| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Rank |
1 | 23-Sep-2024 | Exploring the link between microplastic and genotoxicity in fish | Sunjog Karolina; Đorđević Aleksić Jelena; Kostić Jovana; Subotić, Srđan ; Višnjić Jeftić Željka | M34 |
2 | Aug-2024 | Zoonotic parasites in common freshwater fish species in Serbia | Simin, Stanislav; Subotić, Srđan ; Breka, Katarina ; Betić, Nikola; Kuručki, Milica ; Uzelac, Aleksandra; Klun, Ivana | M34 |
3 | 30-Nov-2023 | The common nase (Chondrostoma nasus) as an indicator of aquatic pollution and human health risk assessment associated with its consumption | Nikolić, Dušan; Subotić, Srđan ; Skorić, Stefan | M21 |
4 | 11-Oct-2023 | Intestinal content analyses of pumpkinseed Lepomis gibossus (Linnaeus, 1785) in five small reservoirs - central Serbia | Đikanović, Vesna; Jovičić, Katarina; Subotić, Srđan ; Jaćimović, Milica; Nikolić, Dušan | M34 |
5 | 11-Oct-2023 | Relationships of otolith size to fish size –a study on pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus) from Topola Reservoir (Serbia) | Nikolić, Dušan; Jaćimović, Milica; Subotić, Srđan | M34 |
6 | 16-May-2023 | Combined use of biomarkers to assess the impact of untreated wastewater from the Danube River, Serbia | Kostić-Vuković, Jovana; Kolarević, Stoimir; Sunjog, Karolina; Subotić, Srđan ; Višnjić-Jeftić, Željka; Rašković, Božidar; Poleksić, Vesna; Vuković-Gačić, Branka ; Lenhardt, Mirjana | M22 |
7 | May-2023 | Impact of wastewater effluents at two sites at Danube river: genotoxicological assessment. | Kostić-Vuković, Jovana; Sunjog, Karolina; Kolarević, Stoimir; Višnjić-Jeftić, Željka; Subotić, Srđan ; Đorđević Aleksić, Jelena; Lenhardt, Marijana; Vuković-Gačić, Branka | M34 |
8 | 10-Apr-2023 | Assessment of macro-, trace- and toxic elements in Small Indian mongoose, Herpestes auropunctatus (Hodgson, 1836), from Montenegro: potential use for biomonitoring | Radonjić, Marina; Subotić, Srđan ; Višnjić-Jeftić, Željka; Mrdak, Danilo; Ćirović, Duško | M22 |
9 | 6-Feb-2023 | Difference in element accumulation and histopathology of pontic shad (Alosa immaculata) migrants caught in the Danube River in interval of one decade | Višnjić-Jeftić. Ž.; Rašković, B.; Poleksić, V.; Subotić, S. ; Lenhardt, M. | M34 |
10 | 6-Feb-2023 | Growth and length-weight relationship of the pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) from commercial catches in the river Danube near Belgrade | Subotić, S. ; Marković,T.; Krpo-Ćetković, J. | M34 |
11 | 6-Feb-2023 | Comparative evaluation of liver enzymes activities in vimba bream and common nase living under the same ecotoxicological conditions | Jasnić, N. ; Subotić, S. ; Višnjić-Jeftić, Ž.; Lenhardt, M. | M34 |
12 | 6-Feb-2023 | A preliminary study on seasonal changes of fish diversity in commercial catches in the river Danube near Belgrade (1162-1163 rkm) | Subotić, S. ; Zečević, D.; Krpo-Ćetković, J. | M34 |
13 | 2022 | Nivo DNK oštećenja i akumulacije metala u jedinkama Vimba vimba (L., 1758) izloženim neprečišćenim otpadnim vodama u reci Dunav, Srbija | Kostić-Vuković, Jovana; Kolarević, Stoimir ; Sunjog, Karolina; Višnjić-Jeftić, Željka; Subotić, Srđan ; Vuković-Gačić, Branka ; Lenhardt, Mirjana | M64 |
14 | 3-Jul-2021 | Seasonal variations of macro-, micro-, and toxic elements in tissues of vimba bream (Vimba vimba) from the Danube River near Belgrade, Serbia | Subotić, Srđan ; Višnjić-Jeftić, Željka; Bojović, Srđan; Đikanović, Vesna; Krpo-Ćetković, Jasmina ; Lenhardt, Mirjana | M21 |
15 | 3-Jul-2021 | Seasonal variations of macro-, micro-, and toxic elements in tissues of vimba bream (Vimba vimba) from the Danube River near Belgrade, Serbia | Subotić, Srđan ; Višnjić-Jeftić, Željka; Bojović, Srđan; Đikanović, Vesna; Krpo-Ćetković, Jasmina Krpo-Ćetković, J. ; Lenhardt, Mirjana | |
16 | Jun-2021 | Genotoxicity assessment of Danube River: in situ and in vitro methods | Đorđević, Jelena; Kostić-Vuković, Jovana; Sunjog, Karolina; Kolarević, Stoimir; Višnjić-Jeftić, Željka; Subotić, Srđan ; Gačić, Zoran; Lenhardt, Marijana; Vuković-Gačić, Branka | M34 |
17 | Jun-2021 | Growth and Condition of Vimba Bream Vimba vimba ( L., 1758) (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) from Commercial Fisheries in the Danube River near Belgrade, Serbia | Subotić, Srđan ; Višnjić-Jeftić, Željka; Lenhardt, Mirjana; Krpo-Ćetković, Jasmina Krpo-Ćetković, J. | M23 |
18 | 25-Sep-2019 | Erythrocyte morphometry in pontic shad (Alosa immaculata) | Subotić, Srđan ; Višnjić Jeftić, Željka; Lenhardt, Mirjana | |
19 | 25-Sep-2019 | Age-related differences in element concentration in tissues of ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernua) and European perch (Perca fluviatilis), caught in the Danube River near Belgrade | Jovičić, Katarina; Subotić, Srđan ; Višnjić-Jeftić, Željka; Krpo Ćetković, Jasmina ; Hegediš, Aleksandar ; Lenhardt, Mirjana | |
20 | 15-Aug-2019 | Metal Accumulation in Muscle and Liver of the Common Nase (Chondrostoma nasus) and Vimba Bream (Vimba vimba) from the Danube River, Serbia: Bioindicative Aspects | Subotić, Srđan ; Višnjić-Jeftić, Željka; Đikanović, Vesna; Spasić, Slađana; Krpo Ćetković, Jasmina ; Lenhardt, Mirjana | M23 |
21 | 21-May-2019 | Determination of the development stage of erythrocytes in the common nase (Chondrostoma nasus) using different classification methods | Spasić, Slađana; Subotić, Srđan ; Višnjić-Jeftić, Željka; Lendhardt, Mirjana | |
22 | 1-Feb-2019 | Diet of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) on the River Gradac, Serbia: Predation in a brown trout-dominated stream | Krpo Ćetković, Jasmina ; Subotić, Srđan ; Skorić, Stefan; Ćirović, Duško | M21 |
23 | 2019 | Ekologija životinja - praktikum, drugo izdanje. | Krpo Ćetković, Jasmina ; Stamenković, Srđan ; Plećaš, Milan ; Ćetković, Aleksandar ; Bila Dubaić, Jovana ; Subotić, Srđan | |
24 | 2-Jul-2018 | Growth parameters of vimba bream (Vimba vimba) in the Danube River near Belgrade (Serbia) | Subotić, Srđan ; Gavrilović, M; Višnjić-Jeftić, Željka; Krpo Ćetković, Jasmina ; Lenhardt, Mirjana | |
25 | 2-Jul-2018 | Age, growth, and lenght-weight relationship of common nase (Chondrostoma nasus) in the Danube River near Belgrade (Serbia) | Subotić, Srđan ; Višnjić Jeftić, Željka; Krpo Ćetković, Jasmina ; Lendhardt, Mirjana | |