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Title: New records of aphid parasitoids (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae) from Turkey
Authors: Tomanović, Željko 
Beyarslan, Ahmet
Çetin Erdoğan, Özlem
Žikić, Vladimir
Issue Date: Dec-2008
Rank: M23
Publisher: Croatian Society of Natural Sciences
Journal: Periodicum Biologorum
Volume: 110
Issue: 4
Start page: 335
End page: 338
Aphid parasitoid, as one of the most important natural enemies of aphid, has been sporadically studied in Turkey. Our findings should contribute to better knowledge of the Turkish and Near East aphidiins fauna. All specimens were collected by sweeping from western and northern Turkey, especially from Marmara and the Black Sea region during the 1989-2004 period. We present new data for Aphidiinae of Turkey and Near East which include eight new species (Toxares deltiger Hal., Aphidius urticae Hal., Ephedrus lacertosus (Hal.), Lipolexis gracilis Först., Monoctonus crepidis (Hal.), Praon abjectum (Hal.), Praon longicorne Marsh., Praon pubescens Starý) and two new genera (Toxares and Lipolexis). We pointed out basal position of T. deltiger within Aphidiinae with emphasis on several plesiomorphous character states, such as braconid type of wing venation, large number of longitudinal placodes on flagellomeres 1 and 2 and short and triangular ovipositor sheath. We presumed the small fovea on median part of mesonotum in T. deltiger as an apomorphic character. Newly recorded species will help estimate their possible role in agroecosystems of targeted areas.
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