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Matić, Gordana
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Results 51-75 of 108 (Search time: 0.015 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
512009Gender-related differences in the effects of antidepressant imipramine on glucocorticoid receptor binding properties and association with heat shock proteins in the rat liver and kidneyElaković, Ivana; Brkljačić, Jelena; Matić, Gordana 
522009Modulation of Glucocorticoid Receptor Function and Expression in Adolescent Moderate AsthmaPerišić, Tatjana; Srećković, Miodrag; Matić, Gordana 
532009Glucocorticoid Receptor in Health and DiseaseDunđerski, Jadranka; Matić, Gordana 
542008Radiation-induced hyposuppression of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis is associated with alterations of hippocampal corticosteroid receptors expressionVeličković, N.; Đorđević, A.; Matić, Gordana ; Horvat, A.
552008Linking Hsp90 function to micro-environmental and stochastic variation in floralorgans of Iris pumila LTucic, Branka; Manitasevic, S.; Vuleta, A.; Matić, Gordana 
562008Possible role of a hydrogen peroxide-mediated mechanism in glucocorticoid receptor functional alterations associated with moderate asthmaPerisic, Tatjana; Sreckovic, M.; Matić, Gordana 
572007Correlation between glucocorticoid receptor binding parameters, blood pressure and body mass index in a healthy human population.Elaković, I.; Perišić, T.; Čanković-Kadijević, M.; Matić, Gordana 
582007An imbalance in antioxidant enzymes and stress proteins in childhood asthmaPerišić, Tatjana; Srećković, Miodrag; Matić, Gordana 
592007Interaction of rat renal glucocorticoid receptor with Hsp90 and Hsp70 upon stress provoked by mercuryBrkljačić, Jelena; Perišić, Tatjana; Dundjerski, Jadranka; Matić, Gordana 
602007Long-term imipramine treatment affects rat brain and pituitary corticosteroid receptors and heat shock proteins levels in a gender-specific mannerElaković, I.; Brkljačić, J.; Matić, Gordana 
612007Seasonal variation in heat shock proteins Hsp70 and Hsp90 expression in an exposed and a shaded habitat of Iris pumilaManitašević, Sanja; Dunđerski, Jadranka; Matić, Gordana ; Tucić, Branka
622007Changes of antioxidant enzyme activity and heat shock protein content in lymphocytes of children with asthmaPerisic, Tatjana; Sreckovic, M.; Matić, Gordana 
632006Mercury influences rat liver tyrosine aminotransferase activity and induction by dexamethasoneDundjerski, Jadranka; Brkljačić, Jelena; Elaković, Ivana; Manitašević, Sanja; Matić, Gordana 
642006Alteration of glucocorticoid receptor subcellular distribution by hyperthermic stressČvoro, Aleksandra ; Korać, Aleksandra ; Matić, Gordana 
652005Biochemical analysis of gliadins of wheat Triticum durumĐukić, N.; Matić, Gordana ; Konjević, R.
661-Dec-2004Intracellular localization of constitutive and inducible heat shock protein 70 in rat liver after in vivo heat stressČvoro, Aleksandra ; Korać, Aleksandra ; Matić, Gordana M23
672004Mercury inhibits rat liver and kidney glucocorticoid receptor hormone binding activityBrkljačić, J.; Vojnović-Milutinović, D.; Dunđerski, J.; Matić, Gordana 
681-May-2003Immunocytochemical study of the glucocorticoid receptor in rat liver nuclei after hyperthermic stressČvoro, Aleksandra ; Korać, Aleksandra ; Matić, Gordana M23
692003Rat liver tyrosine aminotransferase activity and induction by dexamethasone upon cadmium intoxicationDundjerski, J.; Predić, J.; Čvoro, Aleksandra ; Matić, Gordana 
702003The influence of dexamethasone on Hsp70 level and association with glucocorticoid receptor in the liver of unstressed and heat stressed ratsDundjerski, J.; Vidović, S.; Matić, Gordana 
712002Hyperthermic stress stimulates the association of both constitutive and inducible isoforms of 70 kDa heat shock protein with rat liver glucocorticoid receptorČvoro, Aleksandra ; Matić, Gordana 
722001Hyperthermic stress affects the thermal modulation of glucocorticoid receptor affinityŽivadinović, D.; Vidović, S.; Matić, Gordana ; Andjus, R.K.
732001Cadmium affects the redox state of rat liver glucocortcioid receptorElez, D.; Dundjerski, J.; Matić, Gordana 
742000Glucocorticoid receptor interaction with Hsp90 remains unaltered after whole body hyperthermiaČvoro, Aleksandra ; Matić, Gordana 
752000A possible role of metallothionein and heat shock proteins in the glucocorticoid receptor protection against cadmium intoxicationDundjerski, J.; Predić, J.; Kovač, T.; Pavković, N.; Ivanišević, Lj.; Čvoro, Aleksandra ; Matić, Gordana