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Title: Antimicrobial Activity of the Freshwater Bryozoan Hyalinella Punctata (Hancock, 1850)
Authors: Pejin, Boris
Glamočlija, Jasmina
Ćirić, Ana
Radotić, Ksenija
Vajs, Vlatka
Tesević, Vele
Hegediš, Aleksandar 
Karaman, Ivo
Horvatović, Mladen
Soković, Marina
Issue Date: 2012
Journal: Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures
The antimicrobial activity of the freshwater bryozoan Hyalinella punctata (Hancock, 1850) was tested by microdilution method against eight bacteria and eight fungi for the first time. All five crude extracts (hexane, acetone, dimethyl sulfoxide, methanol and water) showed good antibacterial and antifungal potential in vitro wherein the acetone extract was the most active (MICs 0.50-7.00 mu g/ml and MBCs 2.50-10.00 mu g/ml).
ISSN: 1842-3582
Appears in Collections:Journal Article

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