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Nikolić, Vera
Nikolic, Vera
Nikolić, V.
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Results 51-75 of 94 (Search time: 0.013 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
512012Indicative status assessment of the Danube River (Iron Gate sector 849 - 1,077 rkm) based on the aquatic macroinvertebratesMarković, Vanja; Atanacković, Ana; Tubić, Bojana; Vasiljević, Božica; Kračun, Margareta; Tomović, Jelena; Nikolić, Vera ; Paunović, Momir
521-Dec-2011Genetic differentiation of European grayling (Thymallus thymallus) populations in Serbia, based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA analysesMarić, Saša ; Razpet, Andrej; Nikolić, Vera ; Simonović, Predrag M21a
535-May-2011Morphological differentiation of trout (subf. Salmoninae) based on characteristics of head skeletonMarić, Saša ; Nikolić, Vera ; Tomović, Ljiljana ; Simonović, Predrag M22
541-Jan-2011Length-weight relationship in adult huchen Hucho hucho (L., 1758) from Drina River, SerbiaSimonović, Predrag D. ; Nikolić, Vera P. ; Tošić, Ana D. ; Marić, Saša P. M23
552011Indicative status assessment of the Velika Morava River based on aquatic macroinvertebratesMarković, Vanja; Atanacković, Ana; Tubić, Bojana; Vasiljević, Božica; Simić, Vladica; Tomović, Jelena; Nikolić, Vera ; Paunović, Momir
561-Jan-2010Amazon Sailfin Catfish Pterygoplichthys Pardalis (Castellnnau, 1855) (Loricariidae, Siluriformes), a New Fish Species Recorded in the Serbian Section of the Danube RiverSimonović, Predrag ; Nikolić, Vera ; Grujić, Slavica 
571-Jan-2009Aquatic macroinvertebrates of the Jablanica River, SerbiaStefanović, K. S; Nikolić, Vera ; Tubić, Bojana P.; Tomović, Jelena; Atanacković, Ana D.; Simić, V. M.; Paunović, M. M.
581-Apr-2008Morphometrics of two morphs of sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus L., in the middle course of the Danube River (Serbia)Ognjanović, Dušan; Nikolić, Vera ; Simonović, Predrag 
591-Jan-2008Qualitative composition of communities of aquatic macroinvertebrates along the course of the Golijska Moravica River (West-Central Serbia)Djikanović, Vesna; Jakovčev-Todorović, Dunja; Nikolić, Vera ; Paunović, M.; Cakić, P.
602008Zoologija vodenih beskičmenjakaPetrov, Brigita; Nikolić, Vera ; Karan-Žnidaršič, Tamara 
611-Jun-2007Trout Salmo spp. complex in Serbia and adjacent regions of the western Balkans: Reconstruction of evolutionary history from external morphologySimonović, Predrag ; Marić, Saša ; Nikolić, Vera M22
621-Mar-2007Re-evaluation of Salmo data by Gridelli (1936) - Description of stocking, hybridization and repopulation in the River Soča basinRazpet, Andrej; Marić, Saša ; Parapot, T.; Nikolić, Vera ; Simonović, Predrag M22
631-Feb-2007Density-dependence of growth characteristics and maturation in stream-dwelling resident brown trout, Salmo trutta, in SerbiaSimonović, Predrag ; Nikolić, Vera 
64Jan-2007First record in Europe of a nematode parasite in Amur sleeper Perccottus glenii Dybowski, 1877 (Perciformes: Odontobutidae)Nikolić, Vera ; Simonović, Predrag ; Karan-Žnidaršič, Tamara 
651-Dec-2006Genetic differentiation of trout (Salmo spp.) populations in Serbia ascertained using RFLP technique on PCR amplified control region of mitochondrial DNAMarić, Saša ; Snoj, Aleš; Nikolić, Vera ; Simonović, Predrag M23
661-Jan-2006Occurrence of paddlefish Polyodon spathula (Walbaum, 1792) in the Serbian part of the lower River DanubeSimonović, Predrag ; Marić, Saša ; Nikolić, Vera M23a
671-Jan-2006Occurrence of Chilodonella hexasticha (Ciliophora, Protista) on farmed rainbow trout (Oncorrtynchus mykiss) throughout the seasonNikolić, Vera ; Simonović, P. D. ; Marić, S. P. M23
682006Aquatic invertebrates of the Ribnica and Lepenica rivers: composition of the community and water qualityJović, Aleksandra; Paunović, Momir; Stojanović, Bojana; Milošević, Snežana; Nikolić, Vera 
692006Records of Amur sleeper Perccottus glenii (Odontobutidae) in Serbia and its recent statusSimonović, Predrag ; Marić, Saša ; Nikolić, Vera M51
70Jan-2005Morphological Differentiation of Salmonines (Subfamily Salmoninae) with Emphasis on Trout Salmo spp. Stocks in Serbia and Adjacent RegionsSimonović, Predrag ; Marić, Saša ; Nikolić, Vera M23a
712005Ostracods (Crustacea): A new host for the Tetrahymena pyriformis complex (Ciliophora)Nikolić, Vera ; Karan Žnidaršič, Tamara 
722005Recent record of the ship sturgeon Acipenser nudiventris in the middle Danube (Serbia)Simonović, Predrag ; Budakov, Ljiljana; Nikolić, Vera ; Marić, Saša M23
232004Conservation status of two eastern Balkan endemic fish species in Serbia and a proposal for their protectionMarić, Saša ; Hegediš, Aleksandar; Nikolić, Vera ; Simonović, Predrag M23a
242004The first record of the Tetrahymena pyriformis complex, Ciliophora, as an endobiont of ostracodsNikolić, Vera ; Karan-Žnidaršič, Tamara 
252004Pilot study on the morphological identity of wild brown trout (Salmo trutta) stocks in the streams of the Danube river basin (Serbia)Marić, Saša ; Nikolić, Vera ; Simonović, Predrag M23