| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Rank |
201 | 2008 | White adipocytes transdifferentiation into brown adipocytes induced by triiodothyronine | Korać, Aleksandra ; Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Ukropina, Mirela ; Markelić, Milica ; Veličković, Ksenija ; Petrović; Buzadžić, B.; Janković, A.; Vasilijević, A.; Korać, Bato | M33 |
202 | 2008 | Capillary growth in interscapular brown adipose tissue of hyperinsulinaemic rats: an ultrastructural study | Markelić, Milica ; Veličković, Ksenija ; Korać, Aleksandra | M34 |
203 | 2008 | Mitochondriogenesis in brown adipose tissue of hyperinsulinemic rats: an immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study | Veličković, Ksenija ; Markelić, Milica ; Korać, Aleksandra | M34 |
204 | 2008 | Autophagy of mitochondria in brown adipocytes of chemically thyroidectomised rats | Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Korać, Aleksandra ; Ukropina, Mirela | |
205 | 1-Nov-2007 | Beneficial effects of L-arginine-nitric oxide-producing pathway in rats treated with alloxan | Vasilijević, Ana; Buzadžić, Biljana; Korać, Aleksandra ; Petrović, Vesna; Janković, Aleksandra; Korać, Bato | |
206 | 1-Oct-2007 | Interrelationship of antioxidative status, lipid peroxidation, and lipid profile in insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients | Cimbaljević, Branko; Vasilijević, Ana; Cimbaljević, Slavica; Buzadžić, Biljana; Korać, Aleksandra ; Petrović, Vesna; Janković, Aleksandra; Korać, Bato | |
207 | 1-Jul-2007 | Adaptive changes in interscapular brown adipose tissue during reacclimation after cold: The role of redox regulation | Buzadžić, Biljana; Korać, Aleksandra ; Petrović, Vesna; Vasilijević, Ana; Janković, Aleksandra; Korać, Bato | |
208 | 16-Jun-2007 | Kinetic of pituitary ACTH and vasopressin response to environmental stressors – effect of cold and heat | Jasnić, Nebojša ; Korać, Aleksandra ; Đorđević, Jelena ; Cvijić, Gordana | |
209 | 1-May-2007 | The effects of cold acclimation and nitric oxide on antioxidative enzymes in rat pancreas | Vasilijević, A.; Buzadžić, B.; Korać, Aleksandra ; Petrović, V.; Janković, A.; Veličković, Ksenija ; Korać, Bato | |
210 | 2007 | Основи биологије ћелија и ткива – радна свеска | Korać, Aleksandra ; Čakić Milošević, Maja | |
211 | 2007 | Remodeling capacity of retroperitoneal white adipose tissue in hyperthyroid rats | Ukropina, Mirela ; Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Korać, Aleksandra | |
212 | 2007 | Brown adipocytes of sucrose-overfed rats treated with corticosterone: A stereological and ultrastructural study | Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Ukropina, Mirela ; Korać, Aleksandra | |
213 | 2007 | Antioxidative defense alterations in skeletal muscle during prolonged acclimation to cold: Role of L-arginine/NO producing pathway | Buzadžić, B.; Petrović, V.; Korać, Aleksandra ; Vasilijević, A.; Janković, A.; Veličković, Ksenija ; Korać, Bato | |
214 | 2007 | Nitric oxide regulates mitochondrial remodeling in interscapular brown adipose tissue: ultrastructural and stereological studies | Petrović, V.; Korać, Aleksandra ; Buzadžić, B.; Vasilijević, A.; Janković, A.; Veličković, Ksenija ; Korać, Bato | |
215 | 2007 | Metabolic demand and redox alteration regulate CuZn- and Mn-superoxide dismutase activities, protein content and mRNA expressions in rat white adipose tissue | Janković, A.; Buzadžić, B.; Petrović, V.; Korać, Aleksandra ; Vasilijević, A.; Veličković, Ksenija ; Korać, Bato | |
216 | 1-Jan-2006 | Free radical equilibrium in interscapular brown adipose tissue: Relationship between metabolic profile and antioxidative defense | Petrović, Vesna; Buzadžić, Biljana; Korać, Aleksandra ; Vasilijević, Ana; Janković, Aleksandra; Korać, Bato | |
217 | 2006 | Katedra za dinamiku razvića | Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Korać, Aleksandra | |
218 | 2006 | Mitochondrial biogenesis and remodeling in rat retroperitoneal white adipocytes induced by triiodothyronine | Korać, Aleksandra ; Ukropina, Mirela ; Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Davidović, V. | |
219 | 2006 | The leptin and TNF-alpha expression in retroperitoneal and epididymal adipocytes of hypothyroid rats | Korać, Aleksandra ; Ukropina, Mirela ; Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Davidović, V. | |
220 | 2006 | The AT1 and AT2 receptor protein expression and cell localization in children with CAKUT | Stanković, А.; Korać, Aleksandra ; Kostić, М.; Atanacković, Ј.; Stanić, М.; Veličković, Ksenija ; Živković, М.; Krstić, Z.; Alavantić, D. | |
221 | 2006 | Alteration of glucocorticoid receptor subcellular distribution by hyperthermic stress | Čvoro, Aleksandra ; Korać, Aleksandra ; Matić, Gordana | |
222 | 1-Jan-2005 | The effects of L-arginine and L-NAME supplementation on redox-regulation and thermogenesis in interscapular brown adipose tissue | Petrović, Vesna; Korać, Aleksandra ; Buzadžić, Biljana; Korać, Bato | |
223 | 1-Dec-2004 | Intracellular localization of constitutive and inducible heat shock protein 70 in rat liver after in vivo heat stress | Čvoro, Aleksandra ; Korać, Aleksandra ; Matić, Gordana | M23 |
224 | 1-Jan-2004 | Glutathion content, rate of apoptosis, and brown adipose tissue mass in rats exposed to different ambient temperatures | Buzadžić, B.; Korać, Aleksandra ; Petrović, V.; Korać, Bato | |
225 | 1-Jan-2004 | Methimazole-induced hypothyroidism in rats: Effects on body weight and histological characteristics of thyroid gland | Čakić Milošević, Maja ; Korać, Aleksandra ; Davidović, Vukosava | |