Browsing by Author Kovačević, Milijana

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 23  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
9-Jun-2018Accumulation of heavy metals by wetland plant species Phragmites australis growing on mine tailings pondsKovačević, M. ; Andrejić, G.; Rakić, T. ; Dželetović, Ž.M34
2019Assessment of the adaptive and phytoremediation potential of Miscanthus×giganteus grown in flotation tailingsAndrejić, Gordana; Šinžar Sekulić, Jasmina ; Prica, Milijana ; Gajić, Gordana; Dželetović, Željko; Rakić, Tamara M23
1-Apr-2019Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in common reed (Phragmites australis) growing spontaneously on highly contaminated mine tailing ponds in Serbia and potential use of this species in phytoremediationPrica, Milijana ; Andrejić, Gordana; Šinžar Sekulić, Jasmina ; Rakić, Tamara ; Dželetović, ŽeljkoM23
2019Biochemical response of Phragmites australis grown on highly contaminated mine tailing pond in Bor, SerbiaPrica, Milijana ; Jovanović, Ž.; Andrejić, G.; Rakić, Tamara ; Dželetović, Ž
Sep-2022Efekti NPK đubriva na distribuciju Zn Miscanthus × giganteus gajenog na odlagalištu flotacione jalovineAndrejić, Gordana; Aleksić, Uroš; Kovačević, Milijana ; Dželetović, Željko; Rakić, Tamara M64
21-Jul-2024The effect of increasing Li concentrations on physiological stress parameters in Miscanthus × giganteus plantsGrdović ,Isidor ; Kovačević, Milijana ; Andrejić, G.; Aleksić, U.; Rakić, Tamara M34
9-Jun-2018Effects of elevated Zn on photosynthesis in Miscanthus × giganteus plantsAndrejić, G.; Kovačević, M. ; Gajić, G.; Dželetović, Ž.; Rakić, T. M34
6-Oct-2022Effects of high metal concentrations on antioxidant enzymes activities in Typha latifolia grown in mine and flotation tailings pondsGrdović ,Isidor ; Kovačević, M. ; Andrejić G.; Dželetović Ž.; Rakić, T. M34
22-Jun-2020Effects of high metal concentrations on antioxidative system in Phragmites australis grown in mine and flotation tailings pondsKovačević, M. ; Jovanović, Ž.; Andrejić, G.; Dželetović, Ž.; Rakić, Tamara M21
3-Oct-2024Effects of lithium chloride on germination, growth, genotoxicity and antioxidant response in Brasicca oleracea var. capitata seedlingsKovačević, Milijana ; Andrejić, G.; Bojović, M.; Grdović ,Isidor ; Rakić, Tamara M34
Oct-2018The effects of nitrogen fertilization on Cu uptake and distribution as well as biomass yield of Miscanthus × giganteus plants frown on flotation mine tailingsAndrejić, Gordana; Rakić, Tamara ; Prica, Milijana ; Dželetović, Željko
Jun-2022Effects of NPK fertilization on absorption of Pb in Miscanthus × giganteus grown on flotation tailingsAndrejić, Gordana; Kovačević, Milijana ; Aleksić, Uroš; Dželetović, Željko; Rakić, Tamara M34
3-Oct-2024Estimation of physiological stress parameters after exposure of Miscanthus x giganteus plants to increasing Li concentrationsGrdović ,Isidor ; Kovačević, Milijana ; Andrejić, G.; Aleksić, U.; Rakić, Tamara M34
2022Fitostabilizacija obodnih površina jalovišta flotacione jalovine rudnika metala sa Phragmites australisDželetović, Željko; Kovačević, Milijana ; Rakić, Tamara ; Andrejić, GordanaM84
2020Fitostabilizacija odlagališta flotacione jalovine rudnika metala zasnivanjem travnog biopokrivača sa miskantusom.Dželetović, Ž.; Andrejić, G.; Rakić, T. ; Simić, A.; Gajić, G.; Kovačević, M. M84
6-Oct-2022Histochemical detection of Cu, Zn, and Pb in Phragmites australis growing in flotation tailings pondsKovačević, M. ; Grdović ,Isidor ; Andrejić, G.; Vukašinović, I.; Dželetović Ž.; Rakić, T. M34
2019Phytoremediation potential and physiological response of Miscanthus x giganteus cultivated on fertilized and non-fertilized flotation tailingsAndrejić, Gordana; Šinžar Sekulić, Jasmina ; Prica, Milijana ; Dželetović, Željko; Rakić, Tamara M22
2023Potentially toxic element accumulation in two Equisetum species spontaneously grown in the flotation tailingsAndrejić, Gordana; Kovačević, Milijana ; Dželetović, Željko; Aleksić, Uroš; Grdović ,Isidor ; Rakić, Tamara M23
2018Stanje plodnosti zemljišta u neposrednoj blizini objekata termoelektrane “Kolubara”Dželetović, Željko; Mihailović, Nevena; Čučulović, Ana; Andrejić, Gordana; Prica, Milijana 
21-Jul-2024Surviving mine tailings: antioxidative enzyme activities in selected plant speciesAleksić, U.; Grdović ,Isidor ; Kovačević, Milijana ; Rakić, Tamara ; Milanović, N.; Andrejić, G.M34