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Full Name
Nikolić, Vera
Nikolic, Vera
Nikolić, V.
Nikolic, V.
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Results 1-9 of 9 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
12022Zoologija beskičmenjaka. Praktikum sa radnom sveskom.Roljić, Rajko; Nikolić, Vera 
22020Zoologija beskičmenjakaNikolić, Vera ; Miličić, Dragana 
31-Jan-2015Ichthyofauna of the River Sava SystemSimonović, Predrag ; Povž, Metka; Piria, Marina; Treer, Tomislav; Adrović, Avdul; Škrijelj, Rifat; Nikolić, Vera ; Simić, Vladica
42010The Danube in Serbia – The Results of National Program of the Second Joint Danube Survey 2007Simonović, Predrag ; Simić, Vladica; Nikolić, Vera ; Marić, Saša M44
52010Influence of invasive alien species to the ecological status of the Danube River and its main tributaries in Serbia after terms of the EU Water Framework DirectiveSimonović, Predrag ; Nikolić, Vera ; Zorić, K.; Tubić, B.
62010Various aspects of water status of the Danube River and its tributaries (the Sava, Tisa and Velika Morava) in Serbia analyzed after the structure of fish communities assessed from the samples taken during the JDS2 expeditionSimonović, Predrag ; Simić, Vladica; Nikolić, Vera ; Marić, Saša M44
72008Zoologija vodenih beskičmenjakaPetrov, Brigita; Nikolić, Vera ; Karan-Žnidaršič, Tamara 
81997Ihtiofauna Vlasinskog jezera - stanje i perspektivaSimonović, Predrag ; Nikolić, Vera 
91997Fauna cilijatnih parazita riba Vlasinskog jezeraNikolić, Vera ; Simonović, Predrag