulaki, Anna
2722014First records of dirofilaria repens in Wild Canids from the region of central BalkanĆirović, Duško ; Penezić, Aleksandra ; Pavlovicv, Ivan; Kulišić, Zoran; Ćosić, Nada; Burazerović, Jelena ; Maletić, Vladimir
2731-Dec-2013Heavy metal and trace element bioaccumulation in target tissues of four edible fish species from the Danube River (Serbia)Subotić, Srđan ; Spasić, Sladana; Višnjić-Jeftić, Željka; Hegediš, Aleksandar ; Krpo Ćetković, Jasmina ; Mićković, Branislav; Skorić, Stefan; Lenhardt, MirjanaM21
27429-Nov-2013Pilot-studija zajednice pčela u predeonom kontekstu periferije velikog grada u ekspanziji (Beograd, Srbija)Bogdanović, I.; Bila Dubaić, J. ; Plećaš, M. ; Mladenović, A.; Ćetković, A. M64
2759-Sep-2013The influence of environmental factors on the structure of caddisfly (Trichoptera) assemblage in the Nišava River (Central Balkan Peninsula)Savić, A.; Ranđelović, V.; Đorđević, M.; Karadžić, B.; Đokić, M.; Krpo Ćetković, Jasmina 
2761-Sep-2013Past and present of and perspectives for the Danube huchen, Hucho hucho (L.), in the Danube basinWitkowski, Andrzej; Bajić, Aleksandar; Treer, Tomislav; Hegediš, Aleksandar ; Marić, Saša ; Šprem, Nikica; Piria, Marina; Kapusta, AndrzejM53
2771-Sep-2013New distribution data and population structure of the European mudminnow Umbra krameri in Serbia and Bosnia and HerzegovinaSekulić, N.; Marić, Saša ; Galambos, L.; Radošević, D.; Krpo Ćetković, Jasmina M21
27827-Aug-2013Morphological correlates of prey consumed by Podarcis melisellensis (Braun, 1877) and P. Siculus (Rafinesque, 1810) (Sauria, Lacertidae) from two mainland regions in the eastern Adriatic areaStamenković, Srđan ; Matić, Rada
2791-Aug-2013Distribution and accumulation of elements (As, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, and Zn) in tissues of fish species from different trophic levels in the Danube River at the confluence with the Sava River (Serbia)Subotić, Srđan ; Višnjić Jeftić, Ž; Spasić, S.; Hegediš, Aleksandar ; Krpo Ćetković, Jasmina ; Lenhardt, M.
280Aug-2013Multilocus phylogeography of the European ground squirrel: Cryptic interglacial refugia of continental climate in EuropeŘíčanová, Štěpánka; Koshev, Yordan; Říčan, Oldřich; Ćosić, Nada; Ćirović, Duško ; Sedláček, František; Bryja, Josef
281Jun-2013First record of a hybrid striped bass (Morone saxatilis × Morone chrysops) in the Danube RiverSkorić, Stefan; Cvijanović, Gorčin; Kohlmann, Klaus; Hegediš, Aleksandar ; Jarić, Ivan; Lenhardt, Mirjana
28225-Feb-2013Do rivers and human-induced habitat fragmentation affect genetic diversity and population structure of the European ground squirrel at the edge of its Pannonian range?Ćosić, Nada; Říčanová, Štěpánka; Bryja, Josef; Penezić, Aleksandra ; Ćirović, Duško 
2832013Parazitski bumbari (subgenus Psithyrus) Balkanskog poluostrva: faunistički pregled i analiza taksonomskih odnosa primenom geometrijske morfometrijePopović, A.; Stanisavljević, L. ; Mladenović, A.; Bila-Dubaić, J. ; Ćetković, A. M64
2842013Distribucija jedne "neshvaćene" vrste bumbara na Balkanskom poluostrvu: Bombus hypnorum (Hymenoptera: Apidae)Ćetković, A. ; Mladenović, A.; Bila Dubaić, J. ; Roberts, S. P. M.; Sušić, S.; Popović, A.M64
2852013Echinococcus multilocularis in the European beaver (Castor fibre L.) from Serbia: First reportĆirović, Duško ; Pavlović, Ivan; Kulišić, Zoran; Ivetić, Vojin; Penezić, Aleksandra ; Ćosić, Nada
2862013In vitro radioprotective activity of the bryozoan Hyalinella punctataPejin, Boris; Stanimirović, Bojana; Đorđević, Neda; Hegediš, Aleksandar ; Karaman, Ivo; Horvatović, Mladen; Radotić, Ksenija
2871-Dec-2012Parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) of northeastern Iran: Aphidiine-aphid-plant associations, key and description of a new speciesRakhshani, Ehsan; Kazemzadeh, Sedigheh; Starý, Petr; Barahoei, Hossein; Kavallieratos, Niçkolas G.; Ćetković, Aleksandar ; Popović, Anđelka ; Bodlah, Lmran; Tomanović, Željko M22
288Dec-2012Pelagic cnidarians in the Boka Kotorska Bay, Montenegro (South Adriatic)Pestorić, Branka; Krpo Ćetković, Jasmina ; Gangai, Barbara; Lučič, Davor
28929-Oct-2012Molecular detection of Babesia spp. in ticks in northern SerbiaMihaljica, D.; Radulović, Ž; Tomanović, Snežana; Ćakić, Sanja; Penezić, Aleksandra ; Milutinović, Marija
29028-Jul-2012Echinococcus multilocularis in the European beaver (Castor fibre L.) from Serbia: First reportĆirović, Duško ; Pavlović, Ivan; Kulišić, Zoran; Ivetić, Vojin; Penezić, Aleksandra ; Ćosic, Nada
291Jun-2012Unusual occurrence of anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus, Linnaeus 1758) eggs in December 2006 in Boka Kotorska Bay (Adriatic Sea)Mandić, Milica; Regner, Slobodan; Krpo Ćetković, Jasmina ; Joksimović, Aleksandar
2921-Jan-2012Aphid parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) in wetland habitats in western palaearctic: Key and associated aphid parasitoid guildsTomanović, Željko ; Starý, Petr; Kavallieratos, Nickolas G.; Gagić, Vesna; Plećaš, Milan ; Janković, Marina; Rakhshani, Ehsan; Ćetković, Aleksandar ; Petrović, Anđeljko M23
293Jan-2012Assessing the range of newly established invasive species in rivers using probabilistic methodsJarić, Ivan; Cvijanović, Gorčin; Hegediš, Aleksandar ; Lenhardt, Mirjana
2942012In vitro evaluation of the immunomodulatory and anticarcinogenic activity of the freshwater bryozoan Hyalinella punctata methanolic extractPejin, Boris; Stošić-Grujičić, Stanislava; Bogdanović, Gordana; Hegediš, Aleksandar ; Karaman, Ivo; Stojanović, Ivana D.; Nikolic, Ivana; Kojić, Vesna; Horvatović, Mladen; Radotić, Ksenija
2952012Daily otolith increments and growth rate of juvenile anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus (Linnaeus, 1758), in the south-eastern Adriatic SeaĐurović, Mirko; Pešić, Ana; Regner, Slobodan; Joksimović, Aleksandar; Mandić, Milica; Kasalica, Olivera; Ikica, Zdravko; Krpo Ćetković, Jasmina 
2962012Antimicrobial Activity of the Freshwater Bryozoan Hyalinella Punctata (Hancock, 1850)Pejin, Boris; Glamočlija, Jasmina; Ćirić, Ana; Radotić, Ksenija; Vajs, Vlatka; Tesević, Vele; Hegediš, Aleksandar ; Karaman, Ivo; Horvatović, Mladen; Soković, Marina
2972012First Occurrence of Paramphistomum microbothrium (Fischoeder 1901) in Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus) in SerbiaPavlovic, Ivan; Savić, Božidar; Ivanović, Snežana; Ćirović, Duško 
2982012Concentrations of 17 elements in muscle, gills, liver and gonads of five economically important fish species from the Danube RiverLenhardt, Mirjana; Jarić, Ivan; Višnjić-Jeftić, Željka; Skorić, Stefan; Gačić, Zoran; Pucar, Milica; Hegediš, Aleksandar 
299Sep-2011Non-native and translocated fish species in Serbia and their impact on the native ichthyofaunaLenhardt, Mirjana; Markovic, Goran; Hegediš, Aleksandar ; Maletin, Stevan; Cirkovic, Miroslav; Markovic, Zoran
3004-Aug-2011Catalogue of aquatic Oligochaeta (Annelida: Clitellata) of Montenegro, exclusive of Naidinae and PristininaeŠundić, Danijela; Radujković, Branko; Krpo Ćetković, Jasmina